package com.dreammaster.modfixes.oilgen;

import com.dreammaster.main.MainRegistry;
import com.dreammaster.modfixes.ModFixBase;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import eu.usrv.yamcore.YAMCore;
import eu.usrv.yamcore.auxiliary.IntHelper;
import eu.usrv.yamcore.auxiliary.LogHelper;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockGravel;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockLiquid;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockSand;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockStaticLiquid;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.PopulateChunkEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.TerrainGen;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.BlockFluidBase;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidBlock;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

public class OilGeneratorFix extends ModFixBase
  private enum EDEPOSIT_SIZE

  public static class OilConfig
    public boolean OilFixEnabled = false;
    public int OilDepostMinDistance = 2;
    public double OilSphereChance = 30.0D;
    public int OilSphereMinRadius = 8;
    public int OilSphereMaxSize = 15;
    public int OilDepositThresholdLarge = 14;
    public int OilDepositThresholdMedium = 11;
    public int OilFountainSizeSmall = 5;
    public int OilFountainSizeLarge = 16;
    public double OilBiomeBoostFactor = 2.5D;
    public List<Integer> OilDimensionWhitelist = new ArrayList<>();
    public List<Integer> OilBiomeIDBlackList = new ArrayList<>();
    public List<Integer> OilBoostBiomes = new ArrayList<>();

    public OilConfig( Configuration pConfigObject )
      pConfigObject.addCustomCategoryComment( "ModFixes.OilGen", "The OilgenChance is based on height of the biome. On high-y biomes, the basic chance is divided by 2, on low-y biomes like oceans, it is multiplied by 1.8.\nThe multiplier set here for -OilBoostBiomes- Biomes is applied after those multipliers are set." );
      OilFixEnabled = pConfigObject.getBoolean( "GenerateOil", "ModFixes", OilFixEnabled, "Set to true to enable OilSpawn from this Mod. Make sure to disable Oil-Spawn in BuildCraft if you do" );
      OilDepostMinDistance = pConfigObject.getInt( "OilDepostMinDistance", "ModFixes.OilGen", OilDepostMinDistance, 0, 1024, "The minimum distance of 2 Oil-Deposits in chunks. Modulo-Based; A 2 here means an deposit can only spawn in chunks that have a number that is a multiple of 2 (Chunknumber * 16 = X/Z coord)" );
      OilSphereChance = pConfigObject.getFloat( "OilSphereChance", "ModFixes.OilGen", (float) OilSphereChance, 0.0F, 2000F, "General OilGen factor" );
      OilSphereMinRadius = pConfigObject.getInt( "OilSphereMinRadius", "ModFixes.OilGen", OilSphereMinRadius, 0, 20, "The minimum radius of an underground OilSphere" );
      OilSphereMaxSize = pConfigObject.getInt( "OilSphereMaxSize", "ModFixes.OilGen", OilSphereMaxSize, 3, 50, "The maximum radius of an underground OilSphere. The final size is calculated by OilSphereMinRadius + Random(OilSphereMaxSize-OilSphereMinRadius)" );
      OilDepositThresholdMedium = pConfigObject.getInt( "OilDepositThresholdMedium", "ModFixes.OilGen", OilDepositThresholdMedium, 0, 100, "Threshold at which an oil-deposit will be considered as 'medium' and the fountain will be higher and thicker." );
      OilDepositThresholdLarge = pConfigObject.getInt( "OilDepositThresholdLarge", "ModFixes.OilGen", OilDepositThresholdLarge, 0, 100, "Threshold at which an oil-deposit will be considered as 'large' and the fountain will be higher and thicker." );
      OilFountainSizeSmall = pConfigObject.getInt( "OilFountainSizeSmall", "ModFixes.OilGen", OilFountainSizeSmall, 0, 100, "Visible height of the fountain above the oil-deposit for MEDIUM deposits" );
      OilFountainSizeLarge = pConfigObject.getInt( "OilFountainSizeLarge", "ModFixes.OilGen", OilFountainSizeLarge, 0, 100, "Visible height of the fountain above the oil-deposit for LARGE deposits" );
      OilBiomeBoostFactor = pConfigObject.getFloat( "OilBiomeBoostFactor", "ModFixes.OilGen", (float) OilBiomeBoostFactor, 0.0F, 50.0F, "Boost factor of oil spheres in certain Biomes that are listed in -OilBoostBiomes-" );

      OilDimensionWhitelist = parseStringListToIntList( pConfigObject.getStringList( "OilDimensionWhitelist", "ModFixes.OilGen", new String[] { "0" }, "List DimensionIDs (Numbers only; One per line!) here where the OilGenerator should do its work" ) );
      OilBiomeIDBlackList = parseStringListToIntList( pConfigObject.getStringList( "OilBiomeIDBlackList", "ModFixes.OilGen", new String[] {}, "List BiomeIDs (Numbers only; One per line!) where no oil should be generated" ) );
      OilBoostBiomes = parseStringListToIntList( pConfigObject.getStringList( "OilBoostBiomes", "ModFixes.OilGen", new String[] {}, "List BiomeIDs (Numbers only; One per line!) where the boost multiplicator is applied. Leave empty to disable Biome-Boost" ) );


    private List<Integer> parseStringListToIntList( String[] pSource )
      List<Integer> tLst = new ArrayList<>();

      for( String tEntry : pSource )
        if( IntHelper.tryParse( tEntry ) ) {

      return tLst;

  private Block _mBuildCraftOilBlock;
  public static String ModFixName = "OilGeneratorFix";
  private LogHelper _mLog;

  public OilGeneratorFix()
    super( ModFixName );
    _mBuildCraftOilBlock = GameRegistry.findBlock( "BuildCraft|Energy", "blockOil" );
    _mLog = MainRegistry.Logger;

  public boolean getIsActive()
    return _mBuildCraftOilBlock != null;

  public boolean init()
    if( _mBuildCraftOilBlock == null )
      _mLog.error( "Unable to find BuildCraft Oil Block. ModFix will not spawn anything" );
      return false;
    { "Found BC Oil block. Ready for worldgen" );
      return true;

  public boolean needsForgeEventBus()
    return true;

  public boolean needsFMLEventBus()
    return false;

  public void populate( PopulateChunkEvent.Post event )
      if( _mBuildCraftOilBlock == null ) {

      int tMinDist = MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilDepostMinDistance;
      if (tMinDist > 1)
        if (event.chunkX % tMinDist != 0 || event.chunkZ % tMinDist != 0) {
      boolean doGen = TerrainGen.populate( event.chunkProvider,, event.rand, event.chunkX, event.chunkZ, event.hasVillageGenerated, PopulateChunkEvent.Populate.EventType.CUSTOM );

      if( !doGen ) {

      int worldX = event.chunkX << 4;
      int worldZ = event.chunkZ << 4;

      generateOil(, event.rand, worldX + event.rand.nextInt( 16 ), worldZ + event.rand.nextInt( 16 ), false );
    catch( Exception e )

  private void generateOil( World world, Random rand, int xx, int zz, boolean testFirst )
    Vec3 pos = Vec3.createVectorHelper( 0, 0, 0 );
    if( shouldSpawnOil( world, rand, xx, zz, pos ) )
      int x = (int) pos.xCoord;
      int cy = (int) pos.yCoord;
      int z = (int) pos.zCoord;
      int tMinRadius = MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilSphereMinRadius;
      int tMaxRadius = MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilSphereMaxSize;
      int r = rand.nextInt(tMaxRadius + 1 - tMinRadius) + tMinRadius;
      if( testFirst && checkOilPresent( world, x, cy, z, r )) {

      if( YAMCore.isDebug() ) {
"About to generate OilSphere, centered at %d/%d/%d, radius %d", x, cy, z, r));

      // Taken from BuildCraft; Dont' generate if topblock is at y = 5
      // Should already be covered in shouldSpawnOil, but you never know..
      int groundLevel = getTopBlock( world, x, z );
      if( groundLevel < 5 )
        if( YAMCore.isDebug() ) {
            _mLog.warn("OilGenerator stopped; World-height is below 5");

      buildOilStructure( world, rand, x, cy, z, r, groundLevel, _mBuildCraftOilBlock, true );

  public void buildOilStructure( World pWorld, Random pRand, int pSphereX, int pSphereY, int pSphereZ, int pRadius, int pGroundLevel, Block pTargetBlock, boolean pCheckValidLocation )
    // Make sure to not exceed the max-build height of minecraft

    int tSpringHeight = 0;

    if( pRadius >= MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilDepositThresholdLarge )
      tSpringHeight = MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilFountainSizeLarge;
    else if( pRadius >= MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilDepositThresholdMedium )
      tSpringHeight = MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilFountainSizeSmall;
    else {
        eSize = EDEPOSIT_SIZE.SMALL;

    int pMaxHeight = pGroundLevel + tSpringHeight;
    if( pMaxHeight >= pWorld.getActualHeight() - 1 )
      if( YAMCore.isDebug() ) {
          _mLog.warn("The total height of the calculated OilDeposit would exceed the maximum world-size.");

    int r2 = pRadius * pRadius;
    for( int bx = -pRadius; bx <= pRadius; bx++ )
      for( int by = -pRadius + 2; by <= pRadius - 2; by++ )
        for( int bz = -pRadius; bz <= pRadius; bz++ )
          int d2 = bx * bx + by * by * 3 + bz * bz;

          if( d2 <= r2 )
            if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pSphereX - 1, by + pSphereY, bz + pSphereZ ) || !pCheckValidLocation )
              if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pSphereX + 1, by + pSphereY, bz + pSphereZ ) || !pCheckValidLocation )
                if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pSphereX, by + pSphereY - 1, bz + pSphereZ ) || !pCheckValidLocation )
                  if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pSphereX, by + pSphereY, bz + pSphereZ - 1 ) || !pCheckValidLocation )
                    if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pSphereX, by + pSphereY, bz + pSphereZ + 1 ) || !pCheckValidLocation )
                      if( !checkBlockAbove( pWorld, bx + pSphereX, by + pSphereY + 1, bz + pSphereZ ) || !pCheckValidLocation )
                        pWorld.setBlock( bx + pSphereX, by + pSphereY, bz + pSphereZ, pTargetBlock, 0, 2 );

    if( eSize.ordinal() >= EDEPOSIT_SIZE.MEDIUM.ordinal() )
      for( int y = pSphereY + 1; y <= pMaxHeight; y++ )
        pWorld.setBlock( pSphereX, y, pSphereZ, pTargetBlock, 0, 3 );

    if( eSize == EDEPOSIT_SIZE.LARGE )

      for( int y = pSphereY; y <= pMaxHeight - tSpringHeight / 2; y++ )
        pWorld.setBlock( pSphereX + 1, y, pSphereZ, pTargetBlock, 0, 3 );
        pWorld.setBlock( pSphereX - 1, y, pSphereZ, pTargetBlock, 0, 3 );
        pWorld.setBlock( pSphereX, y, pSphereZ + 1, pTargetBlock, 0, 3 );
        pWorld.setBlock( pSphereX, y, pSphereZ - 1, pTargetBlock, 0, 3 );

  private int getTopBlock( World pWorld, int pLocX, int pLocZ )
    Chunk tChunk = pWorld.getChunkFromBlockCoords( pLocX, pLocZ );
    int y = tChunk.getTopFilledSegment() + 15;

    int trimmedX = pLocX & 0xF;
    int trimmedZ = pLocZ & 0xF;
    for( ; y > 0; y-- )
      Block tBlock = tChunk.getBlock( trimmedX, y, trimmedZ );

      if( !tBlock.isAir( pWorld, pLocX, y, pLocZ ) )

        if(tBlock instanceof BlockStaticLiquid)
          return y;

        if(tBlock instanceof BlockFluidBase)
          return y;

        if(tBlock instanceof IFluidBlock)
          return y;

        if( tBlock.getMaterial().blocksMovement() )

          if( !( tBlock instanceof BlockFlower ) )

            return y - 1;
    return -1;

  private boolean checkOilPresent( World pWorld, int pLocX, int pLocY, int pLocZ, int pRadius )
    int r2 = pRadius * pRadius;

    for( int bx = -pRadius; bx <= pRadius; bx++ )
      for( int by = -pRadius + 2; by <= pRadius - 2; by++ )
        for( int bz = -pRadius; bz <= pRadius; bz++ )
          int d2 = bx * bx + by * by * 3 + bz * bz;

          if( d2 <= r2 )
            if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pLocX - 1, by + pLocY, bz + pLocZ ) )
              if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pLocX + 1, by + pLocY, bz + pLocZ ) )
                if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pLocX, by + pLocY - 1, bz + pLocZ ) )
                  if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pLocX, by + pLocY, bz + pLocZ - 1 ) )
                    if( !checkBlock( pWorld, bx + pLocX, by + pLocY, bz + pLocZ + 1 ) )
                      if( !checkBlockAbove( pWorld, bx + pLocX, by + pLocY + 1, bz + pLocZ ) )

                        if( pWorld.getBlock( bx + pLocX, by + pLocY, bz + pLocZ ) == _mBuildCraftOilBlock ) {
                            return true;
    return false;

  // This is supposed to check if the block in question to be replaced is NOT air, and if it's a liquid
  // that it is NOT our BC oil. (The logic in checkOilPresent is inverted)
  private boolean checkBlock( World pWorld, int pLocX, int pLocY, int pLocZ ) {
    Block tBlock = pWorld.getBlock(pLocX, pLocY, pLocZ);
    return tBlock.getMaterial() == Material.air || tBlock instanceof BlockLiquid && tBlock != _mBuildCraftOilBlock;

  // This is supposed to make sure no falling blocks are above the block to be placed,
  // would otherwise cause issues I assume
  private static boolean checkBlockAbove( World pWorld, int pLocX, int pLocY, int pLocZ )
    Block tBlock = pWorld.getBlock( pLocX, pLocY, pLocZ );
    if(tBlock instanceof BlockSand)
      return true;
    if(tBlock instanceof BlockGravel)
      return true;
    return false;

  // Check if given location is valid for spawning oil, and return the actual position in pPos
  private boolean shouldSpawnOil( World pWorld, Random pRand, int pX, int pZ, Vec3 pPos )
    // Limited to Whitelisted Dimensions
    if( !MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilDimensionWhitelist.contains( pWorld.provider.dimensionId ) )
      if( YAMCore.isDebug() ) {
"Not generating OilDeposit; Dimension is not Whitelisted %d", pWorld.provider.dimensionId));
      return false;

    BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = pWorld.getBiomeGenForCoords( pX + 8, pZ + 8 );

    // Skip blacklisted DimensionIDs
    if( MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilBiomeIDBlackList.contains( biomegenbase.biomeID ) )
      if( YAMCore.isDebug() ) {
"Not generating OilDeposit; BiomeID %d is Blacklisted", biomegenbase.biomeID));
      return false;

    pRand.setSeed( pWorld.getSeed() );
    long i1 = pRand.nextInt() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
    long j1 = pRand.nextInt() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
    pRand.setSeed( pX * i1 + pZ * j1 ^ pWorld.getSeed() );

    double randMod = Math.min( 0.2D, 0.0001D * MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilSphereChance );

    if( biomegenbase.rootHeight >= 0.45F )
      randMod /= 2.0D;
    if( biomegenbase.rootHeight < -0.5F )
      randMod *= 1.8D;

    if( MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilBoostBiomes.contains( biomegenbase.biomeID ) ) {
        randMod *= MainRegistry.CoreConfig.OilFixConfig.OilBiomeBoostFactor;

    boolean flag1 = pRand.nextDouble() <= randMod;
    boolean flag2 = pRand.nextDouble() <= randMod;

    if( flag1 || flag2)
      pPos.yCoord = 17 + pRand.nextInt( 10 ) + pRand.nextInt( 5 );
      pPos.xCoord = pX + pRand.nextInt( 16 );
      pPos.zCoord = pZ + pRand.nextInt( 16 );
      return true;
    return false;