 * #%L
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package org.alfresco.repo.forms.processor.node;

import static org.alfresco.repo.forms.processor.node.FormFieldConstants.PROP_DATA_PREFIX;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.constraint.ListOfValuesConstraint;
import org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.constraint.RegisteredConstraint;
import org.alfresco.repo.domain.node.NodePropertyValue;
import org.alfresco.repo.forms.Field;
import org.alfresco.repo.forms.FieldGroup;
import org.alfresco.repo.forms.PropertyFieldDefinition;
import org.alfresco.repo.forms.PropertyFieldDefinition.FieldConstraint;
import org.alfresco.repo.forms.processor.FieldProcessor;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.Constraint;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.ConstraintDefinition;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.DataTypeDefinition;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.DictionaryService;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.PropertyDefinition;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentData;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.Period;
import org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceService;
import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName;
import org.alfresco.util.ISO8601DateFormat;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

 * {@link FieldProcessor} implementation that handles properties.
 * @since 3.4
 * @author Nick Smith
public class PropertyFieldProcessor extends QNameFieldProcessor<PropertyDefinition>
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PropertyFieldProcessor.class);

    public PropertyFieldProcessor()
        // Constructor for Spring.

    public PropertyFieldProcessor(NamespaceService namespaceService, DictionaryService dictionaryService)
        super(namespaceService, dictionaryService);

    protected Log getLogger() 
        return logger;

    protected PropertyDefinition getTypeDefinition(QName fullName, ContentModelItemData<?> itemData, boolean isForcedField)
        PropertyDefinition propDef = itemData.getPropertyDefinition(fullName);
        if (propDef == null)
            if (isForcedField)
                propDef = dictionaryService.getProperty(fullName);
        return propDef;

    * {@inheritDoc}
    public Field makeField(PropertyDefinition propDef, Object value, FieldGroup group)
        PropertyFieldDefinition fieldDef = makePropertyFieldDefinition(propDef, group);
        return new ContentModelField(propDef, fieldDef, value);

    protected FieldGroup getGroup(PropertyDefinition propDef)
        // TODO Need to Implement this once Composite Content is implementd.
        return null;

    public Object getValue(QName name, ContentModelItemData<?> data)
        Serializable value = data.getPropertyValue(name);
        if (value == null)
            return getDefaultValue(name, data);
        if (value instanceof Collection<?>)
            // temporarily add repeating field data as a comma
            // separated list, this will be changed to using
            // a separate field for each value once we have full
            // UI support in place.
            Collection<?> values = (Collection<?>) value;
            // if the non empty collection is a List of Date objects 
            // we need to convert each date to a ISO8601 format 
            if (value instanceof List<?> && !values.isEmpty())
                List<?> list = (List<?>)values;
                if (list.get(0) instanceof Date)
                    List<String> isoDates = new ArrayList<String>(list.size());
                    for (Object date : list)
                    // return the ISO formatted dates as a comma delimited string 
                    return StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(isoDates);
            // return everything else using toString()
            return StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(values);
        else if (value instanceof ContentData)
            // for content properties retrieve the info URL rather than the
            // the object value itself
            ContentData contentData = (ContentData)value;
            return contentData.getInfoUrl();
        else if (value instanceof NodeRef)
            return ((NodeRef)value).toString();
        return value;

    private Object getDefaultValue(QName name, ContentModelItemData<?> data)
        PropertyDefinition propDef = data.getPropertyDefinition(name);
        if (propDef != null)
            QName typeQName = propDef.getDataType().getName();
            String strDefaultValue = propDef.getDefaultValue();
            if (NodePropertyValue.isDataTypeSupported(typeQName))
                // convert to the appropriate type
                NodePropertyValue pv = new NodePropertyValue(typeQName, strDefaultValue);
                return pv.getValue(typeQName);
            return strDefaultValue;
        return null;

    private PropertyFieldDefinition makePropertyFieldDefinition(final PropertyDefinition propDef, FieldGroup group)
        String name = getPrefixedName(propDef);
        QName dataType = propDef.getDataType().getName();
        PropertyFieldDefinition fieldDef = new PropertyFieldDefinition(name, dataType.getLocalName());
        populateFieldDefinition(propDef, fieldDef, group, PROP_DATA_PREFIX);



        // any property from the system model (sys prefix) should be protected
        // the model doesn't
        // currently enforce this so make sure they are not editable
        if (NamespaceService.SYSTEM_MODEL_1_0_URI.equals(propDef.getName().getNamespaceURI()))

        // If the property data type is d:period we need to setup a data
        // type parameters object to represent the options and rules
        if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.PERIOD))
            PeriodDataTypeParameters periodOptions = getPeriodOptions();

        // setup constraints for the property
        List<FieldConstraint> fieldConstraints = makeFieldConstraints(propDef);
        return fieldDef;

    private List<FieldConstraint> makeFieldConstraints(PropertyDefinition propDef)
        List<FieldConstraint> fieldConstraints = null;
        List<ConstraintDefinition> constraints = propDef.getConstraints();
        if (constraints != null && constraints.size() > 0)
            fieldConstraints = new ArrayList<FieldConstraint>(constraints.size());
            for (ConstraintDefinition constraintDef : constraints)
                Constraint constraint = constraintDef.getConstraint();
                String type = constraint.getType();
                Map<String, Object> params = constraint.getParameters();
                //ListOfValuesConstraints have special handling for localising their allowedValues.
                //If the constraint that we are currently handling is a registered constraint then
                //we need to examine the underlying constraint to see if it is a LIST constraint
                if (RegisteredConstraint.class.isAssignableFrom(constraint.getClass()))
                    constraint = ((RegisteredConstraint)constraint).getRegisteredConstraint();
                if (ListOfValuesConstraint.class.isAssignableFrom(constraint.getClass()))
                    ListOfValuesConstraint lovConstraint = (ListOfValuesConstraint) constraint;
                    List<String> allowedValues = lovConstraint.getAllowedValues();
                    List<String> localisedValues = new ArrayList<String>(allowedValues.size());
                    // Look up each localised display-label in turn.
                    for (String value : allowedValues)
                        String displayLabel = lovConstraint.getDisplayLabel(value, dictionaryService);
                        // Change the allowedValue entry to the format the FormsService expects for localised strings: "value|label"
                        // If there is no localisation defined for any value, then this will give us "value|value".
                        localisedValues.add(value + "|" + displayLabel);
                    // Now replace the allowedValues param with our localised version.
                    params.put(ListOfValuesConstraint.ALLOWED_VALUES_PARAM, localisedValues);
                FieldConstraint fieldConstraint = new FieldConstraint(type, params);
        return fieldConstraints;
    private PeriodDataTypeParameters getPeriodOptions()
        PeriodDataTypeParameters periodOptions = new PeriodDataTypeParameters();
        Set<String> providers = Period.getProviderNames();
        for (String provider : providers)
        return periodOptions;
    protected String getRegistryKey() 
        return FormFieldConstants.PROP;