 * Michael Goldenberg, Jinghui Yu, and Ben Borchard modified this file on 10/27/13
 * with the following changes:
 * 1.) Removed one try catch and allOkay variable and replaced it with a try catch for a validation exception
package cpusim.gui.editmodules.arrayregisters;

import cpusim.Mediator;
import cpusim.gui.editmodules.RegisterArrayTableController;
import cpusim.gui.editmodules.RegistersTableController;
import cpusim.gui.help.HelpController;
import cpusim.model.module.Register;
import cpusim.model.module.RegisterArray;
import cpusim.util.Dialogs;
import cpusim.util.Validate;
import cpusim.util.ValidationException;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.fxml.Initializable;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.input.InputEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

import java.net.URL;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class EditArrayRegistersController implements Initializable {
    ComboBox<String> arrayCombo;
    Pane tablePane;
    Button okButton;
    Button cancelButton;
    Button helpButton;

    private Mediator mediator;
    private RegistersTableController registerController;
    private ObservableList<RegisterArray> registerArrays;
    private TableView activeTable;
    private ChangeTable tableMap;
    private String selection;

    public EditArrayRegistersController(Mediator mediator,
                                        RegistersTableController registerTableController,
                                        RegisterArrayTableController controller,
                                        String selected) {
        this.mediator = mediator;
        this.registerController = registerTableController;
        this.registerArrays = controller.getItems();
        activeTable = null;

        selection = selected;

    public EditArrayRegistersController(Mediator mediator,
                                        RegistersTableController registerTableController,
                                        RegisterArrayTableController controller) {
        this.mediator = mediator;
        this.registerController = registerTableController;
        this.registerArrays = controller.getItems();
        activeTable = null;

        selection = registerArrays.get(0).getName();

     * initializes the dialog window after its root element has been processed.
     * contains a listener to the combo box, so that the content of the table will
     * change according to the selected type of microinstruction.
     * @param url the location used to resolve relative paths for the root
     *            object, or null if the location is not known.
     * @param rb  the resources used to localize the root object, or null if the root
     *            object was not localized.
    public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {


        tableMap = new ChangeTable(registerArrays);

        activeTable = tableMap.getMap().get(selection);

        // resizes the width and height of the content panes
        tablePane.widthProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldValue, newValue) ->
                        activeTable.setPrefWidth((Double) newValue)
        tablePane.heightProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldValue, newValue) ->
                        activeTable.setPrefHeight((Double) newValue)

        // listen for changes to the instruction combo box selection and update
        // the displayed micro instruction table accordingly.
                new ChangeListener<String>() {
                    public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> selected,
                                        String oldType, String newType) {
                        ((RegisterArrayTableView) activeTable).setClones(activeTable
                        activeTable = tableMap.getMap().get(newType);


        // Define an event filter for the ComboBox for Mouse_released events
        EventHandler validityFilter = new EventHandler<InputEvent>() {
            public void handle(InputEvent event) {
                try {
                    ObservableList<Register> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
                    for (RegisterArrayTableView r : tableMap.getMap().values()) {

                    ((RegisterArrayTableView) activeTable).checkValidity(list);
                } catch (ValidationException ex) {
                            "Registers Error", ex.getMessage()).showAndWait();
        arrayCombo.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, validityFilter);

     * save the current changes and close the window when clicking on OK button.
     * @param e a type of action when a button is clicked.
    public void onOKButtonClick(ActionEvent e) {
        //get the current edited clones
        ObservableList objList = activeTable.getItems();
        try {
            ObservableList<Register> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
            for (RegisterArrayTableView r : tableMap.getMap().values()) {
            //update the machine with the new values
            //get a handle to the stage.
            Stage stage = (Stage) okButton.getScene().getWindow();
            //close window.
        } catch (Exception ex) {
                    "Registers Error", ex.getMessage()).showAndWait();

     * close the window without saving the changes.
     * @param e a type of action when a button is clicked.
    public void onCancelButtonClick(ActionEvent e) {
        //get a handle to the stage.
        Stage stage = (Stage) cancelButton.getScene().getWindow();
        //close window.

     * open a help window when clicking on the help button.
     * @param e a type of action when a button is clicked.
    public void onHelpButtonClick(ActionEvent e) {
        String startString = "Hardware Modules";
        if (mediator.getDesktopController().getHelpController() == null) {
            HelpController helpController = HelpController.openHelpDialog(
                    mediator.getDesktopController(), startString);
        } else {
            HelpController hc = mediator.getDesktopController().getHelpController();

     * gets the table view object that is current being edited in the window.
     * @return the table view object that is current being edited in the window.
    public RegisterArrayTableView getCurrentController() {
        return tableMap.getMap().get(arrayCombo.getValue());

     * Called whenever the dialog is exited via the 'ok' button
     * and the machine needs to be updated based on the changes
     * made while the dialog was open (JRL)
    protected void updateRegisters() { // and the machine needs to be updated based on the changes
        // made.
        for (RegisterArrayTableView t : tableMap.getMap().values()) {
            for (RegisterArray ra : registerArrays) {
                if (ra.getName().equals(t.getArrayName())) {


     * a class that holds the current register array class
    class ChangeTable {
        Map<String, RegisterArrayTableView> typesMap;

         * Constructor
         * @param arrays the current register array
        public ChangeTable(ObservableList<RegisterArray> arrays) {
            // an hashmap that holds types as the keys and sub fxml names as values.
            typesMap = buildMap(arrays);


         * build the map to store all the controllers
         * @param arrays a list holds all the register array objects
         * @return the map that contains all the controllers
        public Map buildMap(ObservableList<RegisterArray> arrays) {
            Map<String, RegisterArrayTableView> map = new HashMap();
            for (RegisterArray ra : arrays) {
                map.put(ra.getName(), new RegisterArrayTableView(ra.getName(), ra
            return map;

         * returns the map of controllers.
         * @return the map of controllers.
        public Map<String, RegisterArrayTableView> getMap() {
            return typesMap;

         * sets the parents frame for each controller.
         * @param tables the controller to be edited.
        public void setParents(Node tables) {
            for (RegisterArrayTableView moduleController : typesMap.values()) {
