 * Copyright 2013-2020 Erudika. https://erudika.com
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * For issues and patches go to: https://github.com/erudika
package com.erudika.scoold.core;

import com.erudika.para.annotations.Stored;
import com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient;
import com.erudika.para.core.Sysprop;
import com.erudika.para.core.User;
import com.erudika.para.utils.Config;
import com.erudika.para.utils.Pager;
import com.erudika.para.utils.Utils;
import com.erudika.scoold.utils.ScooldUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.temporal.IsoFields;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.URL;

public class Profile extends Sysprop {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	@Stored private String originalName;
	@Stored private String originalPicture;
	@Stored private Long lastseen;
	@Stored private String location;
	@Stored private String latlng;
	@Stored private String status;
	@Stored private String aboutme;
	@Stored private String badges;
	@Stored private String groups;
	@Stored private Long upvotes;
	@Stored private Long downvotes;
	@Stored private Long comments;
	@Stored @URL private String picture;
	@Stored @URL private String website;
	@Stored private List<String> favtags;
	@Stored private Set<String> spaces;
	@Stored private Boolean replyEmailsEnabled;
	@Stored private Boolean commentEmailsEnabled;
	@Stored private Boolean favtagsEmailsEnabled;
	@Stored private Boolean anonymityEnabled;
	@Stored private Integer yearlyVotes;
	@Stored private Integer quarterlyVotes;
	@Stored private Integer monthlyVotes;
	@Stored private Integer weeklyVotes;

	private transient String newbadges;
	private transient Integer newreports;
	private transient User user;

	public enum Badge {
		VETERAN(10),		//regular visitor		//NOT IMPLEMENTED

		NICEPROFILE(10),	//100% profile completed
		REPORTER(0),		//for every report
		VOTER(0),			//100 total votes
		COMMENTATOR(0),		//100+ comments
		CRITIC(0),			//10+ downvotes
		SUPPORTER(10),		//50+ upvotes
		EDITOR(0),			//first edit of post
		BACKINTIME(0),		//for each rollback of post
		NOOB(10),			//first question + first approved answer
		ENTHUSIAST(0),		//100+ rep  [//			 ]
		FRESHMAN(0),		//300+ rep	[////		 ]
		SCHOLAR(0),			//500+ rep	[//////		 ]
		TEACHER(0),			//1000+ rep	[////////	 ]
		PROFESSOR(0),		//5000+ rep	[//////////	 ]
		GEEK(0),			//9000+ rep	[////////////]
		GOODQUESTION(10),	//20+ votes
		GOODANSWER(10),		//10+ votes
		EUREKA(0),			//for every answer to own question
		SENIOR(0),			//one year + member
		DISCIPLINED(0);		//each time user deletes own comment

		private final int reward;

		Badge(int reward) {
			this.reward = reward;

		public String toString() {
			return super.toString().toLowerCase();

		public Integer getReward() {
			return this.reward;

	public Profile() {
		this(null, null);

	public Profile(String id) {
		this(id, null);

	public Profile(String userid, String name) {
		this.status = "";
		this.aboutme = "";
		this.location = "";
		this.website = "";
		this.badges = "";
		this.upvotes = 0L;
		this.downvotes = 0L;
		this.comments = 0L;
		this.yearlyVotes = 0;
		this.quarterlyVotes = 0;
		this.monthlyVotes = 0;
		this.weeklyVotes = 0;
		this.anonymityEnabled = false;
		this.favtagsEmailsEnabled = false;
		this.replyEmailsEnabled = Config.getConfigBoolean("reply_emails_enabled", false);
		this.commentEmailsEnabled = Config.getConfigBoolean("comment_emails_enabled", false);

	public static final String id(String userid) {
		if (StringUtils.endsWith(userid, Config.SEPARATOR + "profile")) {
			return userid;
		} else {
			return userid != null ? userid + Config.SEPARATOR + "profile" : null;

	public static Profile fromUser(User u) {
		Profile p = new Profile(u.getId(), u.getName());
				? User.Groups.ADMINS.toString() : u.getGroups());
		// auto-assign spaces to new users
		String space = Config.getConfigParam("auto_assign_spaces", "");
		if (!StringUtils.isBlank(space) && !ScooldUtils.getInstance().isDefaultSpace(space)) {
			Sysprop s = client().read(ScooldUtils.getInstance().getSpaceId(space));
			if (s != null) {
				p.getSpaces().add(s.getId() + Config.SEPARATOR + s.getName());
		return p;

	private static ParaClient client() {
		return ScooldUtils.getInstance().getParaClient();

	public User getUser() {
		if (user == null) {
			user = client().read(getCreatorid() == null
					? StringUtils.removeEnd(getId(), Config.SEPARATOR + "profile") : getCreatorid());
		return user;

	public Integer getYearlyVotes() {
		return yearlyVotes;

	public void setYearlyVotes(Integer yearlyVotes) {
		this.yearlyVotes = yearlyVotes;

	public Integer getQuarterlyVotes() {
		return quarterlyVotes;

	public void setQuarterlyVotes(Integer quarterlyVotes) {
		this.quarterlyVotes = quarterlyVotes;

	public Integer getMonthlyVotes() {
		return monthlyVotes;

	public void setMonthlyVotes(Integer monthlyVotes) {
		this.monthlyVotes = monthlyVotes;

	public Integer getWeeklyVotes() {
		return weeklyVotes;

	public void setWeeklyVotes(Integer weeklyVotes) {
		this.weeklyVotes = weeklyVotes;

	public Boolean getReplyEmailsEnabled() {
		return replyEmailsEnabled;

	public void setReplyEmailsEnabled(Boolean replyEmailsEnabled) {
		this.replyEmailsEnabled = replyEmailsEnabled;

	public Boolean getCommentEmailsEnabled() {
		return commentEmailsEnabled;

	public void setCommentEmailsEnabled(Boolean commentEmailsEnabled) {
		this.commentEmailsEnabled = commentEmailsEnabled;

	public Boolean getFavtagsEmailsEnabled() {
		return favtagsEmailsEnabled;

	public void setFavtagsEmailsEnabled(Boolean favtagsEmailsEnabled) {
		this.favtagsEmailsEnabled = favtagsEmailsEnabled;

	public Boolean getAnonymityEnabled() {
		return anonymityEnabled;

	public void setAnonymityEnabled(Boolean anonymityEnabled) {
		this.anonymityEnabled = anonymityEnabled;

	public String getGroups() {
		return groups;

	public void setGroups(String groups) {
		this.groups = groups;

	public String getPicture() {
		return picture;

	public void setPicture(String picture) {
		this.picture = picture;

	public void setUser(User user) {
		this.user = user;

	public String getLatlng() {
		return latlng;

	public void setLatlng(String latlng) {
		this.latlng = latlng;

	public String getNewbadges() {
		return newbadges;

	public void setNewbadges(String newbadges) {
		this.newbadges = newbadges;

	public List<String> getFavtags() {
		if (favtags == null) {
			favtags = new LinkedList<String>();
		return favtags;

	public void setFavtags(List<String> favtags) {
		this.favtags = favtags;

	public Set<String> getSpaces() {
		if (spaces == null) {
			spaces = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
		return spaces;

	public void setSpaces(Set<String> spaces) {
		this.spaces = spaces;

	public Long getLastseen() {
		return lastseen;

	public void setLastseen(Long val) {
		this.lastseen = val;

	public String getWebsite() {
		return website;

	public void setWebsite(String website) {
		this.website = website;

	public Long getComments() {
		return comments;

	public void setComments(Long comments) {
		this.comments = comments;

	public Long getDownvotes() {
		return downvotes;

	public void setDownvotes(Long downvotes) {
		this.downvotes = downvotes;

	public Long getUpvotes() {
		return upvotes;

	public void setUpvotes(Long upvotes) {
		this.upvotes = upvotes;

	public String getBadges() {
		return badges;

	public void setBadges(String badges) {
		this.badges = badges;

	public String getLocation() {
		return location;

	public void setLocation(String location) {
		this.location = location;

	public String getStatus() {
		return status;

	public void setStatus(String status) {
		this.status = status;

	public String getAboutme() {
		return this.aboutme;

	public void setAboutme(String aboutme) {
		this.aboutme = aboutme;

	public String getOriginalName() {
		return originalName;

	public void setOriginalName(String originalName) {
		this.originalName = originalName;

	public String getOriginalPicture() {
		return originalPicture;

	public void setOriginalPicture(String originalPicture) {
		this.originalPicture = originalPicture;

	public List<Question> getAllQuestions(Pager pager) {
		if (getId() == null) {
			return new ArrayList<Question>();
		return (List<Question>) getPostsForUser(Utils.type(Question.class), pager);

	public List<Reply> getAllAnswers(Pager pager) {
		if (getId() == null) {
			return new ArrayList<Reply>();
		return (List<Reply>) getPostsForUser(Utils.type(Reply.class), pager);

	public List<Question> getAllUnapprovedQuestions(Pager pager) {
		if (getId() == null) {
			return new ArrayList<Question>();
		return (List<Question>) getPostsForUser(Utils.type(UnapprovedQuestion.class), pager);

	public List<Reply> getAllUnapprovedAnswers(Pager pager) {
		if (getId() == null) {
			return new ArrayList<Reply>();
		return (List<Reply>) getPostsForUser(Utils.type(UnapprovedReply.class), pager);

	private List<? extends Post> getPostsForUser(String type, Pager pager) {
		return client().findTerms(type, Collections.singletonMap(Config._CREATORID, getId()), true, pager);

	public String getFavtagsString() {
		if (getFavtags().isEmpty()) {
			return "";
		return StringUtils.join(getFavtags(), ", ");

	public boolean hasFavtags() {
		return !getFavtags().isEmpty();

	public boolean hasSpaces() {
		return !getSpaces().isEmpty();

	public void removeSpace(String space) {
		String sid = ScooldUtils.getInstance().getSpaceId(space);
		Iterator<String> it = getSpaces().iterator();
		while (it.hasNext()) {
			if (it.next().startsWith(sid + Config.SEPARATOR)) {

	public long getTotalVotes() {
		if (upvotes == null) {
			upvotes = 0L;
		if (downvotes == null) {
			downvotes = 0L;

		return upvotes + downvotes;

	public void addRep(int rep) {
		if (getVotes() == null) {
		setVotes(getVotes() + rep);

	public void removeRep(int rep) {
		if (getVotes() == null) {
		setVotes(getVotes() - rep);
		if (getVotes() < 0) {

	public void incrementUpvotes() {
		if (this.upvotes == null) {
			this.upvotes = 1L;
		} else {
			this.upvotes = this.upvotes + 1L;

	public void incrementDownvotes() {
		if (this.downvotes == null) {
			this.downvotes = 1L;
		} else {
			this.downvotes = this.downvotes + 1L;

	private void updateVoteGains(int rep) {
		Long updated = Optional.ofNullable(getUpdated()).orElse(Utils.timestamp());
		LocalDateTime lastUpdate = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(updated), ZoneId.systemDefault());
		LocalDate now = LocalDate.now();
		if (now.getYear() != lastUpdate.getYear()) {
			yearlyVotes = rep;
		} else {
			yearlyVotes += rep;
		if (now.get(IsoFields.QUARTER_OF_YEAR) != lastUpdate.get(IsoFields.QUARTER_OF_YEAR)) {
			quarterlyVotes = rep;
		} else {
			quarterlyVotes += rep;
		if (now.getMonthValue() != lastUpdate.getMonthValue()) {
			monthlyVotes = rep;
		} else {
			monthlyVotes += rep;
		if (now.get(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR) != lastUpdate.get(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR)) {
			weeklyVotes = rep;
		} else {
			weeklyVotes += rep;

	public boolean hasBadge(Badge b) {
		return StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(badges, ",".concat(b.toString()).concat(","));

	public void addBadge(Badge b) {
		String badge = b.toString();
		if (StringUtils.isBlank(badges)) {
			badges = ",";
		badges = badges.concat(badge).concat(",");

	public void addBadges(Badge[] larr) {
		for (Badge badge : larr) {

	public void removeBadge(Badge b) {
		String badge = b.toString();
		if (StringUtils.isBlank(badges)) {
		badge = ",".concat(badge).concat(",");

		if (badges.contains(badge)) {
			badges = badges.replaceFirst(badge, ",");
		if (StringUtils.isBlank(badges.replaceAll(",", ""))) {
			badges = "";

	public HashMap<String, Integer> getBadgesMap() {
		HashMap<String, Integer> badgeMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(0);
		if (StringUtils.isBlank(badges)) {
			return badgeMap;

		for (String badge : badges.split(",")) {
			Integer val = badgeMap.get(badge);
			int count = (val == null) ? 0 : val.intValue();
			badgeMap.put(badge, ++count);

		return badgeMap;

	public boolean isComplete() {
		return (!StringUtils.isBlank(location)
				&& !StringUtils.isBlank(aboutme)
				&& !StringUtils.isBlank(website));

	public String create() {
		return getId();

	public void update() {

	public void delete() {

	public int countNewReports() {
		if (newreports == null) {
			newreports = client().getCount(Utils.type(Report.class),
					Collections.singletonMap("properties.closed", false)).intValue();
		return newreports;

	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
		if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
			return false;
		return Objects.equals(getName(), ((Profile) obj).getName())
				&& Objects.equals(getLocation(), ((Profile) obj).getLocation())
				&& Objects.equals(getId(), ((Profile) obj).getId());

	public int hashCode() {
		return Objects.hashCode(getName()) + Objects.hashCode(getId());