
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;


import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.IEntityAdditionalSpawnData;
import drzhark.mocreatures.MoCTools;
import drzhark.mocreatures.MoCreatures;
import drzhark.mocreatures.entity.MoCEntityMob;
import drzhark.mocreatures.entity.item.MoCEntityThrowableRock;

// trail fx on moving blocks (no!)
// portal like particle on chest (done)
// power texture mask(s) (done) pending to select them / healing? /acquiring? /
// angry? (done)
// yOffset changes depending on leg length (done)
// arms extending when attacking entity from away, it will shoot rocks (done)
// shooting arm cubes (done)
// sound acquiring rocks (done)
// crumbling sound when losing rocks (done)
// drop all stones when dying (including valuable #4) (done)
// sync isAngry server- client (Done)
// cube exploding death (done)
// cubes damaging entities in path (done)
// cubes life shortened, switch to entity block on dead (done)
// avoid moving water, chests, ? blocks (done)
// entityTrock life shortened (done)
// homing Trocks (no!)

public class MoCEntityGolem extends MoCEntityMob implements IEntityAdditionalSpawnData {

    public int tcounter;
    public MoCEntityThrowableRock tempRock;
    private byte golemCubes[];
    private int dCounter = 0;
    private int sCounter;

    //private byte gState;

    public MoCEntityGolem(World world)
        texture = MoCreatures.proxy.MODEL_TEXTURE + "golemt.png";
        setSize(1.5F, 4F);
        health = getMaxHealth();


    public void writeSpawnData(ByteArrayDataOutput data)
        for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++)

    public void readSpawnData(ByteArrayDataInput data)
        for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++)
            golemCubes[i] = data.readByte();

    protected void entityInit()
        //dataWatcher.addObject(22, Byte.valueOf((byte) 0)); // isAngry - 0 false 1 true
        dataWatcher.addObject(23, Byte.valueOf((byte) 0)); // gState - 0 spawned / 1 summoning rocks /2 has enemy /3 half life (harder) /4 dying


    /*public boolean getIsAngry()
        return (dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectByte(22) == 1);

    public void setIsAngry(boolean flag)
        byte input = (byte) (flag ? 1 : 0);
        dataWatcher.updateObject(22, Byte.valueOf(input));

    public int getGolemState()
        return (int) (dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectByte(23));

    public void setGolemState(int b)
        dataWatcher.updateObject(23, Byte.valueOf((byte) b));

    public void onLivingUpdate()

        if (MoCreatures.isServer())
            if (getGolemState() == 0) //just spawned
                EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = worldObj.getClosestPlayerToEntity(this, 8D);
                if (entityplayer1 != null)
                    setGolemState(1); //activated

            if (getGolemState() == 1 && !isMissingCubes())//entityToAttack != null)
                setGolemState(2); //is complete

            if (getGolemState() > 2 && getGolemState() != 4 && entityToAttack == null)

            if (getGolemState() > 1 && entityToAttack != null && rand.nextInt(20) == 0)
                if (health >= 30)
                if (health < 30 && health >= 10)
                    setGolemState(3); //more dangerous
                if (health < 10)
                    setGolemState(4); //dying

            if (getGolemState() != 0 && getGolemState() != 4 && isMissingCubes())

                int freq = 21 - (getGolemState() * worldObj.difficultySetting);
                if (getGolemState() == 1)
                    freq = 10;
                if (rand.nextInt(freq) == 0)

            if (getGolemState() == 4)


                if (dCounter < 80 && rand.nextInt(3) == 0)
                /*if (dCounter > 180)

                if (dCounter == 120)
                    MoCTools.playCustomSound(this, "golemdying", worldObj, 3F);
                    MoCServerPacketHandler.sendAnimationPacket(this.entityId, this.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, 1);


                /*if (dCounter == 190)

                if (dCounter > 140)
                    MoCTools.playCustomSound(this, "golemexplode", worldObj, 3F);

        if (tcounter != 0)
            if (tcounter++ == 50)
                if (MoCreatures.isServer())

            else if (tcounter > 70)
                tcounter = 0;


        /*        if (getGolemState() == 4 && dCounter == 190)

                    MoCTools.DestroyBlast(this, posX, posY + 1.0D, posZ, 2.5F, false);

                    //worldObj.spawnParticle("explode", posX, posY, posZ, rand.nextGaussian(), rand.nextGaussian(), rand.nextGaussian());
        if (MoCreatures.proxy.getParticleFX() > 0 && getGolemState() == 4 && sCounter > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                worldObj.spawnParticle("explode", posX, posY, posZ, rand.nextGaussian(), rand.nextGaussian(), rand.nextGaussian());


    private void destroyGolem()
        List<Integer> usedBlocks = usedCubes();
        if (!usedBlocks.isEmpty())
            for (int i = 0; i < usedBlocks.size(); i++)
                int blockType = generateBlock(golemCubes[usedBlocks.get(i)]);
                EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(worldObj, posX, posY, posZ, new ItemStack(blockType, 1, 0));
                entityitem.delayBeforeCanPickup = 10;

    protected boolean isMovementCeased()
        return getGolemState() == 4;

    protected void acquireRock(int type)
        //finds a missing rock spot in its body

        //looks for a random rock around it
        int[] myRockCoords = new int[] { -9999, -1, -1 };
        myRockCoords = MoCTools.getRandomBlockCoords(this, 24D);
        //System.out.println("Rock X = " + myRockCoords[0] + " Y = " + myRockCoords[1] + " Z = " + myRockCoords[2]);
        if (myRockCoords[0] == -9999) { return; }

        //initializes a Trock there, that will try to follow the golem
        MoCEntityThrowableRock trock = new MoCEntityThrowableRock(this.worldObj, this, myRockCoords[0], myRockCoords[1], myRockCoords[2]);//, false, true);
        trock.setType(worldObj.getBlockId(MathHelper.floor_double(myRockCoords[0]), MathHelper.floor_double(myRockCoords[1]), MathHelper.floor_double(myRockCoords[2])));
        trock.setMetadata(worldObj.getBlockMetadata(MathHelper.floor_double(myRockCoords[0]), MathHelper.floor_double(myRockCoords[1]), MathHelper.floor_double(myRockCoords[2])));
        trock.setBehavior(type);//so the rock: 2 follows the EntityGolem  or 3 - gets around the golem
        //destroys the block that was already there
        if (MoCTools.mobGriefing(worldObj)) worldObj.setBlock(myRockCoords[0], myRockCoords[1], myRockCoords[2], 0, 0, 3);

        //spawns the new TRock


     * When the golem receives the rock, called from within EntityTRock
     * @param ID
     *            = block id
     * @param Metadata
     *            = block Metadata
    public void receiveRock(int ID, int Metadata)
        if (MoCreatures.isServer())
            //System.out.println("Received block of type " + ID + " with metadata = " + Metadata);

            byte myBlock = translateOre(ID);
            //byte slot = (byte) getRandomMissingCube();
            byte slot = (byte) getRandomCubeAdj();
            //System.out.println("the empyt slot found was = " + slot);
            if ((slot != -1) && (slot < 23) && (myBlock != -1) && getGolemState() != 4)
                MoCTools.playCustomSound(this, "golemattach", worldObj, 3F);
                int h = worldObj.difficultySetting;
                health += h;
                if ( > getMaxHealth())
           = getMaxHealth();
                saveGolemCube(slot, myBlock);
                //System.out.println("saving slot " + slot + " value = " + myBlock + MoCreatures.isServer());

                //System.out.println("the golem is a full golem");
                MoCTools.playCustomSound(this, "turtlehurt", worldObj, 2F);
                EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(worldObj, posX, posY, posZ, new ItemStack(ID, 1, Metadata));
                entityitem.delayBeforeCanPickup = 10;
                entityitem.age = 4000;



     * Not used!
    protected void attackWithTRock()
        //TODO add metadata!!

        this.tcounter++;// += 1;
        if (this.tcounter == 5)
            //creates a dummy Trock on top of it
            MoCEntityThrowableRock trock = new MoCEntityThrowableRock(this.worldObj, this, this.posX, this.posY + 2.0D, this.posZ);//, true, false);
            //removes a block from the environment and uses its type for the Trock
            trock.setType(MoCTools.destroyRandomBlock(this, 5D));
            this.tempRock = trock;


        if ((this.tcounter >= 5) && (this.tcounter < 200))
            //maintains position of Trock above head
            this.tempRock.posX = this.posX;
            this.tempRock.posY = (this.posY + 3.0D);
            this.tempRock.posZ = this.posZ;
            //System.out.println("holding the rock " + tcounter);

        if (this.tcounter >= 200)
            //throws a newly spawned Trock and destroys the held Trock
            if (entityToAttack != null)
                ThrowStone(entityToAttack, this.tempRock.getType(), 0);

            this.tcounter = 0;

    protected void attackEntity(Entity entity, float f)

        if ((f > 5.0F) && entity != null && tcounter == 0 && canShoot()) //attackTime <= 0 &&
            //this.throwing = true;
            //System.out.println("server? " + MoCreatures.isServer());
            //tcounter = 1;
            tcounter = 1;
            MoCServerPacketHandler.sendAnimationPacket(this.entityId, this.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, 0);
            //attackTime = 80;
            //attackTime = 100 - (getGolemState() * 20);

        if (this.attackTime <= 0 && (f < 2.5D) && (entity.boundingBox.maxY > boundingBox.minY) && (entity.boundingBox.minY < boundingBox.maxY))
            attackTime = 20;
            entity.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causeMobDamage(this), 10);

    public void performAnimation(int animationType)
        if (animationType == 0) //rock throwing animation
            tcounter = 1;
        if (animationType == 1) //smoking animation
            sCounter = 1;


    private void shootBlock(Entity entity)
        if (entity == null) { return; }
        List<Integer> armBlocks = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        for (int i = 9; i < 15; i++)
            if (golemCubes[i] != 30)
        if (armBlocks.isEmpty()) { return; }

        int j = rand.nextInt(armBlocks.size());
        //System.out.println("randon j = " + j);

        int i = armBlocks.get(j);
        //System.out.println("golem block to ? shoot = " + i);
        int x = i;

        if (i == 9 || i == 12)
            if (golemCubes[i + 2] != 30)
                x = i + 2;
            else if (golemCubes[i + 1] != 30)
                x = i + 1;

        if (i == 10 || i == 13)
            if (golemCubes[i + 1] != 30)
                x = i + 1;

        MoCTools.playCustomSound(this, "golemshoot", worldObj, 3F);
        ThrowStone(entity, generateBlock(golemCubes[x]), 0);
        saveGolemCube((byte) x, (byte) 30);
        tcounter = 0;


    private boolean canShoot()
        int x = 0;
        for (byte i = 9; i < 15; i++)
            if (golemCubes[i] != 30)
        return (x != 0) && getGolemState() != 4 && getGolemState() != 1;

    protected Entity findPlayerToAttack()
        EntityPlayer var1 = this.worldObj.getClosestVulnerablePlayerToEntity(this, 16.0D);
        return var1 != null && this.canEntityBeSeen(var1) ? var1 : null;

    public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource damagesource, int i)
        if (getGolemState() == 4) { return false; }

        List missingChestBlocks = missingChestCubes();
        boolean uncoveredChest = (missingChestBlocks.size() == 4);
        if (!openChest() && !uncoveredChest && getGolemState() != 1)//!missingChestBlocks.isEmpty())// 
            //System.out.println("receiving attack, isServer? " + MoCreatures.isServer());
            int j = worldObj.difficultySetting;
            if (MoCreatures.isServer() && rand.nextInt(j) == 0)
                MoCTools.playCustomSound(this, "turtlehurt", worldObj, 2F);

            Entity entity = damagesource.getEntity();
            if ((entity != this) && (worldObj.difficultySetting > 0))
                entityToAttack = entity;
            return true;
        if (i > 5)
            i = 5; //so you can't hit a Golem too hard
        if (getGolemState() != 1 && super.attackEntityFrom(damagesource, i))
            Entity entity = damagesource.getEntity();
            if ((entity != this) && (worldObj.difficultySetting > 0))
                entityToAttack = entity;
            return true;
        if (getGolemState() == 1)
            Entity entity = damagesource.getEntity();
            if ((entity != this) && (worldObj.difficultySetting > 0))
                entityToAttack = entity;
            return true;
            return false;

     * Destroys a random cube, with the proper check for extremities and spawns
     * a block in world
    private void destroyRandomGolemCube()
        int i = getRandomUsedCube();
        if (i == 4) { return;
        //do not destroy the valueable back cube

        int x = i;
        if (i == 10 || i == 13 || i == 16 || i == 19)
            if (golemCubes[i + 1] != 30)
                x = i + 1;


        if (i == 9 || i == 12 || i == 15 || i == 18)
            if (golemCubes[i + 2] != 30)
                x = i + 2;
            else if (golemCubes[i + 1] != 30)
                x = i + 1;

        if (x != -1 && golemCubes[x] != 30)

            int blockType = generateBlock(golemCubes[x]);
            saveGolemCube((byte) x, (byte) 30);
            MoCTools.playCustomSound(this, "golemhurt", worldObj, 3F);
            EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(worldObj, posX, posY, posZ, new ItemStack(blockType, 1, 0));
            entityitem.delayBeforeCanPickup = 10;

    public float getAdjustedYOffset()
        if (golemCubes[17] != 30 || golemCubes[20] != 30)
            //has feet
            return 0F;
        if (golemCubes[16] != 30 || golemCubes[19] != 30)
            //has knees but not feet
            return 0.4F;
        if (golemCubes[15] != 30 || golemCubes[18] != 30)
            //has thighs but not knees or feet
            return 0.7F;


        if (golemCubes[1] != 30 || golemCubes[3] != 30)
            //has lower chest
            return 0.8F;

        //missing everything
        return 1.45F;

     * Stretches the model to that size
    public float getSizeFactor()
        return 1.8F;

     * Throws stone at entity
     * @param targetEntity
     * @param rocktype
     * @param metadata
    protected void ThrowStone(Entity targetEntity, int rocktype, int metadata)
        ThrowStone((int) targetEntity.posX, (int) targetEntity.posY, (int) targetEntity.posZ, rocktype, metadata);
        /*MoCEntityThrowableRock etrock = new MoCEntityThrowableRock(this.worldObj, this, this.posX, this.posY + 3.0D, this.posZ);//, false, false);

        etrock.motionX = ((targetEntity.posX - this.posX) / 20.0D);
        etrock.motionY = ((targetEntity.posY - this.posY) / 20.0D + 0.5D);
        etrock.motionZ = ((targetEntity.posZ - this.posZ) / 20.0D);*/

     * Throws stone at X,Y,Z coordinates
     * @param X
     * @param Y
     * @param Z
     * @param rocktype
     * @param metadata
    protected void ThrowStone(int X, int Y, int Z, int rocktype, int metadata)
        MoCEntityThrowableRock etrock = new MoCEntityThrowableRock(this.worldObj, this, this.posX, this.posY + 3.0D, this.posZ);//, false, false);
        etrock.motionX = ((X - this.posX) / 20.0D);
        etrock.motionY = ((Y - this.posY) / 20.0D + 0.5D);
        etrock.motionZ = ((Z - this.posZ) / 20.0D);

     * @param i
     *            = slot
     * @return the block type stored in that slot. 30 = empty
    public byte getBlockText(int i)
        return golemCubes[i];

    public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
        nbttagcompound.setInteger("golemState", getGolemState());
        NBTTagList cubeLists = new NBTTagList();

        for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++)
            NBTTagCompound nbttag = new NBTTagCompound();
            nbttag.setByte("Slot", this.golemCubes[i]);
        nbttagcompound.setTag("GolemBlocks", cubeLists);

    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
        NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound.getTagList("GolemBlocks");
        for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++)
            NBTTagCompound var4 = (NBTTagCompound) nbttaglist.tagAt(i);
            this.golemCubes[i] = var4.getByte("Slot");


     * Initializes the goleCubes array
    private void initGolemCubes()
        golemCubes = new byte[23];

        for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++)
            golemCubes[i] = 30;

        int j = rand.nextInt(4);
        switch (j)
        case 0:
            j = 7;
        case 1:
            j = 11;
        case 2:
            j = 15;
        case 3:
            j = 21;

        saveGolemCube((byte) 4, (byte) j);


     * Saves the type of Cube(value) on the given 'slot' if server, then sends a
     * packet to the clients
     * @param slot
     * @param value
    public void saveGolemCube(byte slot, byte value)
        golemCubes[slot] = value;
        if (MoCreatures.isServer())
            MoCServerPacketHandler.sendTwoBytes(this.entityId, this.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, slot, value);
            //System.out.println("sending packet slot " + slot + ", value = " + value);


     * returns a list of the empty blocks
     * @return
    private List missingCubes()
        List<Integer> emptyBlocks = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++)
            if (golemCubes[i] == 30)
        return emptyBlocks;

     * Returns true if is 'missing' any cube, false if it's full
     * @return
    public boolean isMissingCubes()
        for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++)
            if (golemCubes[i] == 30) { return true; }
        return false;

    private List missingChestCubes()
        List<Integer> emptyChestBlocks = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (golemCubes[i] == 30)


        return emptyChestBlocks;

     * returns a list of the used block spots
     * @return
    private List usedCubes()
        List<Integer> usedBlocks = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++)
            if (golemCubes[i] != 30)
        return usedBlocks;

     * Returns a random used cube position if the golem is empty, returns -1
     * @return
    private int getRandomUsedCube()
        List<Integer> usedBlocks = usedCubes();
        if (usedBlocks.isEmpty()) { return -1; }
        int randomEmptyBlock = rand.nextInt(usedBlocks.size());
        return usedBlocks.get(randomEmptyBlock);

     * Returns a random empty cube position if the golem is full, returns -1
     * @return
    private int getRandomMissingCube()
        //first it makes sure it has the four chest cubes
        List<Integer> emptyChestBlocks = missingChestCubes();
        if (!emptyChestBlocks.isEmpty())
            //System.out.println("missing chest cubes");
            int randomEmptyBlock = rand.nextInt(emptyChestBlocks.size());
            return emptyChestBlocks.get(randomEmptyBlock);

        //otherwise returns any other cube
        List<Integer> emptyBlocks = missingCubes();
        if (emptyBlocks.isEmpty())
            //System.out.println("couldn't find empty spaces");
            return -1;
        int randomEmptyBlock = rand.nextInt(emptyBlocks.size());
        return emptyBlocks.get(randomEmptyBlock);

     * returns the position of the cube to be added, contains logic for the
     * extremities
     * @return
    private int getRandomCubeAdj()
        int i = getRandomMissingCube();

        if (i == 10 || i == 13 || i == 16 || i == 19)
            if (golemCubes[i - 1] == 30)
                return i - 1;
                saveGolemCube((byte) i, golemCubes[i - 1]);
                return i - 1;

        if (i == 11 || i == 14 || i == 17 || i == 20)
            if (golemCubes[i - 2] == 30 && golemCubes[i - 1] == 30) { return i - 2; }
            if (golemCubes[i - 1] == 30)
                saveGolemCube((byte) (i - 1), golemCubes[i - 2]);
                return i - 2;
                saveGolemCube((byte) i, golemCubes[i - 1]);
                saveGolemCube((byte) (i - 1), golemCubes[i - 2]);
                return i - 2;
        return i;

    public int tiltOffset()
        int leftLeg = 0;
        int rightLeg = 0;
        if (golemCubes[15] != 30)
        if (golemCubes[16] != 30)
        if (golemCubes[17] != 30)
        if (golemCubes[18] != 30)
        if (golemCubes[19] != 30)
        if (golemCubes[20] != 30)
        return leftLeg - rightLeg;

     * The chest opens when the Golem is missing cubes and the summoned blocks
     * are close
     * @return
    public boolean openChest()
        if (isMissingCubes())
            List list = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(this, boundingBox.expand(2D, 2D, 2D));

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
                Entity entity1 = (Entity) list.get(i);
                if (entity1 instanceof MoCEntityThrowableRock)
                    if (MoCreatures.proxy.getParticleFX() > 0)
                    return true;
            //isOpenChest = false;
        return false;

        //return isOpenChest;

     * Converts the world block into the golem block texture if not found,
     * returns -1
     * @param blockType
     * @return
    private byte translateOre(int blockType)
        switch (blockType)
        case 1:
            return 0;

        case 18:
            return 10; //leaves

        case 2:
        case 3:
            return 1; //dirt, grass

        case 4:
        case 48:
            return 2; //cobblestones

        case 5:
            return 3;

        case 12:
            return 4;

        case 13:
            return 5;

        case 16:
        case 21:
        case 56:
        case 74:
        case 73:
            return 24; //all ores are transformed into diamond ore

        case 14:
        case 41:
            return 7; //ore gold and block gold = block gold

        case 15:
        case 42:
            return 11;//iron ore and blocks = block iron

        case 57:
            return 15; //block diamond

        case 17:
            return 6; //wood

        case 20:
            return 8;

        case 22:
        case 35: //lapis and cloths
            return 9;

        case 45:
            return 12; //brick

        case 49:
            return 14; //obsidian

        case 58:
            return 16; //workbench

        case 61:
        case 62:
            return 17; //stonebench

        case 78:
        case 79:
            return 18; //ice

        case 81:
            return 19; //cactus

        case 82:
            return 20; //clay

        case 86:
        case 91:
        case 103:
            return 22; //pumpkin pumpkin lantern melon

        case 87:
            return 23; //netherrack

        case 89:
            return 25; //glowstone

        case 98:
            return 26; //stonebrick

        case 112:
            return 27; //netherbrick

        case 129:
        case 133:
            return 21; //emeralds

            return -1;

     * Provides the blockID originated from the golem's block
     * @param golemBlock
     * @return
    private int generateBlock(int golemBlock)
        switch (golemBlock)
        case 0:
            return 1;
        case 1:
            return 3;
        case 2:
            return 4;
        case 3:
            return 5;
        case 4:
            return 12;
        case 5:
            return 13;
        case 6:
            return 17;
        case 7:
            return 41;
        case 8:
            return 20;
        case 9:
            return 35;
        case 10:
            return 18;
        case 11:
            return 42;
        case 12:
            return 45;
        case 13: //unused
            return 2;
        case 14:
            return 49;
        case 15:
            return 57;
        case 16:
            return 58;
        case 17:
            return 51;
        case 18:
            return 79;
        case 19:
            return 81;
        case 20:
            return 82;
        case 21:
            return 133;
        case 22:
            return 86;
        case 23:
            return 87;
        case 24:
            return 56;
        case 25:
            return 89;
        case 26:
            return 98;
        case 27:
            return 112;
            return 2;

    public float getMoveSpeed()
        //System.out.println("movespeed = 0.5 * " + countLegBlocks() / 6 + "% =" + 0.5F * (countLegBlocks() / 6F));
        return 0.4F * (countLegBlocks() / 6F);
        //return 0.2F;

    private int countLegBlocks()
        int x = 0;
        for (byte i = 15; i < 21; i++)
            if (golemCubes[i] != 30)
        return x;

     * Used for the power texture used on the golem
     * @return
    public String getEffectTexture()
        switch (getGolemState())
        case 1:
            return MoCreatures.proxy.MODEL_TEXTURE + "golemeffect1.png";
        case 2:
            return MoCreatures.proxy.MODEL_TEXTURE + "golemeffect2.png";
        case 3:
            return MoCreatures.proxy.MODEL_TEXTURE + "golemeffect3.png";
        case 4:
            return MoCreatures.proxy.MODEL_TEXTURE + "golemeffect4.png";
            return null;

     * Used for the particle FX
     * @param i
     * @return
    public float colorFX(int i)
        switch (getGolemState())
        case 1:
            if (i == 1) { return 65F / 255F; }
            if (i == 2) { return 157F / 255F; }
            if (i == 3) { return 254F / 255F; }
        case 2:
            if (i == 1) { return 244F / 255F; }
            if (i == 2) { return 248F / 255F; }
            if (i == 3) { return 36F / 255F; }
        case 3:
            if (i == 1) { return 255F / 255F; }
            if (i == 2) { return 154F / 255F; }
            if (i == 3) { return 21F / 255F; }
        case 4:
            if (i == 1) { return 248F / 255F; }
            if (i == 2) { return 10F / 255F; }
            if (i == 3) { return 10F / 255F; }


        return 0;

     * Plays step sound at given x, y, z for the entity
    protected void playStepSound(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4)
        this.playSound("golemwalk", 1.0F, 1.0F);

    protected String getDeathSound()
        return null;
        //return "golemdying";

    protected int getDropItemId()
        return MoCreatures.fur.itemID;
    protected String getHurtSound()
        //return null;
        return "golemgrunt";

    protected String getLivingSound()
        return null;//return "golemgrunt";

    public int getMaxHealth()
        return 50;

    public boolean renderName()
        return getGolemState() > 0;

    public byte nameYOffset()

        return (byte) (-136);//- getAdjustedYOffset());

    public boolean getCanSpawnHere()
        return (MoCreatures.proxy.getFrequency(this.getEntityName()) > 0) && worldObj.canBlockSeeTheSky(MathHelper.floor_double(posX), MathHelper.floor_double(posY), MathHelper.floor_double(posZ)) && (posY > 50D) && super.getCanSpawnHere();

    public int getMaxSpawnedInChunk()
        return 1;
