 * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.bitcoinj.testing;

import org.bitcoinj.core.*;
import org.bitcoinj.params.UnitTestParams;
import org.bitcoinj.store.BlockStore;
import org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryBlockStore;
import org.bitcoinj.utils.BriefLogFormatter;
import org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import static org.bitcoinj.testing.FakeTxBuilder.createFakeBlock;
import static org.bitcoinj.testing.FakeTxBuilder.createFakeTx;

// TODO: This needs to be somewhat rewritten - the "sendMoneyToWallet" methods aren't sending via the block chain object

 * A utility class that you can derive from in your unit tests. TestWithWallet sets up an empty wallet,
 * an in-memory block store and a block chain object. It also provides helper methods for filling the wallet
 * with money in whatever ways you wish. Note that for simplicity with amounts, this class sets the default
 * fee per kilobyte to zero in setUp.
public class TestWithWallet {
    protected static final NetworkParameters PARAMS = UnitTestParams.get();
    protected ECKey myKey;
    protected Address myAddress;
    protected Wallet wallet;
    protected BlockChain chain;
    protected BlockStore blockStore;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        Context.propagate(new Context(PARAMS, 100, Coin.ZERO, false));
        wallet = new Wallet(PARAMS);
        myKey = wallet.currentReceiveKey();
        myAddress = myKey.toAddress(PARAMS);
        blockStore = new MemoryBlockStore(PARAMS);
        chain = new BlockChain(PARAMS, wallet, blockStore);

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {

    protected Transaction sendMoneyToWallet(Wallet wallet, AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType type, Transaction... transactions)
            throws VerificationException {
        if (type == null) {
            // Pending transaction
            for (Transaction tx : transactions)
                if (wallet.isPendingTransactionRelevant(tx))
                    wallet.receivePending(tx, null);
        } else {
            FakeTxBuilder.BlockPair bp = createFakeBlock(blockStore, Block.BLOCK_HEIGHT_GENESIS, transactions);
            for (Transaction tx : transactions)
                wallet.receiveFromBlock(tx, bp.storedBlock, type, 0);
            if (type == AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN)
        if (transactions.length == 1)
            return wallet.getTransaction(transactions[0].getHash());  // Can be null if tx is a double spend that's otherwise irrelevant.
            return null;

    protected Transaction sendMoneyToWallet(Wallet wallet, AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType type, Coin value, Address toAddress) throws VerificationException {
        return sendMoneyToWallet(wallet, type, createFakeTx(PARAMS, value, toAddress));

    protected Transaction sendMoneyToWallet(Wallet wallet, AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType type, Coin value, ECKey toPubKey) throws VerificationException {
        return sendMoneyToWallet(wallet, type, createFakeTx(PARAMS, value, toPubKey));

    protected Transaction sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType type, Transaction... transactions) throws VerificationException {
        return sendMoneyToWallet(this.wallet, type, transactions);

    protected Transaction sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType type, Coin value) throws VerificationException {
        return sendMoneyToWallet(this.wallet, type, value, myAddress);

    protected Transaction sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType type, Coin value, Address toAddress) throws VerificationException {
        return sendMoneyToWallet(this.wallet, type, value, toAddress);

    protected Transaction sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType type, Coin value, ECKey toPubKey) throws VerificationException {
        return sendMoneyToWallet(this.wallet, type, value, toPubKey);