 * Pixel Dungeon
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Oleg Dolya
 * Shattered Pixel Dungeon
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Evan Debenham
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
package com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.levels.painters;

import com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.Dungeon;
import com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.items.Generator;
import com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.items.Gold;
import com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.items.Heap;
import com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.items.Item;
import com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.levels.Level;
import com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.levels.Room;
import com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.levels.Terrain;
import com.shatteredpixel.pixeldungeonunleashed.levels.traps.FireTrap;
import com.watabou.utils.Point;
import com.watabou.utils.Random;

public class StandardPainter extends Painter {

	public static void paint( Level level, Room room ) {
		fill( level, room, Terrain.WALL );
		for (Room.Door door : room.connected.values()) {
			door.set( Room.Door.Type.REGULAR );
		if (!Dungeon.bossLevel() && Random.Int( 5 ) == 0) {
			switch (Random.Int( 6 )) {
			case 0:
				if (level.feeling != Level.Feeling.GRASS) {
					if (Math.min( room.width(), room.height() ) >= 4 && Math.max( room.width(), room.height() ) >= 6) {
						paintGraveyard( level, room );
				} else {
					// Burned room
			case 1:
				if (Dungeon.depth > 1) {
					paintBurned( level, room );
			case 2:
				if (Math.max( room.width(), room.height() ) >= 4) {
					paintStriped( level, room );
			case 3:
				if (room.width() >= 6 && room.height() >= 6) {
					paintStudy( level, room );
			case 4:
				if (level.feeling != Level.Feeling.WATER) {
					if (room.connected.size() == 2 && room.width() >= 4 && room.height() >= 4) {
						paintBridge( level, room );
				} else {
					// Fissure
			case 5:
				if (!Dungeon.bossLevel() && !Dungeon.bossLevel( Dungeon.depth + 1 ) &&
					Math.min( room.width(), room.height() ) >= 5) {
					paintFissure( level, room );
		fill( level, room, 1, Terrain.EMPTY );
	private static void paintBurned( Level level, Room room ) {
		for (int i=room.top + 1; i < room.bottom; i++) {
			for (int j=room.left + 1; j < room.right; j++) {
				int cell = i * Level.WIDTH + j;
				int t = Terrain.EMBERS;
				switch (Random.Int( 5 )) {
				case 0:
					t = Terrain.EMPTY;
				case 1:
					t = Terrain.TRAP;
					level.setTrap(new FireTrap().reveal(), cell);
				case 2:
					t = Terrain.SECRET_TRAP;
					level.setTrap(new FireTrap().hide(), cell);
				case 3:
					t = Terrain.INACTIVE_TRAP;
				level.map[cell] = t;
	private static void paintGraveyard( Level level, Room room ) {
		fill( level, room.left + 1, room.top + 1, room.width() - 1, room.height() - 1 , Terrain.GRASS );
		int w = room.width() - 1;
		int h = room.height() - 1;
		int nGraves = Math.max( w, h ) / 2;
		int index = Random.Int( nGraves );
		int shift = Random.Int( 2 );
		for (int i=0; i < nGraves; i++) {
			int pos = w > h ?
				room.left + 1 + shift + i * 2 + (room.top + 2 + Random.Int( h-2 )) * Level.WIDTH :
				(room.left + 2 + Random.Int( w-2 )) + (room.top + 1 + shift + i * 2) * Level.WIDTH;
			level.drop( i == index ? Generator.random() : new Gold().random(), pos ).type = Heap.Type.TOMB;
	private static void paintStriped( Level level, Room room ) {
		fill( level, room.left + 1, room.top + 1, room.width() - 1, room.height() - 1 , Terrain.EMPTY_SP );

		if (room.width() > room.height()) {
			for (int i=room.left + 2; i < room.right; i += 2) {
				fill( level, i, room.top + 1, 1, room.height() - 1, Terrain.HIGH_GRASS );
		} else {
			for (int i=room.top + 2; i < room.bottom; i += 2) {
				fill( level, room.left + 1, i, room.width() - 1, 1, Terrain.HIGH_GRASS );

	//TODO: this is almost a special room type now, consider moving this into its own painter if/when you address room gen significantly.
	private static void paintStudy( Level level, Room room ) {
		fill( level, room.left + 1, room.top + 1, room.width() - 1, room.height() - 1 , Terrain.BOOKSHELF );
		fill( level, room.left + 2, room.top + 2, room.width() - 3, room.height() - 3 , Terrain.EMPTY_SP );

		for (Point door : room.connected.values()) {
			if (door.x == room.left) {
				set( level, door.x + 1, door.y, Terrain.EMPTY );
			} else if (door.x == room.right) {
				set( level, door.x - 1, door.y, Terrain.EMPTY );
			} else if (door.y == room.top) {
				set( level, door.x, door.y + 1, Terrain.EMPTY );
			} else if (door.y == room.bottom) {
				set( level, door.x , door.y - 1, Terrain.EMPTY );
		Point center = room.center();
		set( level, center, Terrain.PEDESTAL );
		if (Random.Int(2) != 0){
			Item prize = level.findPrizeItem();
			if (prize != null) {
				level.drop(prize, (room.center().x + center.y * level.WIDTH));

		level.drop(Generator.random( Random.oneOf(
				Generator.Category.SCROLL)), (room.center().x + center.y * level.WIDTH));
	private static void paintBridge( Level level, Room room ) {
		fill( level, room.left + 1, room.top + 1, room.width() - 1, room.height() - 1 ,
			!Dungeon.bossLevel() && !Dungeon.bossLevel( Dungeon.depth + 1 ) && Random.Int( 3 ) == 0 ?
				Terrain.CHASM :
				Terrain.WATER );
		Point door1 = null;
		Point door2 = null;
		for (Point p : room.connected.values()) {
			if (door1 == null) {
				door1 = p;
			} else {
				door2 = p;
		if ((door1.x == room.left && door2.x == room.right) ||
			(door1.x == room.right && door2.x == room.left)) {
			int s = room.width() / 2;
			drawInside( level, room, door1, s, Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
			drawInside( level, room, door2, s, Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
			fill( level, room.center().x, Math.min( door1.y, door2.y ), 1, Math.abs( door1.y - door2.y ) + 1, Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
		} else
		if ((door1.y == room.top && door2.y == room.bottom) ||
			(door1.y == room.bottom && door2.y == room.top)) {
			int s = room.height() / 2;
			drawInside( level, room, door1, s, Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
			drawInside( level, room, door2, s, Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
			fill( level, Math.min( door1.x, door2.x ), room.center().y, Math.abs( door1.x - door2.x ) + 1, 1, Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
		} else
		if (door1.x == door2.x) {
			fill( level, door1.x == room.left ? room.left + 1 : room.right - 1, Math.min( door1.y, door2.y ), 1, Math.abs( door1.y - door2.y ) + 1, Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
		} else
		if (door1.y == door2.y) {
			fill( level, Math.min( door1.x, door2.x ), door1.y == room.top ? room.top + 1 : room.bottom - 1, Math.abs( door1.x - door2.x ) + 1, 1, Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
		} else
		if (door1.y == room.top || door1.y == room.bottom) {
			drawInside( level, room, door1, Math.abs( door1.y - door2.y ), Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
			drawInside( level, room, door2, Math.abs( door1.x - door2.x ), Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
		} else
		if (door1.x == room.left || door1.x == room.right) {
			drawInside( level, room, door1, Math.abs( door1.x - door2.x ), Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
			drawInside( level, room, door2, Math.abs( door1.y - door2.y ), Terrain.EMPTY_SP );
	private static void paintFissure( Level level, Room room ) {
		fill( level, room.left + 1, room.top + 1, room.width() - 1, room.height() - 1 ,Terrain.EMPTY );
		for (int i=room.top + 2; i < room.bottom - 1; i++) {
			for (int j=room.left + 2; j < room.right - 1; j++) {
				int v = Math.min( i - room.top, room.bottom - i );
				int h = Math.min( j - room.left, room.right - j );
				if (Math.min( v, h ) > 2 || Random.Int( 2 ) == 0) {
					set( level, j, i, Terrain.CHASM );