package easik.sketch.vertex;

//~--- non-JDK imports --------------------------------------------------------

//~--- JDK imports ------------------------------------------------------------
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit;

import easik.Easik;
import easik.model.constraint.EqualizerConstraint;
import easik.model.constraint.LimitConstraint;
import easik.model.constraint.ModelConstraint;
import easik.model.constraint.ProductConstraint;
import easik.model.constraint.PullbackConstraint;
import easik.model.constraint.SumConstraint;
import easik.model.keys.UniqueIndexable;
import easik.model.keys.UniqueKey;
import easik.model.path.ModelPath;
import easik.model.vertex.ModelVertex;
import easik.sketch.Sketch;
import easik.sketch.edge.SketchEdge;
import easik.sketch.util.graph.SketchGraphModel;
import easik.ui.SketchFrame;
import easik.xml.xsd.nodes.constraints.XSDKey;
import easik.xml.xsd.nodes.elements.XSDElement;
import easik.xml.xsd.nodes.types.XSDType;

 * An entity node represents a table in a db. It has a name, attributes, and
 * unique keys. This class keeps track of all these elements.
public class EntityNode extends ModelVertex<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> {
	 * F *
	private static final long serialVersionUID = -284442112529134937L;

	/**  */
	private XSDElement xsdElement;

	/**  */
	private XSDType xsdType;

	 * Creates a new entity node with the name provided at position (0,0).
	 * @param nodeName The name of the new node
	 * @param inSketch the sketch
	public EntityNode(final String nodeName, final Sketch inSketch) {
		this(nodeName, 0, 0, inSketch);

	 * Creates a new enity node with the name provided. Stores visual representation
	 * information.
	 * @param nodeName Name of the new node
	 * @param x        X Coordinate of the new node
	 * @param y        Y Coordinate of the new node
	 * @param inSketch the sketch
	public EntityNode(final String nodeName, final int x, final int y, final Sketch inSketch) {
		super(nodeName, x, y, inSketch);

		_treeNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(this);


	 * Changes the name of the EntityNode. This also updates the name in the
	 * EntityNode's SketchFrame, to maintain consistency. Note that if you attempt
	 * to rename an EntityNode to one that already exists in the same frame, a
	 * trailing number will be added to make the name unique. This means, however,
	 * that the name might not end up being what you set--if that's a problem, make
	 * sure the new name isn't taken yet yourself, via SketchFrame.getEntity().
	 * @param newName the new name to attempt to set. The actual name set may have a
	 *                trailing number appended/incremented.
	 * @see easik.ui.SketchFrame
	public void setName(String newName) {
		final String oldName = getName();

		// The name might have to change, if there are duplicates. nodeRenamed
		// tells us the final name to use:
		newName = getMModel().nodeRenamed(this, oldName, newName);


	 * Returns a Set of SketchEdges of the outgoing edges of this EntityNode. Note
	 * that edges for constraints are <b>not</b> included.
	 * @return Set of outgoing edges from this EntityNode
	public Set<SketchEdge> getOutgoingEdges() {
		final List outEdges = _theModel.getGraphLayoutCache().getOutgoingEdges(this, Collections.emptySet(), false,
		final Set<SketchEdge> outgoing = new LinkedHashSet<>(outEdges.size());

		for (final Object out : outEdges) {
			if (out instanceof SketchEdge) {
				outgoing.add((SketchEdge) out);

		return outgoing;

	 * Returns a Set of UniqueIndexable-implementing outgoing edges of this node.
	 * @return set of uniques
	public Set<UniqueIndexable> getIndexableEdges() {
		final Set<SketchEdge> edges = getOutgoingEdges();
		final Set<UniqueIndexable> attribs = new LinkedHashSet<>(edges.size());

		for (final SketchEdge edge : edges) {
			if (edge instanceof UniqueIndexable) {
				attribs.add((UniqueIndexable) edge);

		return attribs;

	 * Add a constraint to the set of constraints of which this node is a part
	 * @param con the constraint
	public void addConstraint(
			final ModelConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> con) {
		final boolean added = _constraints.add(con);

		if (added) {
			getMModel().getGraphModel().postEdit(new AbstractUndoableEdit() {
				private static final long serialVersionUID = 2332966369924855958L;

				public void undo() {

				public void redo() {

	 * Gets the set of constraints of which this node is a part
	 * @return the constraints as an unmodifiable set
	public Set<ModelConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>> getConstraints() {
		return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_constraints);

	 * Returns the edges that might need to be "shadowed". This is used by various
	 * constraints where we need to do automatic path insertion. For example, sum
	 * constraints, where we have something like A -&gt; B -&gt; C, where A -&gt; B
	 * is the sum, but because B is auto-created by the insertion into A, we have to
	 * specify the B -&gt; C foreign key when inserting into A.
	 * @return LinkedList of SketchEdges that are not-null (in other words,
	 *         non-partial edges)
	public Collection<SketchEdge> getNonPartialEdges() {
		final Collection<SketchEdge> edges = new LinkedList<>();

		for (final SketchEdge e : getOutgoingEdges()) {
			if (!e.isPartial()) {

		return edges;

	 * This method returns the edges that will be "shadowed" in this entity for
	 * allowing various types of constraints. The problem arises when we have
	 * something like: A -&gt; B -&gt; C, where A is the summand of B, but B has to
	 * be specified. In this case, the B to C edge will be returned as a "shadow"
	 * edge. We handle this for other constraint types, too. For a good, working,
	 * technical example, see the shadowEdges.easik sample sketch.
	 * @return a set of edges that will be shadowed by this entity node.
	 *         Removing shadow edges completely. Started by Sarah Van der Laan
	 *         continued by Federico Mora because a partial solution is worse than
	 *         all or nothing
	 *         public LinkedHashSet<SketchEdge> getShadowEdges() { return
	 *         getShadowEdges(new LinkedHashSet<EntityNode>(5), new
	 *         LinkedHashSet<SketchEdge>(5)); }

	// Package-only implementation of the above that breaks recursion by
	// ignoring
	// shadowed nodes that we already know about.

	 * @param ignore
	 * @param constraintEdges
	 * @return
	LinkedHashSet<SketchEdge> getShadowEdges(final Collection<EntityNode> ignore,
			final LinkedHashSet<SketchEdge> constraintEdges) {
		// These are the other entity node that we (potentially) need to shadow:
		final Collection<EntityNode> shadow = new LinkedHashSet<>(10);

		CONSTRAINT: for (final ModelConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> c : getMModel()
				.getConstraints().values()) {
			if (c instanceof SumConstraint) {
				final SumConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> s = (SumConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>) c;

				for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> path : s
						.getPaths()) {
					// If this entity is the domain of a sum constraint path,
					// we need to include every entity along that path (except
					// for this entity, of course):
					if (path.getDomain() == this) {

						continue CONSTRAINT;
			} else if (c instanceof ProductConstraint) {
				final ProductConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> p = (ProductConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>) c;

				for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> path : p
						.getPaths()) {
					// If this entity is the codomain of a product constraint
					// path,
					// we need to include every entity, excluding the
					// codomains), along each product path
					if (path.getCoDomain() == this) {
						for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> prodPath : p
								.getPaths()) {
							// But we ignore all of the product path edges,
							// since they will be automatically generated:

							final Deque<EntityNode> pathNodes = new LinkedList<>();


						continue CONSTRAINT;
			} else if (c instanceof EqualizerConstraint) {
				final EqualizerConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> e = (EqualizerConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>) c;

				// If this entity is the domain of an equalizer, we need to
				// shadow the projection entity.
				// We actually shadow every node along the projection path,
				// which will handle multi-edge
				// projection paths, though EASIK doesn't actually support those
				// (primarily because deletion
				// is needed; an injective *path* is fine for creation, but
				// cannot be cleanly deleted--an
				// injective *edge* doesn't cause that problem).
				if (e.getSourceEntity() == this) {
					final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> projection = e


					// Ignore the projection edge itself:

					continue CONSTRAINT;
			} else if (c instanceof PullbackConstraint) {
				final PullbackConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> pb = (PullbackConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>) c;

				// A pullback is a little trickier than the above: any insertion
				// into one
				// of the pullback path domains (i.e. projection codomains)
				// means we have
				// to shadow all the entities along *both* projection paths.
				// WPBEDIT CF2012
				for (int i = 0; i < pb.getWidth(); i++) {
					ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> proj = pb

					if (this == proj.getCoDomain()) {
						for (int j = 0; j < pb.getWidth(); j++) {
							proj = pb.getProjectionPath(j);

							Deque<EntityNode> projNodes = new LinkedList<>(proj.getEntities());


						continue CONSTRAINT;
			} else if (c instanceof LimitConstraint) {
				// TRIANGLES TODO CF2012 incomplete

		final LinkedHashSet<SketchEdge> shadowEdges = new LinkedHashSet<>(20);

		// All of the ignore entities, plus everything we just found should be
		// ignored by any recursion:
		final Collection<EntityNode> toIgnore = new LinkedHashSet<>(3);


		for (final EntityNode node : shadow) {
			// If it's ourself (which obviously doesn't need to be shadowed), or
			// a node
			// that a call up the stack is already shadowing the node, ignore
			// it:
			if ((node == this) || ignore.contains(node)) {

			// Otherwise, shadow its non-partial edges, and all of its shadow
			// edges:
			shadowEdges.addAll(node.getShadowEdges(toIgnore, constraintEdges));
			shadowEdges.removeAll(constraintEdges); // Remove edges already
													// involved in the sum

		return shadowEdges;

	 * Determines whether a set of attributes would enforce new uniqueness on this
	 * entity, or whether uniqueness of those attributes is already enforced by an
	 * existing unique key. Essentially, this boils down to two things: there can be
	 * no existing unique key that is a duplicate of the specified elements, and
	 * there can be no unique key that is a subset of the specified elements. The
	 * latter is because if a unique key on (A, B) already exists, then (A, B, C)
	 * will be already guaranteed to be unique because the (A, B) part has to be
	 * unique.
	 * @param inElems The list/set/collection/array of attributes/edges to check
	 * @return the unique key that already exists that enforces the uniqueness, or
	 *         null if the specified items would form new uniqueness.
	public UniqueKey<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> uniqueKeyOn(
			final Collection<UniqueIndexable> inElems) {
		return uniqueKeyOn(new HashSet<>(inElems));

	 * Array or multi-value version of uniqueKeyOn(...)
	 * @param inElems The list/set/collection/array of attributes/edges to check
	 * @return the unique key that already exists that enforces the uniqueness, or
	 *         null if the specified items would form new uniqueness.
	public UniqueKey<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> uniqueKeyOn(
			final UniqueIndexable... inElems) {
		return uniqueKeyOn(Arrays.asList(inElems));

	 * Version of uniqueKeyOn() that takes a set of UniqueIndexable edges.
	 * @param inElemSet The list/set/collection/array of attributes/edges to check
	 * @return the unique key that already exists that enforces the uniqueness, or
	 *         null if the specified items would form new uniqueness.
	public UniqueKey<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> uniqueKeyOn(
			final Set<UniqueIndexable> inElemSet) {
		for (final UniqueKey<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> q : getUniqueKeys()) {
			if (inElemSet.containsAll(q.getElements())) {
				return q;

		return null;

	 * @param pattern
	 * @return
	public String getPrimaryKeyName(final String pattern) {
		return pattern.replaceAll("<table>", getName());

	 * @param appliesTo
	 * @return
	public XSDKey createXMLPrimaryKey(final XSDElement appliesTo) {
		final String idName = Easik.getInstance().getSettings().getProperty("xml_id_name");
		final boolean idIsAttribute = Boolean

		if (idIsAttribute) {
			return new XSDKey(getXMLPrimaryKeyName(), appliesTo, '@' + idName);
		return new XSDKey(getXMLPrimaryKeyName(), appliesTo, idName);


	 * @return
	public String getXMLPrimaryKeyName() {
		return getName() + "_PrimaryKey";

	 * @return
	public XSDType getXsdType() {
		return xsdType;

	 * @param xsdType
	public void setXsdType(final XSDType xsdType) {
		this.xsdType = xsdType;

	 * @return
	public XSDElement getXsdElement() {
		return xsdElement;

	 * @param xsdElement
	public void setXsdElement(final XSDElement xsdElement) {
		this.xsdElement = xsdElement;
