 * © 2016 AgNO3 Gmbh & Co. KG
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
package jcifs.smb;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import jcifs.CIFSContext;
import jcifs.CIFSException;
import jcifs.SidResolver;
import jcifs.dcerpc.DcerpcHandle;
import jcifs.dcerpc.UnicodeString;
import jcifs.dcerpc.rpc;
import jcifs.dcerpc.rpc.sid_t;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.LsaPolicyHandle;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.MsrpcEnumerateAliasesInDomain;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.MsrpcGetMembersInAlias;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.MsrpcLookupSids;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.MsrpcQueryInformationPolicy;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.SamrAliasHandle;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.SamrDomainHandle;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.SamrPolicyHandle;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.lsarpc;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.lsarpc.LsarTranslatedName;
import jcifs.dcerpc.msrpc.samr;

 * Internal use only: SID resolver cache
 * @author mbechler
 * @internal
public class SIDCacheImpl implements SidResolver {

    private Map<SID, SID> sidCache = new HashMap<>();

     * @param baseContext
    public SIDCacheImpl ( CIFSContext baseContext ) {}

    void resolveSids ( DcerpcHandle handle, LsaPolicyHandle policyHandle, jcifs.SID[] sids ) throws IOException {
        MsrpcLookupSids rpc = new MsrpcLookupSids(policyHandle, sids);
        switch ( rpc.retval ) {
        case 0:
        case NtStatus.NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED:
        case 0x00000107: // NT_STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED
            throw new SmbException(rpc.retval, false);

        for ( int si = 0; si < sids.length; si++ ) {
            SID out = sids[ si ].unwrap(SID.class);
            LsarTranslatedName resp = rpc.names.names[ si ];
            out.domainName = null;
            switch ( resp.sid_type ) {
            case jcifs.SID.SID_TYPE_USER:
            case jcifs.SID.SID_TYPE_DOM_GRP:
            case jcifs.SID.SID_TYPE_DOMAIN:
            case jcifs.SID.SID_TYPE_ALIAS:
            case jcifs.SID.SID_TYPE_WKN_GRP:
                rpc.unicode_string ustr = rpc.domains.domains[ resp.sid_index ].name;
                out.domainName = ( new UnicodeString(ustr, false) ).toString();

            UnicodeString ucstr = new UnicodeString(resp.name, false);
            out.acctName = ucstr.toString();
            out.type = resp.sid_type;
            out.origin_server = null;
            out.origin_ctx = null;

    void resolveSids0 ( String authorityServerName, CIFSContext tc, jcifs.SID[] sids ) throws CIFSException {
        synchronized ( this.sidCache ) {
            try ( DcerpcHandle handle = DcerpcHandle.getHandle("ncacn_np:" + authorityServerName + "[\\PIPE\\lsarpc]", tc) ) {
                String server = authorityServerName;
                int dot = server.indexOf('.');
                if ( dot > 0 && Character.isDigit(server.charAt(0)) == false )
                    server = server.substring(0, dot);
                try ( LsaPolicyHandle policyHandle = new LsaPolicyHandle(handle, "\\\\" + server, 0x00000800) ) {
                    resolveSids(handle, policyHandle, sids);
            catch ( IOException e ) {
                throw new CIFSException("Failed to resolve SIDs", e);

    public void resolveSids ( CIFSContext tc, String authorityServerName, jcifs.SID[] sids, int offset, int length ) throws CIFSException {
        ArrayList<SID> list = new ArrayList<>(sids.length);
        int si;

        synchronized ( this.sidCache ) {
            for ( si = 0; si < length; si++ ) {
                SID s = sids[ offset + si ].unwrap(SID.class);
                SID sid = this.sidCache.get(s);
                if ( sid != null ) {
                    s.type = sid.type;
                    s.domainName = sid.domainName;
                    s.acctName = sid.acctName;
                else {

            if ( list.size() > 0 ) {
                SID[] resolved = list.toArray(new SID[list.size()]);
                resolveSids0(authorityServerName, tc, resolved);
                for ( si = 0; si < resolved.length; si++ ) {
                    this.sidCache.put(resolved[ si ], resolved[ si ]);

     * Resolve an array of SIDs using a cache and at most one MSRPC request.
     * <p>
     * This method will attempt
     * to resolve SIDs using a cache and cache the results of any SIDs that
     * required resolving with the authority. SID cache entries are currently not
     * expired because under normal circumstances SID information never changes.
     * @param authorityServerName
     *            The hostname of the server that should be queried. For maximum efficiency this should be the hostname
     *            of a domain controller however a member server will work as well and a domain controller may not
     *            return names for SIDs corresponding to local accounts for which the domain controller is not an
     *            authority.
     * @param tc
     *            The context that should be used to communicate with the named server.
     * @param sids
     *            The SIDs that should be resolved. After this function is called, the names associated with the SIDs
     *            may be queried with the <tt>toDisplayString</tt>, <tt>getDomainName</tt>, and <tt>getAccountName</tt>
     *            methods.
    public void resolveSids ( CIFSContext tc, String authorityServerName, jcifs.SID[] sids ) throws CIFSException {
        ArrayList<SID> list = new ArrayList<>(sids.length);
        int si;

        synchronized ( this.sidCache ) {
            for ( si = 0; si < sids.length; si++ ) {
                SID s = sids[ si ].unwrap(SID.class);
                SID sid = this.sidCache.get(s);
                if ( sid != null ) {
                    s.type = sid.type;
                    s.domainName = sid.domainName;
                    s.acctName = sid.acctName;
                else {

            if ( list.size() > 0 ) {
                SID[] resolved = list.toArray(new SID[list.size()]);
                resolveSids0(authorityServerName, tc, resolved);
                for ( si = 0; si < resolved.length; si++ ) {
                    this.sidCache.put(resolved[ si ], resolved[ si ]);

    public SID getServerSid ( CIFSContext tc, String server ) throws CIFSException {
        lsarpc.LsarDomainInfo info = new lsarpc.LsarDomainInfo();
        MsrpcQueryInformationPolicy rpc;

        synchronized ( this.sidCache ) {
            try ( DcerpcHandle handle = DcerpcHandle.getHandle("ncacn_np:" + server + "[\\PIPE\\lsarpc]", tc) ) {
                // NetApp doesn't like the 'generic' access mask values
                try ( LsaPolicyHandle policyHandle = new LsaPolicyHandle(handle, null, 0x00000001) ) {
                    rpc = new MsrpcQueryInformationPolicy(policyHandle, (short) lsarpc.POLICY_INFO_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN, info);
                    if ( rpc.retval != 0 )
                        throw new SmbException(rpc.retval, false);

                return new SID(info.sid, jcifs.SID.SID_TYPE_DOMAIN, ( new UnicodeString(info.name, false) ).toString(), null, false);
            catch ( IOException e ) {
                throw new CIFSException("Failed to get SID from server", e);

    public SID[] getGroupMemberSids ( CIFSContext tc, String authorityServerName, jcifs.SID domsid, int rid, int flags ) throws CIFSException {
        lsarpc.LsarSidArray sidarray = new lsarpc.LsarSidArray();
        MsrpcGetMembersInAlias rpc = null;

        synchronized ( this.sidCache ) {
            try ( DcerpcHandle handle = DcerpcHandle.getHandle("ncacn_np:" + authorityServerName + "[\\PIPE\\samr]", tc) ) {
                SamrPolicyHandle policyHandle = new SamrPolicyHandle(handle, authorityServerName, 0x00000030);
                SamrDomainHandle domainHandle = new SamrDomainHandle(handle, policyHandle, 0x00000200, domsid.unwrap(sid_t.class));
                try ( SamrAliasHandle aliasHandle = new SamrAliasHandle(handle, domainHandle, 0x0002000c, rid) ) {
                    rpc = new MsrpcGetMembersInAlias(aliasHandle, sidarray);
                    if ( rpc.retval != 0 )
                        throw new SmbException(rpc.retval, false);
                    SID[] sids = new SID[rpc.sids.num_sids];

                    String origin_server = handle.getServer();
                    CIFSContext origin_ctx = handle.getTransportContext();

                    for ( int i = 0; i < sids.length; i++ ) {
                        sids[ i ] = new SID(rpc.sids.sids[ i ].sid, 0, null, null, false);
                        sids[ i ].origin_server = origin_server;
                        sids[ i ].origin_ctx = origin_ctx;
                    if ( sids.length > 0 && ( flags & SID.SID_FLAG_RESOLVE_SIDS ) != 0 ) {
                        resolveSids(origin_ctx, origin_server, sids);
                    return sids;
            catch ( IOException e ) {
                throw new CIFSException("Failed to get group member SIDs", e);


     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see jcifs.SidResolver#getLocalGroupsMap(jcifs.CIFSContext, java.lang.String, int)
    public Map<jcifs.SID, List<jcifs.SID>> getLocalGroupsMap ( CIFSContext tc, String authorityServerName, int flags ) throws CIFSException {
        SID domSid = getServerSid(tc, authorityServerName);
        synchronized ( this.sidCache ) {
            try ( DcerpcHandle handle = DcerpcHandle.getHandle("ncacn_np:" + authorityServerName + "[\\PIPE\\samr]", tc) ) {
                samr.SamrSamArray sam = new samr.SamrSamArray();
                try ( SamrPolicyHandle policyHandle = new SamrPolicyHandle(handle, authorityServerName, 0x02000000);
                      SamrDomainHandle domainHandle = new SamrDomainHandle(handle, policyHandle, 0x02000000, domSid) ) {
                    MsrpcEnumerateAliasesInDomain rpc = new MsrpcEnumerateAliasesInDomain(domainHandle, 0xFFFF, sam);
                    if ( rpc.retval != 0 ) {
                        throw new SmbException(rpc.retval, false);

                    Map<jcifs.SID, List<jcifs.SID>> map = new HashMap<>();

                    for ( int ei = 0; ei < rpc.sam.count; ei++ ) {
                        samr.SamrSamEntry entry = rpc.sam.entries[ ei ];

                        SID[] mems = getGroupMemberSids(tc, authorityServerName, domSid, entry.idx, flags);
                        SID groupSid = new SID(domSid, entry.idx);
                        groupSid.type = jcifs.SID.SID_TYPE_ALIAS;
                        groupSid.domainName = domSid.getDomainName();
                        groupSid.acctName = ( new UnicodeString(entry.name, false) ).toString();

                        for ( int mi = 0; mi < mems.length; mi++ ) {
                            List<jcifs.SID> groups = map.get(mems[ mi ]);
                            if ( groups == null ) {
                                groups = new ArrayList<>();
                                map.put(mems[ mi ], groups);
                            if ( !groups.contains(groupSid) )

                    return map;
            catch ( IOException e ) {
                throw new CIFSException("Failed to resolve groups", e);