package com.amadeus.session.repository.redis;

import static com.amadeus.session.repository.redis.SafeEncoder.encode;
import static;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.amadeus.session.SerializerDeserializer;
import com.amadeus.session.SessionConfiguration;
import com.amadeus.session.SessionData;
import com.amadeus.session.SessionManager;
import com.amadeus.session.SessionRepository;
import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
import com.codahale.metrics.Metric;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricFilter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;

 * Main class for implementing Redis repository logic.
public class RedisSessionRepository implements SessionRepository {
  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisSessionRepository.class);

   * The default prefix for each key and channel in Redis used by Session management
  static final String DEFAULT_SESSION_PREFIX = "com.amadeus.session:";

   * Meta attribute for timestamp (Unix time) of last access to session.
  static final byte[] LAST_ACCESSED = encode("#:lastAccessed");

   * Meta attribute for maximum inactive interval of the session (in seconds).
  static final byte[] MAX_INACTIVE_INTERVAL = encode("#:maxInactiveInterval");

   * Meta attribute for timestamp (Unix time) of the session creation.
  static final byte[] CREATION_TIME = encode("#:creationTime");

   * Meta attribute that contains mark if the session is invalid (being deleted or marked as invalid via API).
  static final byte[] INVALID_SESSION = encode("#:invalidSession");

   * Meta attribute for the node owning the session.
  static final byte[] OWNER_NODE = encode("#:owner");

   * Representation of true value
  static final byte[] BYTES_TRUE = SafeEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(1));

   * All attributes starting with #: are internal (meta-atrributes).
  private static final byte[] INTERNAL_PREFIX = new byte[] { '#', ':' };

  private static final int CREATION_TIME_INDEX = 2;

  private static final int INVALID_SESSION_INDEX = 3;

  private static final int OWNER_NODE_INDEX = 4;

  private static final RedisFacade.ResponseFacade<String> OK_RESULT = new RedisFacade.ResponseFacade<String>() {
    public String get() {
      return "OK";

   * Number of bits in byte. Used to allocate byte buffers to store Long and Integer values.
  private static final int BITS_IN_BYTE = 8;

  private final String owner;

  private final byte[] ownerByteArray;

  private final String keyPrefix;

  private final byte[] keyPrefixByteArray;

  private byte[] redirectionsChannel;

  private final RedisFacade redis;

  final RedisExpirationStrategy expirationManager;

  private SessionManager sessionManager;

  private Meter failoverMetrics;

  private boolean sticky;

  private final String namespace;

  public RedisSessionRepository(RedisFacade redis, String namespace, String owner, ExpirationStrategy strategy,
      boolean sticky) {

    this.redis = redis;
    this.owner = owner;
    this.namespace = namespace;
    this.ownerByteArray = encode(owner);
    String keyPrefixWithoutClusterGroup = DEFAULT_SESSION_PREFIX + ":" + namespace + ":";
    keyPrefix = keyPrefixWithoutClusterGroup + "{";
    keyPrefixByteArray = encode(keyPrefix);
    redirectionsChannel = encode(keyPrefixWithoutClusterGroup + "redirection");
    this.sticky = sticky;
    if (strategy == ExpirationStrategy.ZRANGE) {"Using ZRANGE (SortedSet) expiration managment");
      expirationManager = new SortedSetSessionExpirationManagement(redis, this, namespace, sticky, owner);

    } else {"Using notification expiration managment");
      expirationManager = new NotificationExpirationManagement(redis, this, namespace, owner,
          keyPrefixWithoutClusterGroup, sticky);

   * This method starts a separate thread that listens to key expirations events.
   * @param sessionManager
  public void setSessionManager(final SessionManager sessionManager) {
    this.sessionManager = sessionManager;
    MetricRegistry metrics = sessionManager.getMetrics();
    if (metrics != null) {
      // Cleanup old metrics related to this namespace
      metrics.removeMatching(new MetricFilter() {
        public boolean matches(String name, Metric metric) {
          return name.startsWith(name(RedisConfiguration.METRIC_PREFIX, "redis"));
      if (sticky) {
        failoverMetrics = metrics.meter(name(RedisConfiguration.METRIC_PREFIX, namespace, "redis", "failover"));


   * This method retrieves session data from repository. The data retrieved from repository contains meta attributes
   * such as: last accessed time, creation time, maximum inactive interval, flag if session is invalid (session becomes
   * invalid when it is deleted or marked invalid), and if session stickiness is active, previous owner node id. All
   * meta attributes start with following characters <code>#:</code>
   * @param id
   *          session id
  public SessionData getSessionData(String id) {
    byte[] key = sessionKey(id);
    // If sticky session, retrieve last owner also
    List<byte[]> values = sticky
    if (!checkConsistent(id, values)) {
      return null;
    long lastAccessed = longFrom(values.get(0));

    long creationTime = longFrom(values.get(CREATION_TIME_INDEX));
    String previousOwner = null;
    if (sticky) {
      // For sticky sessions, we need to parse owner node and
      // check if it is this one.
      byte[] prevOwnerBuffer = values.get(OWNER_NODE_INDEX);
      if (prevOwnerBuffer != null) {
        previousOwner = encode(prevOwnerBuffer);
        if (!previousOwner.equals(owner)) {
          // Notify that session fail-over occurred
"Retrieved session {}, last node {} to this node {}", id, previousOwner, owner);
          if (failoverMetrics != null) {

    int maxInactiveInterval = SessionConfiguration.DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT_VALUE_NUM;
    byte[] maxInactiveIntervalByte = values.get(1);
    if (maxInactiveIntervalByte != null && maxInactiveIntervalByte.length != 0) {
      maxInactiveInterval = intFrom(maxInactiveIntervalByte);

    return new SessionData(id, lastAccessed, maxInactiveInterval, creationTime, previousOwner);

   * Verifies if values retrieved from redis are consistent. Basically just sanity checks.
   * @param sessionId
   * @param values
   * @return <code>true</code> if session data is consistent.
  private boolean checkConsistent(String sessionId, List<byte[]> values) {
    byte[] invalidSessionFlag = values.get(INVALID_SESSION_INDEX);
    // If we have invalid session flag, then session is (clearly) not valid
    if (invalidSessionFlag != null && invalidSessionFlag.length == 1 && invalidSessionFlag[0] == 1) {
      return false;
    if (values.get(0) == null || values.get(1) == null) {
      if (values.get(0) != null || values.get(1) != null) {
            "Session in redis repository is not consistent for sessionId: '{}' "
                + "One of last accessed (index 0 in array), max inactive interval (index 1 in array) was null: {}",
            sessionId, values);
      return false;
    return true;

   * Get integer from byte array
   * @param b
   * @return
  private static int intFrom(byte[] b) {
    return ByteBuffer.wrap(b).getInt();

   * Get long from byte array
   * @param b
   * @return
  private static long longFrom(byte[] b) {
    return ByteBuffer.wrap(b).getLong();

   * Adds long value to redis attribute map.
   * @param attributes
   * @param attr
   * @param value
  private static void addLong(Map<byte[], byte[]> attributes, byte[] attr, long value) {
    // In JDK 1.8 we can use Long.BYTES
    ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE / BITS_IN_BYTE);

    attributes.put(attr, b.array());

   * Adds int value to redis attribute map.
   * @param attributes
   * @param attr
   * @param value
  private static void addInt(Map<byte[], byte[]> attributes, byte[] attr, int value) {
    ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.SIZE / BITS_IN_BYTE);
    attributes.put(attr, b.array());

   * This class implements transaction that is executed at session commit time. The transaction will store
   * added/modified session attribute keys using single HMSET redis command and it will also delete removed session
   * attribute keys using HDEL command. It uses underlying {@link RedisFacade} support for transactions on the session
   * key (redis MULTI command), and executes those those commands in atomic way. The meta-attribute for transactions are
   * also updated.
  class RedisSessionTransaction implements SessionRepository.CommitTransaction, RedisFacade.TransactionRunner<String> {
    private Map<byte[], byte[]> attributes = new HashMap<>();

    private List<byte[]> toRemove = new ArrayList<>();

    private byte[] key;

    private SessionData session;

    RedisSessionTransaction(SessionData session) {
      key = sessionKey(session.getId());
      this.session = session;

    public void addAttribute(String attribute, Object value) {
      attributes.put(encode(attribute), serializerDeserializer().serialize(value));

    public void removeAttribute(String attribute) {

     * During commit, we add meta/attributes. See {@link RedisSessionRepository#getSessionData(String)}. for list of
     * meta attributes.
    public void commit() {
      if (session.isNew()) {
        addLong(attributes, CREATION_TIME, session.getCreationTime());
      int maxInactiveInterval = session.getMaxInactiveInterval();
      addInt(attributes, MAX_INACTIVE_INTERVAL, maxInactiveInterval);
      addLong(attributes, LAST_ACCESSED, session.getLastAccessedTime());
      if (sessionManager.getConfiguration().isSticky()) {
        attributes.put(OWNER_NODE, ownerByteArray);
      getRedis().transaction(key, this);

    public RedisFacade.ResponseFacade<String> run(RedisFacade.TransactionFacade transaction) {
      if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) {
        byte[][] arr = toRemove.toArray(new byte[0][]);
        transaction.hdel(key, arr);
      if (!attributes.isEmpty()) {
        transaction.hmset(key, attributes);
      return OK_RESULT;

    public boolean isSetAllAttributes() {
      // As we use hash, we don't need to update all attributes on redis
      return false;

    public boolean isDistributing() {
      // Redis sessions are surely distributed
      return true;

  public CommitTransaction startCommit(SessionData session) {
    return new RedisSessionTransaction(session);

  public void remove(SessionData session) {

   * Returns session key used to index session in redis.
   * @param sessionId
   * @return key as byte array
  public byte[] sessionKey(String sessionId) {
    return encode(new StringBuilder(keyPrefix.length() + sessionId.length() + 1).append(keyPrefix).append(sessionId)

   * Returns session key used to index session in Redis
   * @param session
   *          session data
   * @return key as byte array
  private byte[] sessionKey(SessionData session) {
    return sessionKey(session.getId());

  public Object getSessionAttribute(SessionData session, String attribute) {
    List<byte[]> values = redis.hmget(sessionKey(session), encode(attribute));
    return serializerDeserializer().deserialize(values.get(0));

   * Checks if attribute has internal prefix. See {@link #INTERNAL_PREFIX}.
   * @param buf
   *          buffer containing attribute
   * @return true if attribute is an internal attribute.
  static boolean hasInternalPrefix(byte[] buf) {
    if (buf != null && buf.length > INTERNAL_PREFIX.length) {
      for (int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_PREFIX.length; i++) {
        if (INTERNAL_PREFIX[i] != buf[i]) {
          return false;
      return true;
    return false;

   * Builds session key from session id presented as byte array
   * @param session
   * @return session key as byte array
  byte[] getSessionKey(byte[] session) {
    int prefixLength = keyPrefixByteArray.length;
    byte[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(keyPrefixByteArray, prefixLength + session.length + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < session.length; i++) {
      copy[prefixLength + i] = session[i];
    copy[prefixLength + session.length] = '}';
    return copy;

  public boolean prepareRemove(SessionData session) {
    Long result = redis.hsetnx(sessionKey(session.getId()), INVALID_SESSION, BYTES_TRUE);
    return result.intValue() == 1;

   * Retrieves all attribute keys associated with session. No
   * @param session
  public Set<String> getAllKeys(SessionData session) {
    Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>();
    for (byte[] key : redis.hkeys(sessionKey(session))) {
      if (!hasInternalPrefix(key)) {
    return Collections.unmodifiableSet(keys);

   * The method stores session metadata in redis and marks session as accessed (resets session expire instant).
  public void storeSessionData(SessionData sessionData) {
    Map<byte[], byte[]> attributes = new HashMap<>();
    addInt(attributes, MAX_INACTIVE_INTERVAL, sessionData.getMaxInactiveInterval());
    addLong(attributes, LAST_ACCESSED, sessionData.getLastAccessedTime());
    addLong(attributes, CREATION_TIME, sessionData.getCreationTime());
    if (sessionManager.getConfiguration().isSticky()) {
      attributes.put(OWNER_NODE, ownerByteArray);
    redis.hmset(sessionKey(sessionData.getId()), attributes);

  public void requestFinished() {

  public void setSessionAttribute(SessionData session, String name, Object value) {
    redis.hset(sessionKey(session), encode(name), serializerDeserializer().serialize(value));

  private SerializerDeserializer serializerDeserializer() {
    return sessionManager.getSerializerDeserializer();

  public void removeSessionAttribute(SessionData session, String name) {
    redis.hdel(sessionKey(session), encode(name));

  public boolean cleanSessionsOnShutdown() {
    return false;

  public Collection<String> getOwnedSessionIds() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Redis repository doesn't support retrieval of session ids owned by node.");

  public void close() {


  public void reset() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.warn("redis reset generated problems:", e);

  RedisFacade getRedis() {
    return redis;

   * This method extracts session id from session key used in Redis. Session keys is located between braces ({}).
   * @param body
   *          string containing session key
   * @return session id
  static String extractSessionId(String body) {
    int beginIndex = body.lastIndexOf(':') + 1;
    String sessionId = body.substring(beginIndex);

    int braceOpening = sessionId.indexOf('{');
    if (braceOpening >= 0) {
      int braceClosing = sessionId.indexOf('}', braceOpening + 1);
      if (braceClosing > braceOpening) {
        int idLen = sessionId.length();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(idLen - 2); // NOSONAR
        if (braceOpening > 0) {
          sb.append(sessionId, 0, braceOpening);
        sb.append(sessionId, braceOpening + 1, braceClosing).append(sessionId, braceClosing + 1, idLen);
        sessionId = sb.toString();
    return sessionId;

   * Changes session id. This renames key in redis and publishes the redis event if other nodes need to be notified.
   * @param sessionData
   *          content of the session
  public void sessionIdChange(SessionData sessionData) {
    redis.rename(sessionKey(sessionData.getOldSessionId()), sessionKey(sessionData.getId()));
    redis.publish(redirectionsChannel, encode(sessionData.getOldSessionId() + ':' + sessionData.getId()));

  public boolean isConnected() {
    try {"server");
      return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return false;
