 *  Copyright (C) 2014  Alfons Wirtz  
 *   website www.freerouting.net
 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> 
 *   for more details.
 * Point.java
 * Created on 1. Februar 2003, 11:38

package geometry.planar;

import java.math.BigInteger;

 * Abstract class describing functionality for Points in the plane.
 * @author Alfons Wirtz

public abstract class Point implements java.io.Serializable
     * returns the translation of this point by p_vector
    public abstract Point translate_by(Vector p_vector );
     * returns the difference vector of this point and p_other
    public abstract Vector difference_by(Point p_other);
     * approximates the coordinates of this point by float coordinates
    public abstract FloatPoint to_float();
     * returns true, if this Point is a RationalPoint with denominator z = 0.
    public abstract boolean is_infinite();
     * creates the smallest Box with integer coordinates  containing this point.
    public abstract IntBox surrounding_box();
     * creates the smallest Octagon with integer coordinates  containing this point.
    public abstract IntOctagon surrounding_octagon();
     * Returns true, if this point lies in the interiour or on the border
     * of p_box.
    public abstract boolean is_contained_in( IntBox p_box);
    public abstract Side side_of(Line p_line);
     * returns the nearest point to this point on p_line
    public abstract Point perpendicular_projection(Line p_line);
     * Standard implementation of the zero point .
    public static final IntPoint ZERO = new IntPoint(0, 0);
     * creates an IntPoint from p_x and p_y. If p_x or p_y is to big for
     * an IntPoint, a RationalPoint is created.
    public static Point get_instance(int p_x, int p_y)
        IntPoint result = new IntPoint(p_x, p_y);
        if ( Math.abs(p_x) > Limits.CRIT_INT ||
                Math.abs(p_x) > Limits.CRIT_INT )
            return new RationalPoint(result);
        return result;
     * factory method for creating a Point from 3 BigIntegers
    public static Point get_instance(BigInteger p_x, BigInteger p_y,
            BigInteger p_z)
        if (p_z.signum() < 0)
            // the dominator z of a RationalPoint is expected to be positive
            p_x = p_x.negate();
            p_y = p_y.negate();
            p_z = p_z.negate();
        if ((p_x.mod(p_z)).signum() == 0 && (p_x.mod(p_z)).signum() == 0)
            // p_x and p_y can be divided by p_z
            p_x = p_x.divide(p_z);
            p_y = p_y.divide(p_z);
            p_z = BigInteger.ONE;
        if (p_z.equals(BigInteger.ONE))
            if ( (p_x.abs()).compareTo(Limits.CRIT_INT_BIG) <= 0 &&
                    (p_y.abs()).compareTo(Limits.CRIT_INT_BIG) <= 0 )
                // the Point fits into an IntPoint
                return new IntPoint(p_x.intValue(), p_y.intValue());
        return new RationalPoint(p_x, p_y, p_z);
     * The function returns
     *         Side.ON_THE_LEFT, if this Point is on the left of the line from p_1 to p_2;
     *         Side.ON_THE_RIGHT, if this Point is on the right of the line from p_1 to p_2;
     *     and Side.COLLINEAR, if this Point is collinear with p_1 and p_2.
    public Side side_of(Point p_1, Point p_2)
        Vector v1 = difference_by(p_1);
        Vector v2 = p_2.difference_by(p_1);
        return v1.side_of(v2);
     * Calculates the perpendicular direction froma this point
     * to p_line. Returns Direction.NULL, if this point lies on p_line.
    public Direction perpendicular_direction(Line p_line)
        Side side = this.side_of(p_line);
        if (side == Side.COLLINEAR)
            return Direction.NULL;
        Direction result;
        if (side ==  Side.ON_THE_RIGHT)
            result = p_line.direction().turn_45_degree(2);
            result = p_line.direction().turn_45_degree(6);
        return result;
     * Returns 1, if this Point has a strict bigger x coordinate than p_other,
     * 0, if the x cooordinates are equal, and -1 otherwise.
    public abstract int compare_x(Point p_other);
     * Returns 1, if this Point has a strict bigger y coordinate than p_other,
     * 0, if the y cooordinates are equal, and -1 otherwise.
    public abstract int compare_y(Point p_other);
     * The function returns compare_x (p_other), if the result is not 0.
     * Otherwise it returns compare_y (p_other).
    public int compare_x_y(Point p_other)
        int result = compare_x(p_other);
        if (result == 0)
            result = compare_y(p_other);
        return result;
     * Turns this point by p_factor times 90 degree around p_pole.
    public Point turn_90_degree(int p_factor, Point p_pole)
        Vector v = this.difference_by(p_pole);
        v = v.turn_90_degree(p_factor);
        return p_pole.translate_by(v);
     * Mirrors this point at the vertical line through p_pole.
    public Point mirror_vertical(Point p_pole)
        Vector v = this.difference_by(p_pole);
        v = v. mirror_at_y_axis();
        return p_pole.translate_by(v);
     * Mirrors this point at the horizontal line through p_pole.
    public Point mirror_horizontal(Point p_pole)
        Vector v = this.difference_by(p_pole);
        v = v. mirror_at_x_axis();
        return p_pole.translate_by(v);
    // auxiliary functions needed because the virtual function mechanism
    // does not work in parameter position
    abstract Point translate_by(IntVector p_vector );
    abstract Point translate_by(RationalVector p_vector );
    abstract Vector difference_by(IntPoint p_other);
    abstract Vector difference_by(RationalPoint p_other);
    abstract int compare_x(IntPoint p_other);
    abstract int compare_x(RationalPoint p_other);
    abstract int compare_y(IntPoint p_other);
    abstract int compare_y(RationalPoint p_other);