Java Code Examples for org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray#addi()

The following examples show how to use org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray#addi() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From nd4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testSomething2() {
    // we create 2D array, total nr. of elements is 2.4B elements, > MAX_INT
    INDArray huge = Nd4j.create(100, 10);

    // we apply element-wise scalar ops, just to make sure stuff still works

    // now we're checking different rows, they should NOT equal
    INDArray row0 = huge.getRow(73).assign(1.0);
    INDArray row1 = huge.getRow(74).assign(2.0);
    assertNotEquals(row0, row1);

    // same idea, but this code is broken: rowA and rowB will be pointing to the same offset
    INDArray rowA = huge.getRow(huge.rows() - 3);
    INDArray rowB = huge.getRow(huge.rows() - 10);

    // safety check, to see if we're really working on the same offset.

    // and this fails, so rowA and rowB are pointing to the same offset, despite different getRow() arguments were used
    assertNotEquals(rowA, rowB);
Example 2
Source File:    From nd4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testMetaOp5() throws Exception {
    INDArray exp1 = Nd4j.create(500, 500).assign(3.0f);
    INDArray exp2 = Nd4j.create(500, 500).assign(6.0f);
    INDArray exp3 = Nd4j.create(500, 500).assign(2.0f);
    INDArray array = Nd4j.ones(500, 500);
    INDArray param = Nd4j.ones(500, 500);//.reshape('f',500, 500);

    INDArray am = param.mul(2);
    assertEquals(0, ((CudaGridExecutioner) Nd4j.getExecutioner()).getQueueLength());


    assertArrayEquals(,, 0.001f);

    assertArrayEquals(,, 0.001f);
Example 3
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * This test checks for allocations within single workspace, without any spills
 * @throws Exception
public void endlessTest1() {

                    WorkspaceConfiguration.builder().initialSize(100 * 1024L * 1024L).build());


    AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);
    while (true) {
        try (MemoryWorkspace workspace = Nd4j.getWorkspaceManager().getAndActivateWorkspace()) {
            long time1 = System.nanoTime();
            INDArray array = Nd4j.create(1024 * 1024);
            long time2 = System.nanoTime();
            assertEquals(1.0f, array.meanNumber().floatValue(), 0.1f);

            if (counter.incrementAndGet() % 1000 == 0)
      "{} iterations passed... Allocation time: {} ns", counter.get(), time2 - time1);
Example 4
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testNadam() {
    int rows = 10;
    int cols = 2;

    NadamUpdater grad = new NadamUpdater(new Nadam());
    grad.setStateViewArray(Nd4j.zeros(1, 2 * rows * cols), new long[] {rows, cols}, 'c', true);
    INDArray W = Nd4j.zeros(rows, cols);
    Distribution dist = Nd4j.getDistributions().createNormal(1e-3, 1e-3);
    for (int i = 0; i < W.rows(); i++)
        W.putRow(i, Nd4j.create(dist.sample(W.columns())));

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        //            String learningRates = String.valueOf("\nAdamUpdater\n " + grad.applyUpdater(W, i)).replaceAll(";", "\n");
        //            System.out.println(learningRates);
        W.addi(Nd4j.randn(rows, cols));
Example 5
Source File:    From jstarcraft-ai with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
// TODO 准备与dotProduct整合
public MathVector accumulateProduct(MathMatrix leftMatrix, boolean transpose, MathVector rightVector, MathCalculator mode) {
    if (leftMatrix instanceof Nd4jMatrix && rightVector instanceof Nd4jVector) {
        Nd4jEnvironmentThread thread = EnvironmentThread.getThread(Nd4jEnvironmentThread.class);
        try (MemoryWorkspace workspace = thread.getSpace()) {
            INDArray leftArray = transpose ? Nd4jMatrix.class.cast(leftMatrix).getArray().transpose() : Nd4jMatrix.class.cast(leftMatrix).getArray();
            INDArray rightArray = Nd4jVector.class.cast(rightVector).getArray();
            INDArray dataArray = this.getArray();
            INDArray cacheArray = Nd4j.zeros(dataArray.shape(), dataArray.ordering());
            Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().gemv(one, leftArray, rightArray, zero, cacheArray);
            return this;
    } else {
        return MathVector.super.accumulateProduct(leftMatrix, transpose, rightVector, mode);
Example 6
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testStandardizeNoDeviation() {
    final INDArray random = Nd4j.rand(new int[]{10, 4});
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        random.putScalar(1, i, 7);

    final int[] axis = new int[]{1};
    final INDArray means = random.mean(axis);
    final INDArray std = random.std(false, axis);

    final INDArray res = random.subColumnVector(means).divColumnVector(std);
    final INDArray expOut = res.norm1();

    SameDiff sd = SameDiff.create();
    SDVariable sdA = sd.var("a", random);
    SDVariable t = sd.math.standardize(sdA, axis);

    String err = OpValidation.validate(new TestCase(sd)
            .expectedOutput("out", expOut)
    assertNull(err, err);
Example 7
Source File:    From nd4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void normalizeMatrix(INDArray toNormalize) {
    INDArray columnMeans = toNormalize.mean(0);
    INDArray std = toNormalize.std(0);
Example 8
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Rearrange matrix
 * columns into blocks

 * @param col the column
 *            transposed image to convert
 * @param sy stride y
 * @param sx stride x
 * @param ph padding height
 * @param pw padding width
 * @param h height
 * @param w width
 * @return
public static INDArray col2im(INDArray col, int sy, int sx, int ph, int pw, int h, int w) {
    //number of images
    long n = col.size(0);
    //number of columns
    long c = col.size(1);
    //kernel height
    long kh = col.size(2);
    //kernel width
    long kw = col.size(3);
    //out height
    long outH = col.size(4);
    //out width
    long outW = col.size(5);

    INDArray img = Nd4j.create(n, c, h + 2 * ph + sy - 1, w + 2 * pw + sx - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < kh; i++) {
        //iterate over the kernel rows
        long iLim = i + sy * outH;
        for (int j = 0; j < kw; j++) {
            //iterate over the kernel columns
            long jLim = j + sx * outW;
            INDArrayIndex[] indices = new INDArrayIndex[] {NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.all(),
                            NDArrayIndex.interval(i, sy, iLim), NDArrayIndex.interval(j, sx, jLim)};

            INDArray get = img.get(indices);

            INDArray colAdd = col.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.point(i),
                            NDArrayIndex.point(j), NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.all());
            img.put(indices, get);


    //return the subset of the padded image relative to the height/width of the image and the padding width/height
    return img.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(ph, ph + h),
                    NDArrayIndex.interval(pw, pw + w));
Example 9
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void normalizeMatrix(INDArray toNormalize) {
    INDArray columnMeans = toNormalize.mean(0);
    INDArray std = toNormalize.std(0);
Example 10
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
    public Pair<Gradient, INDArray> backpropGradient(INDArray epsilon, LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr) {
        //If this layer is layer L, then epsilon for this layer is ((w^(L+1)*(delta^(L+1))^T))^T (or equivalent)
        INDArray z = preOutput(true, workspaceMgr); //Note: using preOutput(INDArray) can't be used as this does a setInput(input) and resets the 'appliedDropout' flag
        INDArray delta = layerConf().getActivationFn().backprop(z, epsilon).getFirst(); //TODO handle activation function params

        if (maskArray != null) {

        INDArray input = this.input.castTo(dataType);

        Gradient ret = new DefaultGradient();

        INDArray weightGrad =  gradientViews.get(ElementWiseParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY);


        INDArray biasGrad = gradientViews.get(ElementWiseParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY);
        delta.sum(biasGrad, 0); //biasGrad is initialized/zeroed first

        ret.gradientForVariable().put(ElementWiseParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY, weightGrad);
        ret.gradientForVariable().put(ElementWiseParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY, biasGrad);

//      epsilonNext is a 2d matrix
        INDArray epsilonNext = delta.mulRowVector(params.get(ElementWiseParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY));
        epsilonNext = workspaceMgr.leverageTo(ArrayType.ACTIVATION_GRAD, epsilonNext);

        epsilonNext = backpropDropOutIfPresent(epsilonNext);
        return new Pair<>(ret, epsilonNext);
Example 11
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDotProductAttentionWithMask(){
    final INDArray keys = Nd4j.rand(new int[]{10, 4, 3});
    final INDArray values = Nd4j.rand(new int[]{10, 4, 3});
    final INDArray query = Nd4j.rand(new int[]{10, 4, 1});
    final INDArray mask = Nd4j.rand(10, 3).gte(0.2).castTo(DataType.DOUBLE);

    final INDArray exec = Nd4j.matmul(keys, query, true, false, false)
    exec.addi(mask.reshape(10, 3, 1).sub(1).muli(1e9));
    Nd4j.exec((CustomOp) new SoftMax(exec, exec, 1));
    final INDArray finalOut = Nd4j.matmul(values, exec).norm1();

    SameDiff sd = SameDiff.create();
    SDVariable sdQ = sd.var("q", query);
    SDVariable sdK = sd.var("k", keys);
    SDVariable sdV = sd.var("v", values);
    SDVariable sdMask = sd.constant("mask", mask);

    SDVariable t = sd.nn.dotProductAttention(sdQ, sdK, sdV, sdMask, true);

    String err = OpValidation.validate(new TestCase(sd)
            .expectedOutput("out", finalOut)
Example 12
Source File:    From nd4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public genRandomDataSet(int nSamples, int nFeatures, int a, int b, long randSeed) {
    /* if a =1 and b = 0,normal distribution
        otherwise with some random mean and some random distribution
    int i = 0;
    // Randomly generate scaling constants and add offsets
    // to get aA and bB
    INDArray aA = a == 1 ? Nd4j.ones(1, nFeatures) : Nd4j.rand(1, nFeatures, randSeed).mul(a); //a = 1, don't scale
    INDArray bB = Nd4j.rand(1, nFeatures, randSeed).mul(b); //b = 0 this zeros out
    // transform ndarray as X = aA + bB * X
    INDArray randomFeatures = Nd4j.zeros(nSamples, nFeatures);
    INDArray randomFeaturesTransform = Nd4j.zeros(nSamples, nFeatures);
    while (i < nFeatures) {
        INDArray randomSlice = Nd4j.randn(nSamples, 1, randSeed);
        randomFeaturesTransform.putColumn(i, randomSlice);
        randomSlice.muli(aA.getScalar(0, i));
        randomSlice.addi(bB.getScalar(0, i));
        randomFeatures.putColumn(i, randomSlice);
    INDArray randomLabels = Nd4j.zeros(nSamples, 1);
    this.sampleDataSet = new DataSet(randomFeatures, randomLabels);
    this.theoreticalTransform = new DataSet(randomFeaturesTransform, randomLabels);
    this.theoreticalMean = bB;
    this.theoreticalStd = aA;
    this.theoreticalSEM = this.theoreticalStd.div(Math.sqrt(nSamples));
Example 13
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testTileBp2(){

    INDArray in = Nd4j.create(3,4,5);   //Values aren't used in backprop, just shape
    int[] tile = new int[]{2,3,4};

    int[] outShape = new int[]{3*2, 4*3, 5*4};
    int length =;
    INDArray gradAtOut = Nd4j.rand(outShape);

    INDArray gradAtInExp = Nd4j.create(in.shape());
    for(int i=0; i<tile[0]; i++ ){
        for( int j=0; j<tile[1]; j++){
            for( int k=0; k<tile[2]; k++ ){
                INDArray subset = gradAtOut.get(NDArrayIndex.interval(i*3, (i+1)*3), NDArrayIndex.interval(j*4, (j+1)*4), NDArrayIndex.interval(k*5, (k+1)*5));

    DynamicCustomOp op = DynamicCustomOp.builder("tile_bp")
            .addInputs(in, gradAtOut)
    OpTestCase otc = new OpTestCase(op)
            .expectedOutput(0, gradAtInExp);

    String err = OpValidation.validate(otc);
Example 14
Source File:    From nd4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Rearrange matrix
 * columns into blocks

 * @param col the column
 *            transposed image to convert
 * @param sy stride y
 * @param sx stride x
 * @param ph padding height
 * @param pw padding width
 * @param h height
 * @param w width
 * @return
public static INDArray col2im(INDArray col, int sy, int sx, int ph, int pw, int h, int w) {
    //number of images
    long n = col.size(0);
    //number of columns
    long c = col.size(1);
    //kernel height
    long kh = col.size(2);
    //kernel width
    long kw = col.size(3);
    //out height
    long outH = col.size(4);
    //out width
    long outW = col.size(5);

    INDArray img = Nd4j.create(n, c, h + 2 * ph + sy - 1, w + 2 * pw + sx - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < kh; i++) {
        //iterate over the kernel rows
        long iLim = i + sy * outH;
        for (int j = 0; j < kw; j++) {
            //iterate over the kernel columns
            long jLim = j + sx * outW;
            INDArrayIndex[] indices = new INDArrayIndex[] {NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.all(),
                            NDArrayIndex.interval(i, sy, iLim), NDArrayIndex.interval(j, sx, jLim)};

            INDArray get = img.get(indices);

            INDArray colAdd = col.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.point(i),
                            NDArrayIndex.point(j), NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.all());
            img.put(indices, get);


    //return the subset of the padded image relative to the height/width of the image and the padding width/height
    return img.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(ph, ph + h),
                    NDArrayIndex.interval(pw, pw + w));
Example 15
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testAddMatrix() {
    INDArray five = Nd4j.ones(5);
    INDArray twos = Nd4j.valueArrayOf(5, 2);
    assertEquals(getFailureMessage(), twos, five);

Example 16
Source File:    From AILibs with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Updates this {@link PLNetDyadRanker} based on a given mini batch of
 * {@link INDarray}s representing dyad rankings.
 * @param minibatch
 *            A mini batch consisting of a {@link List} of {@link INDarray}.
private void updateWithMinibatch(final List<INDArray> minibatch) {
	double actualMiniBatchSize = minibatch.size();
	INDArray cumulativeDeltaW = Nd4j.zeros(this.plNet.params().length());
	for (INDArray instance : minibatch) {
	cumulativeDeltaW.muli(1 / actualMiniBatchSize);
Example 17
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public INDArray exampleNegLogProbability(INDArray x, INDArray preOutDistributionParams) {

    int inputSoFar = 0;
    int paramsSoFar = 0;
    INDArray exampleLogProbSum = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < distributionSizes.length; i++) {
        int thisInputSize = distributionSizes[i];
        int thisParamsSize = reconstructionDistributions[i].distributionInputSize(thisInputSize);

        INDArray inputSubset =
                        x.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(inputSoFar, inputSoFar + thisInputSize));
        INDArray paramsSubset = preOutDistributionParams.get(NDArrayIndex.all(),
                        NDArrayIndex.interval(paramsSoFar, paramsSoFar + thisParamsSize));

        if (i == 0) {
            exampleLogProbSum = reconstructionDistributions[i].exampleNegLogProbability(inputSubset, paramsSubset);
        } else {
                            reconstructionDistributions[i].exampleNegLogProbability(inputSubset, paramsSubset));

        inputSoFar += thisInputSize;
        paramsSoFar += thisParamsSize;

    return exampleLogProbSum;
Example 18
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testSmallSum() {
    INDArray base = Nd4j.create(new double[] {5.843333333333335, 3.0540000000000007});
    INDArray assertion = Nd4j.create(new double[] {5.84333433, 3.054001});
    assertEquals(assertion, base);

Example 19
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testScalarOps() {
    INDArray n = Nd4j.create(Nd4j.ones(27).data(), new long[] {3, 3, 3});
    assertEquals(27d, n.length(), 1e-1);

    n = Nd4j.create(Nd4j.ones(27).data(), new long[] {3, 3, 3});
    assertEquals(27, n.sumNumber().doubleValue(), 1e-1);
    INDArray a = n.slice(2);
    assertEquals(true, Arrays.equals(new long[] {3, 3}, a.shape()));

Example 20
Source File:    From deeplearning4j with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private INDArray activateOutput(final boolean training, boolean forBackprop, LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr) {
    final FwdPassReturn forwardsEval;
    final FwdPassReturn backwardsEval;

    if (cacheMode != CacheMode.NONE && cachedPassForward != null && cachedPassBackward != null) {
        // restore from cache. but this coll will probably never happen
        forwardsEval = cachedPassForward;
        backwardsEval = cachedPassBackward;

        cachedPassBackward = null;
        cachedPassForward = null;
    } else {

        forwardsEval = LSTMHelpers.activateHelper(this, this.conf, this.layerConf().getGateActivationFn(),
                        permuteIfNWC(this.input), getParam(GravesBidirectionalLSTMParamInitializer.RECURRENT_WEIGHT_KEY_FORWARDS),
                        getParam(GravesBidirectionalLSTMParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY_FORWARDS), training, null, null,
                        forBackprop || (cacheMode != CacheMode.NONE && training), true,
                        GravesBidirectionalLSTMParamInitializer.INPUT_WEIGHT_KEY_FORWARDS, maskArray, true, null,
                        forBackprop ? cacheMode : CacheMode.NONE, workspaceMgr, layerConf().isHelperAllowFallback());

        backwardsEval = LSTMHelpers.activateHelper(this, this.conf, this.layerConf().getGateActivationFn(),
                        getParam(GravesBidirectionalLSTMParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY_BACKWARDS), training, null, null,
                        forBackprop || (cacheMode != CacheMode.NONE && training), false,
                        GravesBidirectionalLSTMParamInitializer.INPUT_WEIGHT_KEY_BACKWARDS, maskArray, true, null,
                        forBackprop ? cacheMode : CacheMode.NONE, workspaceMgr, layerConf().isHelperAllowFallback());

        forwardsEval.fwdPassOutput = permuteIfNWC(forwardsEval.fwdPassOutput);
        backwardsEval.fwdPassOutput = permuteIfNWC(backwardsEval.fwdPassOutput);
        cachedPassForward = forwardsEval;
        cachedPassBackward = backwardsEval;

    //sum outputs
    final INDArray fwdOutput = forwardsEval.fwdPassOutput;
    final INDArray backOutput = backwardsEval.fwdPassOutput;

    // if we're on ff pass & cache enabled - we should not modify fwdOutput, and for backprop pass - we don't care
    final INDArray totalOutput = training && cacheMode != CacheMode.NONE && !forBackprop ? fwdOutput.add(backOutput)
                    : fwdOutput.addi(backOutput);

    return totalOutput;