//                    Copyright 2019, Cornutum Project
//                             www.cornutum.org

package org.cornutum.tcases.generator.io;

import org.cornutum.tcases.generator.IGeneratorSet;
import org.cornutum.tcases.util.MapBuilder;

import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Writer;

import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonWriter;
import javax.json.JsonWriterFactory;
import static javax.json.stream.JsonGenerator.PRETTY_PRINTING;

 * Writes an {@link IGeneratorSet} in the form of a JSON document.
public class GeneratorSetJsonWriter implements Closeable
   * Creates a new GeneratorSetJsonWriter object that writes to standard output.
  public GeneratorSetJsonWriter()
    this( (Writer) null);
   * Creates a new GeneratorSetJsonWriter object that writes to the given stream.
  public GeneratorSetJsonWriter( OutputStream stream)
    this( writerFor( stream));
   * Creates a new GeneratorSetJsonWriter object that writes to the given stream.
  public GeneratorSetJsonWriter( Writer writer)
    setWriter( writer);

   * Writes the given system test definition the form of a JSON document.
  public void write( IGeneratorSet generatorSet)
    JsonWriterFactory writerFactory = Json.createWriterFactory( MapBuilder.of( PRETTY_PRINTING, true).build());
    JsonWriter jsonWriter = writerFactory.createWriter( getWriter());

    jsonWriter.write( GeneratorSetJson.toJson( generatorSet));

   * Flushes the writer.
  public void flush()
    catch( IOException ignore)

   * Closes the writer.
  public void close()
    IOUtils.closeQuietly( getWriter());

   * Changes the output stream for this writer.
  protected void setWriter( Writer writer)
    writer_ =
      writer == null
      ? writerFor( System.out)
      : writer;

   * Returns the output stream for this writer.
  protected Writer getWriter()
    return writer_;

   * Returns a Writer for the given output stream;
  private static Writer writerFor( OutputStream stream)
        stream == null
        ? null
        : new OutputStreamWriter( stream, "UTF-8");
    catch( Exception e)
      throw new RuntimeException( "Can't create writer", e);

  private Writer writer_;  