 * Copyright (c) 2018 Fraunhofer IEM, Paderborn, Germany.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     Johannes Spaeth - initial API and implementation
package tests;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static tests.TestHelper.ACC;
import static tests.TestHelper.a;
import static tests.TestHelper.accepts;
import static tests.TestHelper.normal;
import static tests.TestHelper.pop;
import static tests.TestHelper.push;
import static tests.TestHelper.s;
import static tests.TestHelper.t;

import java.util.Collection;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import tests.TestHelper.Abstraction;
import tests.TestHelper.StackSymbol;
import wpds.impl.NestedWeightedPAutomatons;
import wpds.impl.PAutomaton;
import wpds.impl.PostStar;
import wpds.impl.PushdownSystem;
import wpds.impl.Transition;
import wpds.impl.Weight.NoWeight;
import wpds.impl.WeightedPAutomaton;

public class PDSPoststarTests {

    private PushdownSystem<StackSymbol, Abstraction> pds;

    public void init() {
        pds = new PushdownSystem<StackSymbol, Abstraction>() {

    public void popEpsilonTest1() {
        pds.addRule(push(2, "b", 2, "c", "d"));
        pds.addRule(pop(3, "c", 3));

        PAutomaton<StackSymbol, Abstraction> fa = accepts(2, "b");
        fa.addTransition(new Transition<StackSymbol, Abstraction>(a(3), fa.epsilon(), a(2)));
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(3, "EPS", 2)));
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(2, "b", ACC)));

    public void popEpsilonTest() {
        pds.addRule(push(1, "b", 1, "c", "d"));
        pds.addRule(pop(1, "c", 1));
        PAutomaton<StackSymbol, Abstraction> fa = accepts(1, "b");
        fa.addTransition(new Transition<StackSymbol, Abstraction>(a(0), fa.epsilon(), a(1)));
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(1, "d", ACC)));
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(0, "EPS", 1)));

    public void pushTest() {
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "a", 1, "b"));
        pds.addRule(push(1, "b", 1, "c", "d"));
        pds.addRule(pop(1, "c", 1));
        PAutomaton<StackSymbol, Abstraction> fa = accepts(1, "a");
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(1, "d", ACC)));

    public void doublePushTest() {
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "a", 1, "b"));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "b", 1, "c"));
        pds.addRule(push(1, "c", 1, "d", "e"));
        pds.addRule(push(1, "d", 1, "h", "i"));
        pds.addRule(pop(1, "h", 1));
        pds.addRule(pop(1, "d", 1));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "e", 1, "k"));
        PAutomaton<StackSymbol, Abstraction> fa = accepts(1, "a");
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(1, "k", ACC)));
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(1, "a", ACC)));

    public void recPushTest() {
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "a", 1, "b"));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "b", 1, "c"));
        pds.addRule(push(1, "c", 1, "d", "e"));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "d", 1, "f"));
        pds.addRule(push(1, "f", 1, "d", "h"));
        pds.addRule(pop(1, "d", 1));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "e", 1, "k"));
        PAutomaton<StackSymbol, Abstraction> fa = accepts(1, "a");
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(1, "k", ACC)));
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(1, "k", ACC)));
        assertTrue(fa.getTransitions().contains(t(1, fa.epsilon(), new Abstraction(a(1), s("d")))));

    public void recPushTestSimple() {
        pds.addRule(push(1, "a", 1, "d", "e"));
        pds.addRule(push(1, "d", 1, "d", "h"));
        pds.addRule(pop(1, "d", 1));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "e", 1, "k"));
        PAutomaton<StackSymbol, Abstraction> fa = accepts(1, "a");
        Collection<Transition<StackSymbol, Abstraction>> transitions = fa.getTransitions();
        transitions.remove(t(1, "e", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(1, "a", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(1, "k", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(a(1, "d"), "e", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(a(1, "d"), s("h"), a(1, "d")));
        transitions.remove(t(1, s("d"), a(1, "d")));
        transitions.remove(t(1, s("h"), a(1, "d")));
        transitions.remove(t(1, fa.epsilon(), a(1, "d")));

    // Example taken from http://research.cs.wisc.edu/wpis/papers/fsttcs07.invited.pdf
    public void paperEx() {
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "n1", 1, "n2"));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "n1", 1, "n3"));
        pds.addRule(push(1, "n2", 1, "n7", "n4"));
        pds.addRule(push(1, "n3", 1, "n7", "n5"));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "n4", 1, "n6"));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "n5", 1, "n6"));
        pds.addRule(normal(1, "n7", 1, "n8"));
        pds.addRule(pop(1, "n8", 1));
        PAutomaton<StackSymbol, Abstraction> fa = accepts(1, "n1");
        Collection<Transition<StackSymbol, Abstraction>> transitions = fa.getTransitions();
        transitions.remove(t(1, "n1", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(1, "n2", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(1, "n3", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(1, "n4", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(1, "n5", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(1, "n6", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(1, fa.epsilon(), a(1, "n7")));
        transitions.remove(t(1, "n7", a(1, "n7")));
        transitions.remove(t(1, "n8", a(1, "n7")));
        transitions.remove(t(a(1, "n7"), "n4", ACC));
        transitions.remove(t(a(1, "n7"), "n5", ACC));