package org.fxmisc.flowless;

import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;

import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent;

import org.reactfx.EventStreams;
import org.reactfx.Subscription;
import org.reactfx.collection.LiveList;
import org.reactfx.collection.MemoizationList;
import org.reactfx.collection.QuasiListModification;

 * Tracks all of the cells that the viewport can display ({@link #cells}) and which cells the viewport is currently
 * displaying ({@link #presentCells}).
final class CellListManager<T, C extends Cell<T, ? extends Node>> {

    private final Node owner;
    private final CellPool<T, C> cellPool;
    private final MemoizationList<C> cells;
    private final LiveList<C> presentCells;
    private final LiveList<Node> cellNodes;

    private final Subscription presentCellsSubscription;

    public CellListManager(
            Node owner,
            ObservableList<T> items,
            Function<? super T, ? extends C> cellFactory) {
        this.owner = owner;
        this.cellPool = new CellPool<>(cellFactory);
        this.cells =, this::cellForItem).memoize();
        this.presentCells = cells.memoizedItems();
        this.cellNodes =;
        this.presentCellsSubscription = presentCells.observeQuasiModifications(this::presentCellsChanged);

    public void dispose() {
        // return present cells to pool *before* unsubscribing,
        // because stopping to observe memoized items may clear memoized items

    /** Gets the list of nodes that the viewport is displaying */
    public ObservableList<Node> getNodes() {
        return cellNodes;

    public MemoizationList<C> getLazyCellList() {
        return cells;

    public boolean isCellPresent(int itemIndex) {
        return cells.isMemoized(itemIndex);

    public C getPresentCell(int itemIndex) {
        // both getIfMemoized() and get() may throw
        return cells.getIfMemoized(itemIndex).get();

    public Optional<C> getCellIfPresent(int itemIndex) {
        return cells.getIfMemoized(itemIndex); // getIfMemoized() may throw

    public C getCell(int itemIndex) {
        return cells.get(itemIndex);

     * Updates the list of cells to display
     * @param fromItem the index of the first item to display
     * @param toItem the index of the last item to display
    public void cropTo(int fromItem, int toItem) {
        fromItem = Math.max(fromItem, 0);
        toItem = Math.min(toItem, cells.size());
        cells.forget(0, fromItem);
        cells.forget(toItem, cells.size());

    private C cellForItem(T item) {
        C cell = cellPool.getCell(item);

        // apply CSS when the cell is first added to the scene
        Node node = cell.getNode();
                .subscribeForOne(scene -> {

        // Make cell initially invisible.
        // It will be made visible when it is positioned.

        if (cell.isReusable()) {
            // if cell is reused i think adding event handler
            // would cause resource leakage.
        } else {
            node.addEventHandler(ScrollEvent.ANY, this::pushScrollEvent);

        return cell;

     * Push scroll events received by cell nodes directly to
     * the 'owner' Node. (Generally likely to be a VirtualFlow
     * but not required.)
     * Normal bubbling of scroll events gets interrupted during
     * a scroll gesture when the Cell's Node receiving the event
     * has moved out of the viewport and is thus removed from
     * the Navigator's children list. This breaks expected trackpad
     * scrolling behaviour, at least on macOS.
     * So here we take over event-bubbling duties for ScrollEvent
     * and push them ourselves directly to the given owner.
    private void pushScrollEvent(ScrollEvent se) {

    private void presentCellsChanged(QuasiListModification<? extends C> mod) {
        // add removed cells back to the pool
        for(C cell: mod.getRemoved()) {

        // update indices of added cells and cells after the added cells
        for(int i = mod.getFrom(); i < presentCells.size(); ++i) {