package org.redfrog404.mobycraft.commands.titus;

import static org.redfrog404.mobycraft.commands.common.MainCommand.args;
import static org.redfrog404.mobycraft.commands.common.MainCommand.sender;
import static org.redfrog404.mobycraft.utils.MessageSender.sendConfirmMessage;
import static org.redfrog404.mobycraft.utils.MessageSender.sendErrorMessage;
import static org.redfrog404.mobycraft.utils.MessageSender.sendFeedbackMessage;

import org.redfrog404.mobycraft.model.Container;
import org.redfrog404.mobycraft.api.MobycraftContainerLifecycleCommands;
import org.redfrog404.mobycraft.api.MobycraftContainerListCommands;
import org.redfrog404.mobycraft.api.MobycraftImageCommands;
import org.redfrog404.mobycraft.commands.titus.model.Job;
import org.redfrog404.mobycraft.entity.EntityChaosMonkey;
import org.redfrog404.mobycraft.structure.BoxContainer;
import org.redfrog404.mobycraft.structure.StructureBuilder;
import org.redfrog404.mobycraft.utils.Utils;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import java.util.List;

public class ContainerLifecycleCommands implements MobycraftContainerLifecycleCommands {

	private final MobycraftContainerListCommands listCommands;
	private final MobycraftImageCommands imageCommands;
	private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContainerLifecycleCommands.class);

	public ContainerLifecycleCommands(MobycraftContainerListCommands listCommands,
									  MobycraftImageCommands imageCommands) {
		this.listCommands = listCommands;
		this.imageCommands = imageCommands;

	public void start() {
		if (Utils.checkIfArgIsNull(args, 0)) {
			sendErrorMessage("Container name not specified! Command is used as /docker start <name> .");

//		try {
//			getDockerClient().startContainerCmd(
//					MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getFromAllWithName("/" + arg1).getId())
//					.exec();
//			sendConfirmMessage("Started container with name \"" + arg1 + "\"");
//		} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
//			sendErrorMessage("No container exists with the name \"" + arg1
//					+ "\"");
//		}
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");
	public void stop() {
		if (Utils.checkIfArgIsNull(args, 0)) {
			sendErrorMessage("Container name not specified! Command is used as /docker stop <name> .");

//		try {
//			getDockerClient().stopContainerCmd(
//					MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getWithName("/" + arg1).getId()).exec();
//			sendConfirmMessage("Stopped container with name \"" + arg1 + "\"");
//		} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
//			sendErrorMessage("No container exists with the name \"" + arg1
//					+ "\"");
//		}
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");

	public void removeContainer(String containerId) {
//		try {
//			getDockerClient()
//					.removeContainerCmd(
//							MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getFromAllWithName("/" + arg1)
//									.getId()).withForce().exec();
//			sendConfirmMessage("Removed container with name \"" + arg1 + "\"");
//		} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
//			sendErrorMessage("No container exists with the name \"" + arg1
//					+ "\"");
//		}
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");

	public void remove() {
		if (Utils.checkIfArgIsNull(args, 0)) {
			sendErrorMessage("Container name not specified! Command is used as /docker rm <name> .");
//		try {
//			getDockerClient()
//					.removeContainerCmd(
//							MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getFromAllWithName("/" + arg1)
//									.getId()).withForce().exec();
//			sendConfirmMessage("Removed container with name \"" + arg1 + "\"");
//		} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
//			sendErrorMessage("No container exists with the name \"" + arg1
//					+ "\"");
//		}
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");
	public void removeAll() {
		sendFeedbackMessage("Working on it...");
		if (listCommands.getAll().size() < 1) {
			sendFeedbackMessage("No containers currently existing.");
//		for (Container container : MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getAll()) {
//			getDockerClient().removeContainerCmd(container.getId()).withForce()
//					.exec();
//		}
//		sendConfirmMessage("Removed all containers.");
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");
	public void restart() {
		if (Utils.checkIfArgIsNull(args, 0)) {
			sendErrorMessage("Container name not specified! Command is used as /docker restart <name> .");

//		try {
//			getDockerClient().restartContainerCmd(
//					MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getWithName("/" + arg1).getId()).exec();
//			sendConfirmMessage("Restarted container with name \"" + arg1 + "\"");
//		} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
//			sendErrorMessage("No container exists with the name \"" + arg1
//					+ "\"");
//		}
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");
	public void kill() {
		if (Utils.checkIfArgIsNull(args, 0)) {
			sendErrorMessage("Container name not specified! Command is used as /docker kill <name> .");

//		try {
//			getDockerClient().killContainerCmd(
//					MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getWithName("/" + arg1).getId()).exec();
//			sendConfirmMessage("Killed container with name \"" + arg1 + "\"");
//		} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
//			sendErrorMessage("No container exists with the name \"" + arg1
//					+ "\"");
//		}
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");
	public void killAll() {
		sendFeedbackMessage("Working on it...");
//		if (MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getStarted().size() < 1) {
//			sendFeedbackMessage("No containers currently running.");
//			return;
//		}
//		for (Container container : MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getStarted()) {
//			getDockerClient().killContainerCmd(container.getId()).exec();
//		}
//		sendConfirmMessage("Killed all containers.");
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");
	public void run() throws InterruptedException {
		if (args.length < 1) {
			sendErrorMessage("No arguments specified! Command is used as /docker run <image> (name | amount) .");
		sendFeedbackMessage("Working on it...");
//		if (MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getImageCommands().getImageWithName(arg1) == null) {
//			PullImageResultCallback callback = new PullImageResultCallback();
//			getDockerClient().pullImageCmd(arg1).withTag("latest").exec(callback);
//			try {
//				callback.awaitCompletion();
//			} catch (DockerClientException exception) {
//				sendErrorMessage("\"" + arg1 + "\" + is not a valid image name!");
//			}
//		}
//		if (args.length < 2) {
//			// No name, no number
//			CreateContainerResponse response = getDockerClient()
//					.createContainerCmd(arg1).exec();
//			getDockerClient().startContainerCmd(response.getId()).exec();
//			String name = "";
//			for (Container container : MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getStarted()) {
//				if (container.getId().equals(response.getId())) {
//					name = container.getNames()[0];
//				}
//			}
//			sendConfirmMessage("Created container with image \"" + arg1
//					+ "\" and name \"" + name + "\"");
//		} else if (!NumberUtils.isNumber(args[1])) {
//			// Name
//			CreateContainerResponse response = getDockerClient()
//					.createContainerCmd(arg1).withName(args[1]).exec();
//			getDockerClient().startContainerCmd(response.getId()).exec();
//			sendConfirmMessage("Created container with image \"" + arg1
//					+ "\" and name \"" + args[1] + "\"");
//		} else {
//			// Number
//			ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
//			for (int i = 0; i < Integer.parseInt(args[1]); i++) {
//				CreateContainerResponse response = getDockerClient()
//						.createContainerCmd(arg1).exec();
//				getDockerClient().startContainerCmd(response.getId()).exec();
//				String name = "";
//				for (Container container : MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getStarted()) {
//					if (container.getId().equals(response.getId())) {
//						name = container.getNames()[0];
//						names.add(name);
//					}
//				}
//			}
//			String namesMessage = "";
//			for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
//				if (i == names.size() - 1) {
//					namesMessage.concat(" and \"" + names.get(i) + "\"");
//				} else {
//					namesMessage.concat("\"" + names.get(i) + "\", ");
//				}
//			}
//			sendConfirmMessage("Created containers with image \"" + arg1
//					+ "\" and names " + names);
//	}
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");
	public void removeStopped() {
		sendFeedbackMessage("Working on it...");
		if (listCommands.getStopped().size() < 1) {
			sendFeedbackMessage("No containers currently stopped.");
//		for (Container container : MobycraftCommandsFactory.getInstance().getListCommands().getStopped()) {
//			getDockerClient().removeContainerCmd(container.getId()).withForce()
//					.exec();
//		}
//		sendConfirmMessage("Removed all stopped containers.");
		sendConfirmMessage("Not yet implemented");
	public void switchState(StructureBuilder builder, String containerID) {

		// If there is no container with the ID, return
		if (listCommands.getBoxContainerWithID(containerID) == null) {

		// New BoxContainer variable called boxContainer to store the container
		BoxContainer boxContainer = listCommands.getBoxContainerWithID(containerID);


		Block containerBlock;
		Block prevContainerBlock;

		// If the container is now on (previously off):
		if (boxContainer.getState()) {
			containerBlock = Blocks.iron_block;
			prevContainerBlock = Blocks.redstone_block;
			sendConfirmMessage("Can't restart terminated containers");
		// Otherwise, if the container is now off (previously on):
		else {
			containerBlock = Blocks.redstone_block;
			prevContainerBlock = Blocks.iron_block;

		builder.replace(boxContainer.getWorld(), boxContainer.getPosition()
				.add(2, 0, 1), boxContainer.getPosition().add(-2, 0, 7),
				prevContainerBlock, containerBlock);

		builder.replace(boxContainer.getWorld(), boxContainer.getPosition()
				.add(2, 4, 1), boxContainer.getPosition().add(-2, 4, 7),
				prevContainerBlock, containerBlock);

	private void terminateContainer(String taskId) {
		Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient().register(FixHeadersClientResponseFilter.class);
		WebTarget target = client
				.path("/v2/tasks/terminate/" + taskId);
		Response response = target.request().post(Entity.text(""));"response = " + response);
	public void killChaosMonkeys() {
		World world = sender.getEntityWorld();
		int numberOfMonkeys = 0;
		for (EntityChaosMonkey entity : world.getEntities(EntityChaosMonkey.class, null)) {
		if (numberOfMonkeys == 0) {
			sendErrorMessage("There are no Chaos Monkeys in this world!");
		} else {
			sendConfirmMessage("Killed " + numberOfMonkeys + " Chaos Monkeys.");