 * #%L
 * Alfresco Repository
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 * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Alfresco Software Limited
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 * This file is part of the Alfresco software. 
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 * #L%
package org.alfresco.repo.domain.propval;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.alfresco.util.EqualsHelper;
import org.alfresco.util.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Entity bean for <b>alf_prop_value</b> table.
 * <p>
 * Values here are either simple values that can be stored in a <code>long</code>
 * or will be references to data in other tables.
 * @author Derek Hulley
 * @since 3.2
public class PropertyValueEntity
    public static final Long LONG_ZERO = new Long(0L);
    public static final Long LONG_ONE = new Long(1L);

    public static final Short ORDINAL_NULL = 0;
    public static final Short ORDINAL_LONG = 1;
    public static final Short ORDINAL_DOUBLE = 2;
    public static final Short ORDINAL_STRING = 3;
    public static final Short ORDINAL_SERIALIZABLE = 4;
    public static final Short ORDINAL_CONSTRUCTABLE = 5;
    public static final Short ORDINAL_ENUM = 6;
     * Enumeration of persisted types for <b>alf_prop_value.persisted_type</b>.
     * <p/>
     * This enumeration is a helper for the default implementation of the {@link PropertyTypeConverter}
     * and should not be used in public interfaces.
     * @author Derek Hulley
     * @since 3.2
    public static enum PersistedType
            public Short getOrdinalNumber()
                return ORDINAL_NULL;
            public Class<?> getAssociatedClass()
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NULL is a special case and has no associated class.");
            public Short getOrdinalNumber()
                return ORDINAL_LONG;
            public Class<?> getAssociatedClass()
                return Long.class;
            public Short getOrdinalNumber()
                return ORDINAL_DOUBLE;
            public Class<?> getAssociatedClass()
                return Double.class;
            public Short getOrdinalNumber()
                return ORDINAL_STRING;
            public Class<?> getAssociatedClass()
                return String.class;
            public Short getOrdinalNumber()
                return ORDINAL_SERIALIZABLE;
            public Class<?> getAssociatedClass()
                return Serializable.class;
            public Short getOrdinalNumber()
                return ORDINAL_CONSTRUCTABLE;
            public Class<?> getAssociatedClass()
                return Class.class;
            public Short getOrdinalNumber()
                return ORDINAL_ENUM;
            public Class<?> getAssociatedClass()
                return Enum.class;
         * Fetch the numerical value that will represent the the persisted type.  This is done
         * explicitly to prevent ordering issues if further types are added.
         * @return              Returns the ordinal number
        public abstract Short getOrdinalNumber();
         * Get the persisted type's class.  This is used for determining the source type when
         * converting from persisted values.
         * @return              Returns the class associated with the persisted type
        public abstract Class<?> getAssociatedClass();

    public static final Pair<Short, Serializable> PERSISTED_TYPE_NULL;
     * An unmodifiable map of persisted type enums keyed by their ordinal number
    public static final Map<Short, PersistedType> persistedTypesByOrdinal;
        // Create a pair for null values
        PERSISTED_TYPE_NULL = new Pair<Short, Serializable>(PersistedType.NULL.getOrdinalNumber(), new Long(0));
        // Create the map of ordinal-type
        Map<Short, PersistedType> mapOrdinal = new HashMap<Short, PersistedType>(15);
        for (PersistedType persistedType : PersistedType.values())
            mapOrdinal.put(persistedType.getOrdinalNumber(), persistedType);
        persistedTypesByOrdinal = Collections.unmodifiableMap(mapOrdinal);

    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PropertyValueEntity.class);
    private Long id;
    private Long actualTypeId;
    private Short persistedType;
    private PersistedType persistedTypeEnum;            // Derived
    private Long longValue;
    private String stringValue;
    private Double doubleValue;
    private Serializable serializableValue;
    public PropertyValueEntity()
        this.persistedType = PersistedType.NULL.getOrdinalNumber();
        this.longValue = LONG_ZERO;
    public int hashCode()
        return (actualTypeId == null ? 0 : actualTypeId.intValue()) + (longValue == null ? 0 : longValue.intValue());
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        else if (obj != null && obj instanceof PropertyValueEntity)
            PropertyValueEntity that = (PropertyValueEntity) obj;
            return EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(this.actualTypeId, that.actualTypeId) &&
                   EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(this.longValue, that.longValue);
            return false;
    public String toString()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(512);
          .append("[ ID=").append(id)
          .append(", actualTypeId=").append(actualTypeId)
          .append(", persistedType=").append(persistedType)
          .append(", value=").append(longValue)
        return sb.toString();
     * Helper method to get the value based on the persisted type. 
     * @param actualType        the type to convert to
     * @param converter         the data converter to use
     * @return                  Returns the converted value
    public Serializable getValue(Class<Serializable> actualType, PropertyTypeConverter converter)
        switch (persistedTypeEnum)
        case NULL:
            return null;
        case LONG:
            return converter.convert(actualType, Long.valueOf(longValue));
        case DOUBLE:
            return converter.convert(actualType, Double.valueOf(doubleValue));
        case STRING:
            if (stringValue != null && stringValue.equals(PropertyStringValueEntity.EMPTY_STRING_REPLACEMENT))
                return converter.convert(actualType, PropertyStringValueEntity.EMPTY_STRING);
                return converter.convert(actualType, stringValue);
        case SERIALIZABLE:
            return converter.convert(actualType, serializableValue);
        case CONSTRUCTABLE:
            // Construct an instance using the converter (it knows best!)
            return converter.constructInstance(stringValue);
        case ENUM:
            // The converter should handle enumeration types
            return converter.convert(actualType, stringValue);
            throw new IllegalStateException("Should not be able to get through switch");
     * Shortcut method to set the value.  It will be converted as required and the necessary fields
     * will be populated.
     * @param value         the value to persist (may be <tt>null</tt>)
     * @param converter     the converter that will perform and type conversion
    public void setValue(Serializable value, PropertyTypeConverter converter)
        if (value == null)
            this.persistedType = ORDINAL_NULL;
            this.persistedTypeEnum = PersistedType.NULL;
            this.longValue = LONG_ZERO;
            // The converter will be responsible for deserializing, so let it choose
            // how the data is to be stored.
            persistedTypeEnum = converter.getPersistentType(value);
            persistedType = persistedTypeEnum.getOrdinalNumber();
            // Get the class to persist as
            switch (persistedTypeEnum)
                case LONG:
                    longValue = converter.convert(Long.class, value);
                case DOUBLE:
                    doubleValue = converter.convert(Double.class, value);
                case STRING:
                    stringValue = converter.convert(String.class, value);
                    if (stringValue.equals(PropertyStringValueEntity.EMPTY_STRING))
                        // Oracle: We can't insert empty strings into the column.
                        stringValue = PropertyStringValueEntity.EMPTY_STRING_REPLACEMENT;
                case CONSTRUCTABLE:
                    // A special case.  There is no conversion, so just Store the name of the class.
                    stringValue = value.getClass().getName();
                case ENUM:
                    // A special case.  Store the string-equivalent representation
                    stringValue = converter.convert(String.class, value);
                case SERIALIZABLE:
                    serializableValue = value;
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "PropertyTypeConverter.convertToPersistentType returned illegal type: " +
                            "   Converter:      " + converter + "\n" +
                            "   Type Returned:  " + persistedTypeEnum + "\n" +
                            "   From Value:     " + value);
     * Helper method to determine how the given value will be stored.
     * @param value         the value to check
     * @param converter     the type converter
     * @return              Returns the persisted type
     * @see PropertyTypeConverter#getPersistentType(Serializable)
    public static PersistedType getPersistedTypeEnum(Serializable value, PropertyTypeConverter converter)
        PersistedType persistedTypeEnum;
        if (value == null)
            persistedTypeEnum = PersistedType.NULL;
            persistedTypeEnum = converter.getPersistentType(value);
        return persistedTypeEnum;
    public PersistedType getPersistedTypeEnum()
        return persistedTypeEnum;
    public Long getId()
        return id;

    public void setId(Long id)
        this.id = id;

    public Long getActualTypeId()
        return actualTypeId;

    public void setActualTypeId(Long actualTypeId)
        this.actualTypeId = actualTypeId;

    public Short getPersistedType()
        return persistedType;

    public void setPersistedType(Short persistedType)
        this.persistedType = persistedType;
        this.persistedTypeEnum = persistedTypesByOrdinal.get(persistedType);
        if (persistedTypeEnum == null)
            logger.error("Persisted type '" + persistedType + "' is not recognised.");
            this.persistedTypeEnum = PersistedType.LONG;

    public Long getLongValue()
        return longValue;

    public void setLongValue(Long longValue)
        this.longValue = longValue;

    public String getStringValue()
        return stringValue;

    public void setStringValue(String stringValue)
        if (stringValue == null)
            // Oracle!  It pulls nulls out in place of empty strings.
            //  Since we don't put nulls into the DB (the column doesn't allow it)
            //  we can be sure that this is an Oracle empty string
            stringValue = "";
        this.stringValue = stringValue;

    public Double getDoubleValue()
        return doubleValue;

    public void setDoubleValue(Double doubleValue)
        this.doubleValue = doubleValue;

    public Serializable getSerializableValue()
        return serializableValue;

    public void setSerializableValue(Serializable serializableValue)
        this.serializableValue = serializableValue;