package com.timgroup.statsd;

import com.timgroup.statsd.Message;

import jnr.unixsocket.UnixDatagramChannel;
import jnr.unixsocket.UnixSocketAddress;
import jnr.unixsocket.UnixSocketOptions;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * A simple StatsD client implementation facilitating metrics recording.
 * <p>Upon instantiation, this client will establish a socket connection to a StatsD instance
 * running on the specified host and port. Metrics are then sent over this connection as they are
 * received by the client.
 * </p>
 * <p>Three key methods are provided for the submission of data-points for the application under
 * scrutiny:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link #incrementCounter} - adds one to the value of the specified named counter</li>
 *   <li>{@link #recordGaugeValue} - records the latest fixed value for the specified named gauge</li>
 *   <li>{@link #recordExecutionTime} - records an execution time in milliseconds for the specified named operation</li>
 *   <li>{@link #recordHistogramValue} - records a value, to be tracked with average, maximum, and percentiles</li>
 *   <li>{@link #recordEvent} - records an event</li>
 *   <li>{@link #recordSetValue} - records a value in a set</li>
 * </ul>
 * From the perspective of the application, these methods are non-blocking, with the resulting
 * IO operations being carried out in a separate thread. Furthermore, these methods are guaranteed
 * not to throw an exception which may disrupt application execution.
 * <p>As part of a clean system shutdown, the {@link #stop()} method should be invoked
 * on any StatsD clients.</p>
 * @author Tom Denley
public class NonBlockingStatsDClient implements StatsDClient {

    static final String DD_AGENT_HOST_ENV_VAR = "DD_AGENT_HOST";
    static final String DD_ENTITY_ID_ENV_VAR = "DD_ENTITY_ID";
    private static final String ENTITY_ID_TAG_NAME = "dd.internal.entity_id" ;

    enum Literal {
        private static final String PREFIX = "dd";
        String envName() {
            return (PREFIX + "_" + toString()).toUpperCase();

        String envVal() {
            return System.getenv(envName());

        String tag() {
            return toString().toLowerCase();

    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES = 1400;
    public static final int DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE = 4096;
    public static final int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 512;
    public static final int DEFAULT_PROCESSOR_WORKERS = 1;
    public static final int DEFAULT_SENDER_WORKERS = 1;
    public static final int DEFAULT_DOGSTATSD_PORT = 8125;
    public static final int SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS = 100;
    public static final int SOCKET_BUFFER_BYTES = -1;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_TELEMETRY = true;

    public static final String CLIENT_TAG = "client:java";
    public static final String CLIENT_VERSION_TAG = "client_version:";
    public static final String CLIENT_TRANSPORT_TAG = "client_transport:";

    private static final StatsDClientErrorHandler NO_OP_HANDLER = new StatsDClientErrorHandler() {
        @Override public void handle(final Exception ex) { /* No-op */ }

     * The NumberFormat instances are not threadsafe and thus defined as ThreadLocal
     * for safety.
    private static final ThreadLocal<NumberFormat> NUMBER_FORMATTER = new ThreadLocal<NumberFormat>() {
        protected NumberFormat initialValue() {
            return newFormatter(false);
    private static final ThreadLocal<NumberFormat> SAMPLE_RATE_FORMATTER = new ThreadLocal<NumberFormat>() {
        protected NumberFormat initialValue() {
            return newFormatter(true);

    static {

    private static NumberFormat newFormatter(boolean sampler) {
        // Always create the formatter for the US locale in order to avoid this bug:
        NumberFormat numberFormatter = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);

        // we need to specify a value for Double.NaN that is recognized by dogStatsD
        if (numberFormatter instanceof DecimalFormat) { // better safe than a runtime error
            final DecimalFormat decimalFormat = (DecimalFormat) numberFormatter;
            final DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = decimalFormat.getDecimalFormatSymbols();

        if (sampler) {
        } else {

        return numberFormatter;

    private static String format(ThreadLocal<NumberFormat> formatter, double value) {
        return formatter.get().format(value);

    private final String prefix;
    private final DatagramChannel clientChannel;
    private final StatsDClientErrorHandler handler;
    private final String constantTagsRendered;

    private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4, new ThreadFactory() {
        final ThreadFactory delegate = Executors.defaultThreadFactory();
        @Override public Thread newThread(final Runnable runnable) {
            final Thread result = delegate.newThread(runnable);
            result.setName("StatsD-" + result.getName());
            return result;

    // Typically the telemetry and regular processors will be the same,
    // but a separate destination for telemetry is supported.
    protected final StatsDProcessor statsDProcessor;
    protected StatsDProcessor telemetryStatsDProcessor;
    protected final StatsDSender statsDSender;
    protected StatsDSender telemetryStatsDSender;
    protected final Telemetry telemetry;

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @param addressLookup
     *     yields the IP address and socket of the StatsD server
     * @param telemetryAddressLookup
     *     yields the IP address and socket of the StatsD telemetry server destination
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the Queue.
     * @param timeout
     *     the timeout in milliseconds for blocking operations. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @param bufferSize
     *     the socket buffer size in bytes. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @param maxPacketSizeBytes
     *     the maximum number of bytes for a message that can be sent
     * @param entityID
     *     the entity id value used with an internal tag for tracking client entity.
     *     If "entityID=null" the client default the value with the environment variable "DD_ENTITY_ID".
     *     If the environment variable is not defined, the internal tag is not added.
     * @param poolSize
     *     The size for the network buffer pool.
     * @param processorWorkers
     *     The number of processor worker threads assembling buffers for submission.
     * @param senderWorkers
     *     The number of sender worker threads submitting buffers to the socket.
     * @param blocking
     *     Blocking or non-blocking implementation for statsd message queue.
     * @param enableTelemetry
     *     Boolean to enable client telemetry.
     * @param telemetryFlushInterval
     *     Telemetry flush interval integer, in milliseconds.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final int queueSize, String[] constantTags,
            final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler, Callable<SocketAddress> addressLookup,
            Callable<SocketAddress> telemetryAddressLookup, final int timeout, final int bufferSize,
            final int maxPacketSizeBytes, String entityID, final int poolSize, final int processorWorkers,
            final int senderWorkers, boolean blocking, final boolean enableTelemetry,
            final int telemetryFlushInterval)
            throws StatsDClientException {
        if ((prefix != null) && (!prefix.isEmpty())) {
            this.prefix = prefix + ".";
        } else {
            this.prefix = "";
        if (errorHandler == null) {
            handler = NO_OP_HANDLER;
        } else {
            handler = errorHandler;

            List<String> costantPreTags = new ArrayList<>();
            if (constantTags != null) {
                for (final String constantTag : constantTags) {
            // Support "dd.internal.entity_id" internal tag.
            updateTagsWithEntityID(costantPreTags, entityID);
            for (final Literal literal : Literal.values()) {
                final String envVal = literal.envVal();
                if (envVal != null && !envVal.trim().isEmpty()) {
                    costantPreTags.add(literal.tag() + ":" + envVal);
            if (costantPreTags.isEmpty()) {
                constantTagsRendered = null;
            } else {
                constantTagsRendered = tagString(
                        costantPreTags.toArray(new String[costantPreTags.size()]), null, new StringBuilder()).toString();
            costantPreTags = null;

        String transportType = "";
        try {
            final SocketAddress address =;
            if (address instanceof UnixSocketAddress) {
                clientChannel =;
                // Set send timeout, to handle the case where the transmission buffer is full
                // If no timeout is set, the send becomes blocking
                if (timeout > 0) {
                    clientChannel.setOption(UnixSocketOptions.SO_SNDTIMEO, timeout);
                if (bufferSize > 0) {
                    clientChannel.setOption(UnixSocketOptions.SO_SNDBUF, bufferSize);
                transportType = "uds";
            } else {
                clientChannel =;
                transportType = "udp";

            statsDProcessor = createProcessor(queueSize, handler, maxPacketSizeBytes, poolSize, processorWorkers, blocking);
            telemetryStatsDProcessor = statsDProcessor;

            Properties properties = new Properties();

            String telemetrytags = tagString(new String[]{CLIENT_TRANSPORT_TAG + transportType,
                                                          CLIENT_VERSION_TAG + properties.getProperty("dogstatsd_client_version"),
                                                          CLIENT_TAG}, new StringBuilder()).toString();

            DatagramChannel telemetryClientChannel = clientChannel;
            if (addressLookup != telemetryAddressLookup) {

                final SocketAddress telemetryAddress =;
                if (telemetryAddress instanceof UnixSocketAddress) {
                    telemetryClientChannel =;
                    // Set send timeout, to handle the case where the transmission buffer is full
                    // If no timeout is set, the send becomes blocking
                    if (timeout > 0) {
                        telemetryClientChannel.setOption(UnixSocketOptions.SO_SNDTIMEO, timeout);
                    if (bufferSize > 0) {
                        telemetryClientChannel.setOption(UnixSocketOptions.SO_SNDBUF, bufferSize);
                } else if (transportType == "uds") {
                    // UDP clientChannel can submit to multiple addresses, we only need
                    // a new channel if transport type is UDS for main traffic.
                    telemetryClientChannel =;

                // similar settings, but a single worker and non-blocking.
                telemetryStatsDProcessor = createProcessor(queueSize, handler, maxPacketSizeBytes,
                        poolSize, 1, false);

            this.telemetry = new Telemetry(telemetrytags, telemetryStatsDProcessor);

            statsDSender = createSender(addressLookup, handler, clientChannel, statsDProcessor.getBufferPool(),
                    statsDProcessor.getOutboundQueue(), senderWorkers, this.telemetry);

            telemetryStatsDSender = statsDSender;
            if (telemetryStatsDProcessor != statsDProcessor) {
                // TODO: figure out why the hell telemetryClientChannel does not work here!
                telemetryStatsDSender = createSender(telemetryAddressLookup, handler, telemetryClientChannel,
                        telemetryStatsDProcessor.getBufferPool(), telemetryStatsDProcessor.getOutboundQueue(),
                        1, this.telemetry);


        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new StatsDClientException("Failed to start StatsD client", e);


        if (enableTelemetry) {
            if (telemetryStatsDProcessor != statsDProcessor) {


     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port.
     * This is a shallow copy constructor meant to be used internally only.
     * @param client
     *    source object to copy
    private NonBlockingStatsDClient(NonBlockingStatsDClient client)
            throws StatsDClientException {

        prefix = client.prefix;
        handler = client.handler;
        constantTagsRendered = client.constantTagsRendered;
        clientChannel = client.clientChannel;
        try {
            statsDProcessor = createProcessor(client.statsDProcessor);
            statsDSender = new StatsDSender(
                    client.statsDSender, statsDProcessor.getBufferPool(), statsDProcessor.getOutboundQueue());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new StatsDClientException("Failed to instantiate StatsD client copy", e);

        telemetry = new Telemetry(client.telemetry.getTags(), statsDProcessor);


     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance. It
     * uses Environment variables ("DD_AGENT_HOST" and "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT")
     * in order to configure the communication with a StatsD instance.
     * All messages send via this client will have their keys prefixed with
     * the specified string. The new client will attempt to open a connection
     * to the StatsD server immediately upon instantiation, and may throw an
     * exception if that a connection cannot be established. Once a client has
     * been instantiated in this way, all exceptions thrown during subsequent
     * usage are consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will not
     * affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are consumed, guaranteeing
     * that failures in metrics will not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final String hostname, final int port) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are consumed, guaranteeing
     * that failures in metrics will not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final String hostname, final int port,
            final int queueSize) throws StatsDClientException {

        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are consumed, guaranteeing
     * that failures in metrics will not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final String hostname, final int port,
            final String... constantTags) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are consumed, guaranteeing
     * that failures in metrics will not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param maxPacketSizeBytes
     *     the maximum number of bytes for a message that can be sent
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final String hostname, final int port,
            final String[] constantTags, final int maxPacketSizeBytes) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are consumed, guaranteeing
     * that failures in metrics will not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final String hostname, final int port,
            final int queueSize, final String... constantTags) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix,final String hostname, final int port,
                                   final String[] constantTags, final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler)
        throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final String hostname, final int port, final int queueSize,
            final String[] constantTags, final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     * @param entityID
     *     the entity id value used with an internal tag for tracking client entity.
     *     If "entityID=null" the client default the value with the environment variable "DD_ENTITY_ID".
     *     If the environment variable is not defined, the internal tag is not added.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final String hostname, final int port, final int queueSize,
            final String[] constantTags, final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler, String entityID)
        throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     * @param maxPacketSizeBytes
     *     the maximum number of bytes for a message that can be sent
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final String hostname, final int port,
            final int queueSize, final String[] constantTags, final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler,
            final int maxPacketSizeBytes) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param hostname
     *     the host name of the targeted StatsD server. If 'null' the environment variable
     *     "DD_AGENT_HOST" is used to get the host name.
     * @param port
     *     the port of the targeted StatsD server. If the parameter 'hostname' is 'null' and
     *     this parameter is equal to '0', the environment variable
     *     "DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT" is used to get the port, else the default value '8125' is used.
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     * @param timeout
     *     the timeout in milliseconds for blocking operations. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @param bufferSize
     *     the socket buffer size in bytes. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final String hostname, final int port,
            final int queueSize, int timeout, int bufferSize, final String[] constantTags,
            final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @param addressLookup
     *     yields the IP address and socket of the StatsD server
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final int queueSize, String[] constantTags,
            final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler, final Callable<SocketAddress> addressLookup)
        throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @param addressLookup
     *     yields the IP address and socket of the StatsD server
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     * @param timeout
     *     the timeout in milliseconds for blocking operations. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @param bufferSize
     *     the socket buffer size in bytes. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final int queueSize, String[] constantTags,
            final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler, final Callable<SocketAddress> addressLookup,
            final int timeout, final int bufferSize) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @param addressLookup
     *     yields the IP address and socket of the StatsD server
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the Queue.
     * @param timeout
     *     the timeout in milliseconds for blocking operations. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @param bufferSize
     *     the socket buffer size in bytes. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @param maxPacketSizeBytes
     *     the maximum number of bytes for a message that can be sent
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix,  final int queueSize, String[] constantTags,
            final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler, final Callable<SocketAddress> addressLookup,
            final int timeout, final int bufferSize, final int maxPacketSizeBytes) throws StatsDClientException {
        this(new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()

     * Create a new StatsD client communicating with a StatsD instance on the
     * specified host and port. All messages send via this client will have
     * their keys prefixed with the specified string. The new client will
     * attempt to open a connection to the StatsD server immediately upon
     * instantiation, and may throw an exception if that a connection cannot
     * be established. Once a client has been instantiated in this way, all
     * exceptions thrown during subsequent usage are passed to the specified
     * handler and then consumed, guaranteeing that failures in metrics will
     * not affect normal code execution.
     * @param prefix
     *     the prefix to apply to keys sent via this client
     * @param constantTags
     *     tags to be added to all content sent
     * @param errorHandler
     *     handler to use when an exception occurs during usage, may be null to indicate noop
     * @param addressLookup
     *     yields the IP address and socket of the StatsD server
     * @param queueSize
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the BlockingQueue.
     *     the maximum amount of unprocessed messages in the Queue.
     * @param timeout
     *     the timeout in milliseconds for blocking operations. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @param bufferSize
     *     the socket buffer size in bytes. Applies to unix sockets only.
     * @param maxPacketSizeBytes
     *     the maximum number of bytes for a message that can be sent
     * @param entityID
     *     the entity id value used with an internal tag for tracking client entity.
     *     If "entityID=null" the client default the value with the environment variable "DD_ENTITY_ID".
     *     If the environment variable is not defined, the internal tag is not added.
     * @param poolSize
     *     The size for the network buffer pool.
     * @param processorWorkers
     *     The number of processor worker threads assembling buffers for submission.
     * @param senderWorkers
     *     The number of sender worker threads submitting buffers to the socket.
     * @param blocking
     *     Blocking or non-blocking implementation for statsd message queue.
     * @param enableTelemetry
     *     Should telemetry be enabled for the client.
     * @param telemetryFlushInterval
     *     Telemetry flush interval in seconds when the feature is enabled.
     * @throws StatsDClientException
     *     if the client could not be started
    public NonBlockingStatsDClient(final String prefix, final int queueSize, String[] constantTags,
            final StatsDClientErrorHandler errorHandler, Callable<SocketAddress> addressLookup,
            final int timeout, final int bufferSize, final int maxPacketSizeBytes, String entityID,
            final int poolSize, final int processorWorkers, final int senderWorkers, boolean blocking,
            final boolean enableTelemetry, final int telemetryFlushInterval) throws StatsDClientException {

        this(prefix, queueSize, constantTags, errorHandler, addressLookup, addressLookup, timeout,
                bufferSize, maxPacketSizeBytes, entityID, poolSize, processorWorkers, senderWorkers,
                blocking, enableTelemetry, telemetryFlushInterval);

    protected StatsDProcessor createProcessor(final int queueSize, final StatsDClientErrorHandler handler,
            final int maxPacketSizeBytes, final int bufferPoolSize, final int workers, boolean blocking) throws Exception {
        if (blocking) {
            return new StatsDBlockingProcessor(queueSize, handler, maxPacketSizeBytes, bufferPoolSize, workers);
        } else {
            return new StatsDNonBlockingProcessor(queueSize, handler, maxPacketSizeBytes, bufferPoolSize, workers);

    protected StatsDProcessor createProcessor(StatsDProcessor processor) throws Exception {

        if (processor instanceof StatsDNonBlockingProcessor) {
            return new StatsDNonBlockingProcessor((StatsDNonBlockingProcessor) processor);

        return new StatsDBlockingProcessor((StatsDBlockingProcessor) processor);

    protected StatsDSender createSender(final Callable<SocketAddress> addressLookup, final StatsDClientErrorHandler handler,
            final DatagramChannel clientChannel, BufferPool pool, BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> buffers,
                                        final int senderWorkers, final Telemetry telemetry) throws Exception {
        return new StatsDSender(addressLookup, clientChannel, handler, pool, buffers, senderWorkers, telemetry);

     * Cleanly shut down this StatsD client. This method may throw an exception if
     * the socket cannot be closed.
    public void stop() {
        try {

            // shut down telemetry workers if need be
            if (telemetryStatsDProcessor != statsDProcessor) {

            try {
                executor.awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                if (!executor.isTerminated()) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (!executor.isTerminated()) {
        } catch (final Exception e) {
        } finally {
            if (clientChannel != null) {
                try {
                } catch (final IOException e) {

    public void close() {

     * Return tag list as a tag string.
     * Generate a suffix conveying the given tag list to the client
    static StringBuilder tagString(final String[] tags, final String tagPrefix, final StringBuilder sb) {
        if (tagPrefix != null) {
            if ((tags == null) || (tags.length == 0)) {
                return sb;
        } else {
            if ((tags == null) || (tags.length == 0)) {
                return sb;

        for (int n = tags.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
            if (n > 0) {
        return sb;

     * Generate a suffix conveying the given tag list to the client.
    StringBuilder tagString(final String[] tags, StringBuilder builder) {
        return tagString(tags, constantTagsRendered, builder);

    abstract class StatsDMessage implements Message {
        final String aspect;
        final String type;
        final double sampleRate; // NaN for none
        final String[] tags;

        protected StatsDMessage(String aspect, String type, double sampleRate, String[] tags) {
            this.aspect = aspect;
            this.type = type;
            this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
            this.tags = tags;

        public final void writeTo(StringBuilder builder) {
            if (!Double.isNaN(sampleRate)) {
                builder.append('|').append('@').append(format(SAMPLE_RATE_FORMATTER, sampleRate));
            tagString(tags, builder);

        protected abstract void writeValue(StringBuilder builder);

    private void sendMetric(final Message message) {

    private void send(final Message message) {
        if (!statsDProcessor.send(message)) {

    // send double with sample rate
    private void send(String aspect, final double value, String type, double sampleRate, String[] tags) {
        if (Double.isNaN(sampleRate) || !isInvalidSample(sampleRate)) {

            sendMetric(new StatsDMessage(aspect, type, sampleRate, tags) {
                @Override protected void writeValue(StringBuilder builder) {
                    builder.append(format(NUMBER_FORMATTER, value));

    // send double without sample rate
    private void send(String aspect, final double value, String type, String[] tags) {
        send(aspect, value, type, Double.NaN, tags);

    // send long with sample rate
    private void send(String aspect, final long value, String type, double sampleRate, String[] tags) {
        if (Double.isNaN(sampleRate) || !isInvalidSample(sampleRate)) {
            sendMetric(new StatsDMessage(aspect, type, sampleRate, tags) {
                @Override protected void writeValue(StringBuilder builder) {

    // send long without sample rate
    private void send(String aspect, final long value, String type, String[] tags) {
        send(aspect, value, type, Double.NaN, tags);

     * Adjusts the specified counter by a given delta.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the counter to adjust
     * @param delta
     *     the amount to adjust the counter by
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void count(final String aspect, final long delta, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, delta, "c", tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void count(final String aspect, final long delta, final double sampleRate, final String...tags) {
        send(aspect, delta, "c", sampleRate, tags);

     * Adjusts the specified counter by a given delta.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the counter to adjust
     * @param delta
     *     the amount to adjust the counter by
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void count(final String aspect, final double delta, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, delta, "c", tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void count(final String aspect, final double delta, final double sampleRate, final String...tags) {
        send(aspect, delta, "c", sampleRate, tags);

     * Increments the specified counter by one.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the counter to increment
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void incrementCounter(final String aspect, final String... tags) {
        count(aspect, 1, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void incrementCounter(final String aspect, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        count(aspect, 1, sampleRate, tags);

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #incrementCounter(String, String[])}.
    public void increment(final String aspect, final String... tags) {
        incrementCounter(aspect, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void increment(final String aspect, final double sampleRate, final String...tags ) {
        incrementCounter(aspect, sampleRate, tags);

     * Decrements the specified counter by one.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the counter to decrement
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void decrementCounter(final String aspect, final String... tags) {
        count(aspect, -1, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void decrementCounter(String aspect, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        count(aspect, -1, sampleRate, tags);

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #decrementCounter(String, String[])}.
    public void decrement(final String aspect, final String... tags) {
        decrementCounter(aspect, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void decrement(final String aspect, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        decrementCounter(aspect, sampleRate, tags);

     * Records the latest fixed value for the specified named gauge.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the gauge
     * @param value
     *     the new reading of the gauge
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void recordGaugeValue(final String aspect, final double value, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "g", tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void recordGaugeValue(final String aspect, final double value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "g", sampleRate, tags);

     * Records the latest fixed value for the specified named gauge.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the gauge
     * @param value
     *     the new reading of the gauge
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void recordGaugeValue(final String aspect, final long value, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "g", tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void recordGaugeValue(final String aspect, final long value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "g", sampleRate, tags);

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #recordGaugeValue(String, double, String[])}.
    public void gauge(final String aspect, final double value, final String... tags) {
        recordGaugeValue(aspect, value, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void gauge(final String aspect, final double value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        recordGaugeValue(aspect, value, sampleRate, tags);

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #recordGaugeValue(String, long, String[])}.
    public void gauge(final String aspect, final long value, final String... tags) {
        recordGaugeValue(aspect, value, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void gauge(final String aspect, final long value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        recordGaugeValue(aspect, value, sampleRate, tags);

     * Records an execution time in milliseconds for the specified named operation.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the timed operation
     * @param timeInMs
     *     the time in milliseconds
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void recordExecutionTime(final String aspect, final long timeInMs, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, timeInMs, "ms", tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void recordExecutionTime(final String aspect, final long timeInMs, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, timeInMs, "ms", sampleRate, tags);

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #recordExecutionTime(String, long, String[])}.
    public void time(final String aspect, final long value, final String... tags) {
        recordExecutionTime(aspect, value, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void time(final String aspect, final long value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        recordExecutionTime(aspect, value, sampleRate, tags);

     * Records a value for the specified named histogram.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the histogram
     * @param value
     *     the value to be incorporated in the histogram
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void recordHistogramValue(final String aspect, final double value, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "h", tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void recordHistogramValue(final String aspect, final double value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "h", sampleRate, tags);

     * Records a value for the specified named histogram.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the histogram
     * @param value
     *     the value to be incorporated in the histogram
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void recordHistogramValue(final String aspect, final long value, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "h", tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void recordHistogramValue(final String aspect, final long value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "h", sampleRate, tags);

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #recordHistogramValue(String, double, String[])}.
    public void histogram(final String aspect, final double value, final String... tags) {
        recordHistogramValue(aspect, value, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void histogram(final String aspect, final double value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        recordHistogramValue(aspect, value, sampleRate, tags);

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #recordHistogramValue(String, long, String[])}.
    public void histogram(final String aspect, final long value, final String... tags) {
        recordHistogramValue(aspect, value, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void histogram(final String aspect, final long value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        recordHistogramValue(aspect, value, sampleRate, tags);

     * Records a value for the specified named distribution.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * <p>This is a beta feature and must be enabled specifically for your organization.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the distribution
     * @param value
     *     the value to be incorporated in the distribution
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void recordDistributionValue(final String aspect, final double value, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "d", tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void recordDistributionValue(final String aspect, final double value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "d", sampleRate, tags);

     * Records a value for the specified named distribution.
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * <p>This is a beta feature and must be enabled specifically for your organization.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the distribution
     * @param value
     *     the value to be incorporated in the distribution
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
    public void recordDistributionValue(final String aspect, final long value, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "d", tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void recordDistributionValue(final String aspect, final long value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        send(aspect, value, "d", sampleRate, tags);

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #recordDistributionValue(String, double, String[])}.
    public void distribution(final String aspect, final double value, final String... tags) {
        recordDistributionValue(aspect, value, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void distribution(final String aspect, final double value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        recordDistributionValue(aspect, value, sampleRate, tags);

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #recordDistributionValue(String, long, String[])}.
    public void distribution(final String aspect, final long value, final String... tags) {
        recordDistributionValue(aspect, value, tags);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void distribution(final String aspect, final long value, final double sampleRate, final String... tags) {
        recordDistributionValue(aspect, value, sampleRate, tags);

    private StringBuilder eventMap(final Event event, StringBuilder res) {
        final long millisSinceEpoch = event.getMillisSinceEpoch();
        if (millisSinceEpoch != -1) {
            res.append("|d:").append(millisSinceEpoch / 1000);

        final String hostname = event.getHostname();
        if (hostname != null) {

        final String aggregationKey = event.getAggregationKey();
        if (aggregationKey != null) {

        final String priority = event.getPriority();
        if (priority != null) {

        final String alertType = event.getAlertType();
        if (alertType != null) {

        final String sourceTypeName = event.getSourceTypeName();
        if (sourceTypeName != null) {

        return res;

     * Records an event.
     * <p>This method is a DataDog extension, and may not work with other servers.</p>
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param event
     *     The event to record
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
     * @see <a href="">
    public void recordEvent(final Event event, final String... tags) {
        statsDProcessor.send(new Message() {
            @Override public void writeTo(StringBuilder builder) {
                final String title = escapeEventString(prefix + event.getTitle());
                final String text = escapeEventString(event.getText());
                eventMap(event, builder);
                tagString(tags, builder);

    private static String escapeEventString(final String title) {
        return title.replace("\n", "\\n");

     * Records a run status for the specified named service check.
     * <p>This method is a DataDog extension, and may not work with other servers.</p>
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param sc
     *     the service check object
    public void recordServiceCheckRun(final ServiceCheck sc) {
        statsDProcessor.send(new Message() {
            @Override public void writeTo(StringBuilder sb) {
                // see
                if (sc.getTimestamp() > 0) {
                if (sc.getHostname() != null) {
                tagString(sc.getTags(), sb);
                if (sc.getMessage() != null) {

     * Updates and returns tags completed with the entityID tag if needed.
     * @param tags the current constant tags list
     * @param entityID the entityID string provided by argument
     * @return true if tags was modified
    private static boolean updateTagsWithEntityID(final List<String> tags, String entityID) {
        // Support "dd.internal.entity_id" internal tag.
        if (entityID == null || entityID.trim().isEmpty()) {
            // if the entityID parameter is null, default to the environment variable
            entityID = System.getenv(DD_ENTITY_ID_ENV_VAR);
        if (entityID != null && !entityID.trim().isEmpty()) {
            final String entityTag = ENTITY_ID_TAG_NAME + ":" + entityID;
            return tags.add(entityTag);
        return false;

     * Convenience method equivalent to {@link #recordServiceCheckRun(ServiceCheck sc)}.
    public void serviceCheck(final ServiceCheck sc) {

     * Records a value for the specified set.
     * <p>Sets are used to count the number of unique elements in a group. If you want to track the number of
     * unique visitor to your site, sets are a great way to do that.</p>
     * <p>This method is a DataDog extension, and may not work with other servers.</p>
     * <p>This method is non-blocking and is guaranteed not to throw an exception.</p>
     * @param aspect
     *     the name of the set
     * @param value
     *     the value to track
     * @param tags
     *     array of tags to be added to the data
     * @see <a href=""></a>
    public void recordSetValue(final String aspect, final String value, final String... tags) {
        // documentation is light, but looking at dogstatsd source, we can send string values
        // here instead of numbers
        statsDProcessor.send(new StatsDMessage(aspect, "s", Double.NaN, tags) {
            @Override protected void writeValue(StringBuilder builder) {

    private boolean isInvalidSample(double sampleRate) {
        return sampleRate != 1 && ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble() > sampleRate;
