Java Code Examples for org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData#Builder

The following examples show how to use org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData#Builder . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From crate with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void addIndexMetaDataToClusterState(IndexMetaData.Builder imdBuilder) throws Exception {
    CompletableFuture<Boolean> processed = new CompletableFuture<>();
    ClusterState currentState = clusterService.state();
    ClusterState newState = ClusterState.builder(currentState)
    clusterService.addListener(event -> {
        if (event.state() == newState) {
        .onNewClusterState("test", () -> newState, (source, e) -> processed.completeExceptionally(e));
    processed.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Example 2
Source File:    From crate with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testPartitionWithMeta() throws Exception {
    PartitionName partitionName = new PartitionName(
        new RelationName("doc", "test1"), ImmutableList.of("foo"));
    IndexMetaData.Builder indexMetaData = IndexMetaData
        .putMapping(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE, "{\"_meta\":{\"partitioned_by\":[[\"col\", \"string\"]]}}")
    Iterable<PartitionInfo> partitioninfos = new PartitionInfos(clusterService);
    Iterator<PartitionInfo> iter = partitioninfos.iterator();
    PartitionInfo partitioninfo =;
    assertThat(, is(partitionName.asIndexName()));
    assertThat(partitioninfo.numberOfShards(), is(10));
    assertThat(partitioninfo.numberOfReplicas(), is("4"));
    assertThat(partitioninfo.values(), hasEntry("col", "foo"));
    assertThat(iter.hasNext(), is(false));
Example 3
Source File:    From crate with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testPartitionWithMetaMultiCol() throws Exception {
    PartitionName partitionName = new PartitionName(
        new RelationName("doc", "test1"), ImmutableList.of("foo", "1"));
    IndexMetaData.Builder indexMetaData = IndexMetaData
        .putMapping(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE, "{\"_meta\":{\"partitioned_by\":[[\"col\", \"string\"], [\"col2\", \"integer\"]]}}")
    Iterable<PartitionInfo> partitioninfos = new PartitionInfos(clusterService);
    Iterator<PartitionInfo> iter = partitioninfos.iterator();
    PartitionInfo partitioninfo =;
    assertThat(, is(partitionName.asIndexName()));
    assertThat(partitioninfo.numberOfShards(), is(10));
    assertThat(partitioninfo.numberOfReplicas(), is("4"));
    assertThat(partitioninfo.values(), hasEntry("col", "foo"));
    assertThat(partitioninfo.values(), hasEntry("col2", 1));
    assertThat(iter.hasNext(), is(false));
Example 4
Source File:    From crate with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static IndexMetaData.Builder getIndexMetaData(String indexName,
                                                      Settings settings,
                                                      @Nullable Map<String, Object> mapping,
                                                      Version smallestNodeVersion) throws IOException {
    Settings.Builder builder = Settings.builder()
        .put(SETTING_VERSION_CREATED, smallestNodeVersion)
        .put(SETTING_INDEX_UUID, UUIDs.randomBase64UUID());

    Settings indexSettings =;
    IndexMetaData.Builder metaBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(indexName)
    if (mapping != null) {
        metaBuilder.putMapping(new MappingMetaData(

    return metaBuilder;
Example 5
Source File:    From crate with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Updates the current {@link MetaData} based on the changes of this RoutingChangesObserver. Specifically
 * we update {@link IndexMetaData#getInSyncAllocationIds()} and {@link IndexMetaData#primaryTerm(int)} based on
 * the changes made during this allocation.
 * @param oldMetaData {@link MetaData} object from before the routing nodes was changed.
 * @param newRoutingTable {@link RoutingTable} object after routing changes were applied.
 * @return adapted {@link MetaData}, potentially the original one if no change was needed.
public MetaData applyChanges(MetaData oldMetaData, RoutingTable newRoutingTable) {
    Map<Index, List<Map.Entry<ShardId, Updates>>> changesGroupedByIndex =
        shardChanges.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> e.getKey().getIndex()));

    MetaData.Builder metaDataBuilder = null;
    for (Map.Entry<Index, List<Map.Entry<ShardId, Updates>>> indexChanges : changesGroupedByIndex.entrySet()) {
        Index index = indexChanges.getKey();
        final IndexMetaData oldIndexMetaData = oldMetaData.getIndexSafe(index);
        IndexMetaData.Builder indexMetaDataBuilder = null;
        for (Map.Entry<ShardId, Updates> shardEntry : indexChanges.getValue()) {
            ShardId shardId = shardEntry.getKey();
            Updates updates = shardEntry.getValue();
            indexMetaDataBuilder = updateInSyncAllocations(newRoutingTable, oldIndexMetaData, indexMetaDataBuilder, shardId, updates);
            indexMetaDataBuilder = updatePrimaryTerm(oldIndexMetaData, indexMetaDataBuilder, shardId, updates);

        if (indexMetaDataBuilder != null) {
            if (metaDataBuilder == null) {
                metaDataBuilder = MetaData.builder(oldMetaData);

    if (metaDataBuilder != null) {
    } else {
        return oldMetaData;
Example 6
Source File:    From crate with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Increases the primary term if {@link #increasePrimaryTerm} was called for this shard id.
private IndexMetaData.Builder updatePrimaryTerm(IndexMetaData oldIndexMetaData, IndexMetaData.Builder indexMetaDataBuilder,
                                                ShardId shardId, Updates updates) {
    if (updates.increaseTerm) {
        if (indexMetaDataBuilder == null) {
            indexMetaDataBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(oldIndexMetaData);
        indexMetaDataBuilder.primaryTerm(, oldIndexMetaData.primaryTerm( + 1);
    return indexMetaDataBuilder;
Example 7
Source File:    From crate with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private IndexMetaData getIndexMetaData(String indexName,
                                       XContentBuilder builder) throws IOException {
    Map<String, Object> mappingSource = XContentHelper.convertToMap(BytesReference.bytes(builder), true, XContentType.JSON).v2();
    mappingSource = sortProperties(mappingSource);

    Settings.Builder settingsBuilder = Settings.builder()
        .put("index.number_of_shards", 1)
        .put("index.number_of_replicas", 0)
        .put("index.version.created", org.elasticsearch.Version.CURRENT);

    IndexMetaData.Builder mdBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(indexName)
        .putMapping(new MappingMetaData(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE, mappingSource));
Example 8
Source File:    From crate with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Updates in-sync allocations with routing changes that were made to the routing table.
private IndexMetaData.Builder updateInSyncAllocations(RoutingTable newRoutingTable, IndexMetaData oldIndexMetaData,
                                                      IndexMetaData.Builder indexMetaDataBuilder, ShardId shardId, Updates updates) {
    assert Sets.haveEmptyIntersection(updates.addedAllocationIds, updates.removedAllocationIds) :
        "allocation ids cannot be both added and removed in the same allocation round, added ids: " +
        updates.addedAllocationIds + ", removed ids: " + updates.removedAllocationIds;

    Set<String> oldInSyncAllocationIds = oldIndexMetaData.inSyncAllocationIds(;

    // check if we have been force-initializing an empty primary or a stale primary
    if (updates.initializedPrimary != null && oldInSyncAllocationIds.isEmpty() == false &&
        oldInSyncAllocationIds.contains(updates.initializedPrimary.allocationId().getId()) == false) {
        // we're not reusing an existing in-sync allocation id to initialize a primary, which means that we're either force-allocating
        // an empty or a stale primary (see AllocateEmptyPrimaryAllocationCommand or AllocateStalePrimaryAllocationCommand).
        RecoverySource recoverySource = updates.initializedPrimary.recoverySource();
        RecoverySource.Type recoverySourceType = recoverySource.getType();
        boolean emptyPrimary = recoverySourceType == RecoverySource.Type.EMPTY_STORE;
        assert updates.addedAllocationIds.isEmpty() : (emptyPrimary ? "empty" : "stale") +
                                                      " primary is not force-initialized in same allocation round where shards are started";

        if (indexMetaDataBuilder == null) {
            indexMetaDataBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(oldIndexMetaData);
        if (emptyPrimary) {
            // forcing an empty primary resets the in-sync allocations to the empty set (ShardRouting.allocatedPostIndexCreate)
            indexMetaDataBuilder.putInSyncAllocationIds(, Collections.emptySet());
        } else {
            final String allocationId;
            if (recoverySource == RecoverySource.ExistingStoreRecoverySource.FORCE_STALE_PRIMARY_INSTANCE) {
                allocationId = RecoverySource.ExistingStoreRecoverySource.FORCED_ALLOCATION_ID;
            } else {
                assert recoverySource instanceof RecoverySource.SnapshotRecoverySource : recoverySource;
                allocationId = updates.initializedPrimary.allocationId().getId();
            // forcing a stale primary resets the in-sync allocations to the singleton set with the stale id
            indexMetaDataBuilder.putInSyncAllocationIds(, Collections.singleton(allocationId));
    } else {
        // standard path for updating in-sync ids
        Set<String> inSyncAllocationIds = new HashSet<>(oldInSyncAllocationIds);

        assert oldInSyncAllocationIds.contains(RecoverySource.ExistingStoreRecoverySource.FORCED_ALLOCATION_ID) == false
               || inSyncAllocationIds.contains(RecoverySource.ExistingStoreRecoverySource.FORCED_ALLOCATION_ID) == false :
            "fake allocation id has to be removed, inSyncAllocationIds:" + inSyncAllocationIds;

        // Prevent set of inSyncAllocationIds to grow unboundedly. This can happen for example if we don't write to a primary
        // but repeatedly shut down nodes that have active replicas.
        // We use number_of_replicas + 1 (= possible active shard copies) to bound the inSyncAllocationIds set
        // Only trim the set of allocation ids when it grows, otherwise we might trim too eagerly when the number
        // of replicas was decreased while shards were unassigned.
        int maxActiveShards = oldIndexMetaData.getNumberOfReplicas() + 1; // +1 for the primary
        IndexShardRoutingTable newShardRoutingTable = newRoutingTable.shardRoutingTable(shardId);
        if (inSyncAllocationIds.size() > oldInSyncAllocationIds.size() && inSyncAllocationIds.size() > maxActiveShards) {
            // trim entries that have no corresponding shard routing in the cluster state (i.e. trim unavailable copies)
            List<ShardRouting> assignedShards = newShardRoutingTable.assignedShards();
            assert assignedShards.size() <= maxActiveShards :
                "cannot have more assigned shards " + assignedShards + " than maximum possible active shards " + maxActiveShards;
            Set<String> assignedAllocations = -> s.allocationId().getId()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
            inSyncAllocationIds =
                .sorted(Comparator.comparing(assignedAllocations::contains).reversed()) // values with routing entries first

        // only remove allocation id of failed active primary if there is at least one active shard remaining. Assume for example that
        // the primary fails but there is no new primary to fail over to. If we were to remove the allocation id of the primary from the
        // in-sync set, this could create an empty primary on the next allocation.
        if (newShardRoutingTable.activeShards().isEmpty() && updates.firstFailedPrimary != null) {
            // add back allocation id of failed primary

        assert inSyncAllocationIds.isEmpty() == false || oldInSyncAllocationIds.isEmpty() :
            "in-sync allocations cannot become empty after they have been non-empty: " + oldInSyncAllocationIds;

        // be extra safe here and only update in-sync set if it is non-empty
        if (inSyncAllocationIds.isEmpty() == false) {
            if (indexMetaDataBuilder == null) {
                indexMetaDataBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(oldIndexMetaData);
            indexMetaDataBuilder.putInSyncAllocationIds(, inSyncAllocationIds);
    return indexMetaDataBuilder;