Java Code Examples for org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode#getNodeType()

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode#getNodeType() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 7 votes vote down vote up
public static Expression getExpression(ASTNode invocation) {
	switch (invocation.getNodeType()) {
			return ((MethodInvocation)invocation).getExpression();
			return null;
			return null;
			return ((SuperConstructorInvocation)invocation).getExpression();
			return ((ClassInstanceCreation)invocation).getExpression();
			return null;
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(invocation.toString());
Example 2
Source File:    From with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public boolean consumes(SemanticToken token) {

	// 1: match types
	SimpleName name = token.getNode();
	ASTNode node = name.getParent();
	int nodeType = node.getNodeType();
	if (nodeType != ASTNode.SIMPLE_TYPE && nodeType != ASTNode.THIS_EXPRESSION && nodeType != ASTNode.QUALIFIED_TYPE && nodeType != ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME && nodeType != ASTNode.TYPE_DECLARATION
			&& nodeType != ASTNode.METHOD_INVOCATION) {
		return false;
	while (nodeType == ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME) {
		node = node.getParent();
		nodeType = node.getNodeType();
		if (nodeType == ASTNode.IMPORT_DECLARATION) {
			return false;

	// 2: match classes
	IBinding binding = token.getBinding();
	return binding instanceof ITypeBinding && ((ITypeBinding) binding).isClass();
Example 3
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static void insertToCu(ASTRewrite rewrite, ASTNode node, CompilationUnit cuNode) {
	switch (node.getNodeType()) {
			rewrite.getListRewrite(cuNode, CompilationUnit.TYPES_PROPERTY).insertAt(node, ASTNodes.getInsertionIndex((AbstractTypeDeclaration) node, cuNode.types()), null);
			rewrite.getListRewrite(cuNode, CompilationUnit.IMPORTS_PROPERTY).insertLast(node, null);
			// only insert if none exists
			if (cuNode.getPackage() == null)
				rewrite.set(cuNode, CompilationUnit.PACKAGE_PROPERTY, node, null);
			Assert.isTrue(false, String.valueOf(node.getNodeType()));
Example 4
Source File:    From with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean consumes(SemanticToken token) {

	// 1: match types in type parameter lists
	SimpleName name = token.getNode();
	ASTNode node = name.getParent();
	if (node.getNodeType() != ASTNode.SIMPLE_TYPE && node.getNodeType() != ASTNode.TYPE_PARAMETER) {
		return false;

	// 2: match generic type variable references
	IBinding binding = token.getBinding();
	return binding instanceof ITypeBinding && ((ITypeBinding) binding).isTypeVariable();
Example 5
Source File:    From tassal with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void preVisit(final ASTNode node) {

	// If node is a foldableType add node to foldableStack and
	// add fold to allFolds
	if (foldableTypes.contains(node.getNodeType())) {

		final FoldableNode fn = FoldableNode(node);

		// If node is also a javadoc, add its range to javadocFolds
		// along with first line of javadoc comment
		if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.JAVADOC) {

			final Javadoc jdoc = (Javadoc) node;
			String firstTagLine = "";
			if (!jdoc.tags().isEmpty()) { // Handle empty comment

				final String firstTag = ((TagElement) jdoc.tags().get(0)).toString();
				firstTagLine = firstTag.split("\n")[1].substring(2);

				// If tokenizing comments add javadoc tokens to tree
				if (tokenizeComments)
			javadocFolds.put(fn.getRange(), firstTagLine);

Example 6
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean isMultiDeclarationFragment(ASTNode node) {
	int nodeType= node.getNodeType();
		node= node.getParent();
		if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.VARIABLE_DECLARATION_STATEMENT) {
			VariableDeclarationStatement vs= (VariableDeclarationStatement)node;
			return vs.fragments().size() > 1;
	return false;
Example 7
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean hasCorrectNesting(ASTNode node) {
	if (fNodes.size() == 0)
		return true;
	ASTNode parent= node.getParent();
	if(fNodes.get(0).getParent() != parent)
		return false;
	// Here we know that we have two elements. In this case the
	// parent must be a block or a switch statement. Otherwise a
	// snippet like "if (true) foo(); else foo();" would match
	// the pattern "foo(); foo();"
	int nodeType= parent.getNodeType();
	return nodeType == ASTNode.BLOCK || nodeType == ASTNode.SWITCH_STATEMENT;
Example 8
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean hasSideEffect(SimpleName reference) {
	ASTNode parent= reference.getParent();
	while (parent instanceof QualifiedName) {
		parent= parent.getParent();
	if (parent instanceof FieldAccess) {
		parent= parent.getParent();

	ASTNode node= null;
	int nameParentType= parent.getNodeType();
	if (nameParentType == ASTNode.ASSIGNMENT) {
		Assignment assignment= (Assignment) parent;
		node= assignment.getRightHandSide();
	} else if (nameParentType == ASTNode.SINGLE_VARIABLE_DECLARATION) {
		SingleVariableDeclaration decl= (SingleVariableDeclaration)parent;
		node= decl.getInitializer();
		if (node == null)
			return false;
	} else if (nameParentType == ASTNode.VARIABLE_DECLARATION_FRAGMENT) {
		node= parent;
	} else {
		return false;

	ArrayList<Expression> sideEffects= new ArrayList<Expression>();
	node.accept(new SideEffectFinder(sideEffects));
	return sideEffects.size() > 0;
Example 9
Source File:    From api-mining with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean visit(final SingleVariableDeclaration node) {
	final ASTNode parent = node.getParent();
	if (parent.getNodeType() == ASTNode.METHOD_DECLARATION) {
		variableScopes.put(parent, new Variable(node.getName()
				.getIdentifier(), node.getType().toString(),
	} else {
		variableScopes.put(parent, new Variable(node.getName()
				.getIdentifier(), node.getType().toString(),
	return false;
Example 10
Source File:    From with Eclipse Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected ASTRewrite getRewrite() throws CoreException {
	CompilationUnit astRoot = ASTResolving.findParentCompilationUnit(fNode);
	ASTNode boundNode = astRoot.findDeclaringNode(fBinding);
	ASTNode declNode = null;

	if (boundNode != null) {
		declNode = boundNode; // is same CU
	} else {
		CompilationUnit newRoot = ASTResolving.createQuickFixAST(getCompilationUnit(), null);
		declNode = newRoot.findDeclaringNode(fBinding.getKey());
	if (declNode != null) {
		AST ast = declNode.getAST();
		ASTRewrite rewrite = ASTRewrite.create(ast);

		if (declNode.getNodeType() == ASTNode.VARIABLE_DECLARATION_FRAGMENT) {
			VariableDeclarationFragment fragment = (VariableDeclarationFragment) declNode;
			ASTNode parent = declNode.getParent();
			if (parent instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
				FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = (FieldDeclaration) parent;
				if (fieldDecl.fragments().size() > 1 && (fieldDecl.getParent() instanceof AbstractTypeDeclaration)) { // split
					VariableDeclarationRewrite.rewriteModifiers(fieldDecl, new VariableDeclarationFragment[] { fragment }, fIncludedModifiers, fExcludedModifiers, rewrite, null);
					return rewrite;
			} else if (parent instanceof VariableDeclarationStatement) {
				VariableDeclarationStatement varDecl = (VariableDeclarationStatement) parent;
				if (varDecl.fragments().size() > 1 && (varDecl.getParent() instanceof Block)) { // split
					VariableDeclarationRewrite.rewriteModifiers(varDecl, new VariableDeclarationFragment[] { fragment }, fIncludedModifiers, fExcludedModifiers, rewrite, null);
					return rewrite;
			} else if (parent instanceof VariableDeclarationExpression) {
				// can't separate
			declNode = parent;
		} else if (declNode.getNodeType() == ASTNode.METHOD_DECLARATION) {
			MethodDeclaration methodDecl = (MethodDeclaration) declNode;
			if (!methodDecl.isConstructor()) {
				IMethodBinding methodBinding = methodDecl.resolveBinding();
				if (methodDecl.getBody() == null && methodBinding != null && Modifier.isAbstract(methodBinding.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(fIncludedModifiers)) {
					// add body
					ICompilationUnit unit = getCompilationUnit();
					String delimiter = unit.findRecommendedLineSeparator();
					String bodyStatement = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

					Block body = ast.newBlock();
					rewrite.set(methodDecl, MethodDeclaration.BODY_PROPERTY, body, null);
					Type returnType = methodDecl.getReturnType2();
					if (returnType != null) {
						Expression expression = ASTNodeFactory.newDefaultExpression(ast, returnType, methodDecl.getExtraDimensions());
						if (expression != null) {
							ReturnStatement returnStatement = ast.newReturnStatement();
							bodyStatement = ASTNodes.asFormattedString(returnStatement, 0, delimiter, unit.getJavaProject().getOptions(true));
					String placeHolder = CodeGeneration.getMethodBodyContent(unit, methodBinding.getDeclaringClass().getName(), methodBinding.getName(), false, bodyStatement, delimiter);
					if (placeHolder != null) {
						ReturnStatement todoNode = (ReturnStatement) rewrite.createStringPlaceholder(placeHolder, ASTNode.RETURN_STATEMENT);
		ModifierRewrite listRewrite = ModifierRewrite.create(rewrite, declNode);
		PositionInformation trackedDeclNode = listRewrite.setModifiers(fIncludedModifiers, fExcludedModifiers, null);

		LinkedProposalPositionGroupCore positionGroup = new LinkedProposalPositionGroupCore("group"); //$NON-NLS-1$

		if (boundNode != null) {
			// only set end position if in same CU
		return rewrite;
	return null;
Example 11
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private RefactoringStatus replaceReferences(ParameterObjectFactory pof, SearchResultGroup group, CompilationUnitRewrite cuRewrite) {
	TextEditGroup writeGroup= cuRewrite.createGroupDescription(RefactoringCoreMessages.ExtractClassRefactoring_group_replace_write);
	TextEditGroup readGroup= cuRewrite.createGroupDescription(RefactoringCoreMessages.ExtractClassRefactoring_group_replace_read);
	ITypeRoot typeRoot= cuRewrite.getCu();
	IJavaProject javaProject= typeRoot.getJavaProject();
	AST ast= cuRewrite.getAST();

	RefactoringStatus status= new RefactoringStatus();
	String parameterName= fDescriptor.getFieldName();

	SearchMatch[] searchResults= group.getSearchResults();
	for (int j= 0; j < searchResults.length; j++) {
		SearchMatch searchMatch= searchResults[j];
		ASTNode node= NodeFinder.perform(cuRewrite.getRoot(), searchMatch.getOffset(), searchMatch.getLength());
		ASTNode parent= node.getParent();
		boolean isDeclaration= parent instanceof VariableDeclaration && ((VariableDeclaration)parent).getInitializer() != node;
		if (!isDeclaration && node instanceof SimpleName) {
			ASTRewrite rewrite= cuRewrite.getASTRewrite();
			if (parent.getNodeType() == ASTNode.SWITCH_CASE)
				status.addError(RefactoringCoreMessages.ExtractClassRefactoring_error_switch, JavaStatusContext.create(typeRoot, node));

			SimpleName name= (SimpleName) node;
			ParameterInfo pi= getFieldInfo(name.getIdentifier()).pi;
			boolean writeAccess= ASTResolving.isWriteAccess(name);
			if (writeAccess && fDescriptor.isCreateGetterSetter()) {
				boolean useSuper= parent.getNodeType() == ASTNode.SUPER_FIELD_ACCESS;
				Expression qualifier= getQualifier(parent);
				ASTNode replaceNode= getReplacementNode(parent, useSuper, qualifier);
				Expression assignedValue= getAssignedValue(pof, parameterName, javaProject, status, rewrite, pi, useSuper, name.resolveTypeBinding(), qualifier, replaceNode, typeRoot);
				if (assignedValue == null) {
					status.addError(RefactoringCoreMessages.ExtractClassRefactoring_error_unable_to_convert_node, JavaStatusContext.create(typeRoot, replaceNode));
				} else {
					NullLiteral marker= qualifier == null ? null : ast.newNullLiteral();
					Expression access= pof.createFieldWriteAccess(pi, parameterName, ast, javaProject, assignedValue, useSuper, marker);
					replaceMarker(rewrite, qualifier, access, marker);
					rewrite.replace(replaceNode, access, writeGroup);
			} else {
				Expression fieldReadAccess= pof.createFieldReadAccess(pi, parameterName, ast, javaProject, false, null); //qualifier is already there
				rewrite.replace(name, fieldReadAccess, readGroup);
	return status;
Example 12
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Determines what kind of ASTNode has been selected.
 * @param node the node
 * @return  A non-null String containing an error message
 * is returned if the ChangeTypeRefactoring refactoring cannot be applied to the selected ASTNode.
 * A return value of null indicates a valid selection.
private String determineSelection(ASTNode node) {
	if (node == null) {
		return RefactoringCoreMessages.ChangeTypeRefactoring_invalidSelection;
	} else {

		if (DEBUG) System.out.println("node nodeType= " + node.getClass().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
		if (DEBUG) System.out.println("parent nodeType= " + node.getParent().getClass().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
		if (DEBUG) System.out.println("GrandParent nodeType= " + node.getParent().getParent().getClass().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$

		ASTNode parent= node.getParent();
		ASTNode grandParent= parent.getParent();
		if (grandParent == null)
			return nodeTypeNotSupported();

		// adjustment needed if part of a parameterized type is selected
		if (grandParent.getNodeType() == ASTNode.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE){
			node= grandParent;

		// adjustment needed if part of a qualified name is selected
		ASTNode current= null;
		if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME){
			current= node;
			while (current.getNodeType() == ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME){
				current= current.getParent();
			if (current.getNodeType() != ASTNode.SIMPLE_TYPE){
				return nodeTypeNotSupported();
			node= current.getParent();
		} else if (parent.getNodeType() == ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME){
			current= parent;
			while (current.getNodeType() == ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME){
				current= current.getParent();
			if (current.getNodeType() != ASTNode.SIMPLE_TYPE){
				return nodeTypeNotSupported();
			node= current.getParent();

		fObject= node.getAST().resolveWellKnownType("java.lang.Object"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		switch (node.getNodeType()) {
			case ASTNode.SIMPLE_NAME :
				return simpleNameSelected((SimpleName)node);
				return variableDeclarationStatementSelected((VariableDeclarationStatement) node);
				return fieldDeclarationSelected((FieldDeclaration) node);
				return singleVariableDeclarationSelected((SingleVariableDeclaration) node);
				return parameterizedTypeSelected((ParameterizedType) node);
			default :
				return nodeTypeNotSupported();
Example 13
Source File:    From txtUML with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean validElement(ASTNode curElement) {
	return (curElement.getNodeType() == ASTNode.TYPE_DECLARATION)
			&& (((TypeDeclaration) curElement).getName().toString().equals(compiler.getSeqDiagramName()));
Example 14
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected ASTRewrite getRewrite() throws CoreException {
	CompilationUnit astRoot= ASTResolving.findParentCompilationUnit(fNode);
	ASTNode boundNode= astRoot.findDeclaringNode(fBinding);
	ASTNode declNode= null;

	if (boundNode != null) {
		declNode= boundNode; // is same CU
	} else {
		CompilationUnit newRoot= ASTResolving.createQuickFixAST(getCompilationUnit(), null);
		declNode= newRoot.findDeclaringNode(fBinding.getKey());
	if (declNode != null) {
		AST ast= declNode.getAST();
		ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(ast);

		if (declNode.getNodeType() == ASTNode.VARIABLE_DECLARATION_FRAGMENT) {
			VariableDeclarationFragment fragment= (VariableDeclarationFragment)declNode;
			ASTNode parent= declNode.getParent();
			if (parent instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
				FieldDeclaration fieldDecl= (FieldDeclaration) parent;
				if (fieldDecl.fragments().size() > 1 && (fieldDecl.getParent() instanceof AbstractTypeDeclaration)) { // split
					VariableDeclarationRewrite.rewriteModifiers(fieldDecl, new VariableDeclarationFragment[] {fragment}, fIncludedModifiers, fExcludedModifiers, rewrite, null);
					return rewrite;
			} else if (parent instanceof VariableDeclarationStatement) {
				VariableDeclarationStatement varDecl= (VariableDeclarationStatement) parent;
				if (varDecl.fragments().size() > 1 && (varDecl.getParent() instanceof Block)) { // split
					VariableDeclarationRewrite.rewriteModifiers(varDecl, new VariableDeclarationFragment[] {fragment}, fIncludedModifiers, fExcludedModifiers, rewrite, null);
					return rewrite;
			} else if (parent instanceof VariableDeclarationExpression) {
				// can't separate
			declNode= parent;
		} else if (declNode.getNodeType() == ASTNode.METHOD_DECLARATION) {
			MethodDeclaration methodDecl= (MethodDeclaration) declNode;
			if (!methodDecl.isConstructor()) {
				IMethodBinding methodBinding= methodDecl.resolveBinding();
				if (methodDecl.getBody() == null && methodBinding != null && Modifier.isAbstract(methodBinding.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(fIncludedModifiers)) {
					// add body
					ICompilationUnit unit= getCompilationUnit();
					String delimiter= unit.findRecommendedLineSeparator();
					String bodyStatement= ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
					Block body= ast.newBlock();
					rewrite.set(methodDecl, MethodDeclaration.BODY_PROPERTY, body, null);
					Type returnType= methodDecl.getReturnType2();
					if (returnType != null) {
						Expression expression= ASTNodeFactory.newDefaultExpression(ast, returnType, methodDecl.getExtraDimensions());
						if (expression != null) {
							ReturnStatement returnStatement= ast.newReturnStatement();
							bodyStatement= ASTNodes.asFormattedString(returnStatement, 0, delimiter, unit.getJavaProject().getOptions(true));
					String placeHolder= CodeGeneration.getMethodBodyContent(unit, methodBinding.getDeclaringClass().getName(), methodBinding.getName(), false, bodyStatement, delimiter);
					if (placeHolder != null) {
						ReturnStatement todoNode= (ReturnStatement) rewrite.createStringPlaceholder(placeHolder, ASTNode.RETURN_STATEMENT);
		ModifierRewrite listRewrite= ModifierRewrite.create(rewrite, declNode);
		PositionInformation trackedDeclNode= listRewrite.setModifiers(fIncludedModifiers, fExcludedModifiers, null);
		LinkedProposalPositionGroup positionGroup= new LinkedProposalPositionGroup("group"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		if (boundNode != null) {
			// only set end position if in same CU
		return rewrite;
	return null;
Example 15
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Converts an assignment, postfix expression or prefix expression into an assignable equivalent expression using the getter.
 * @param node the assignment/prefix/postfix node
 * @param astRewrite the astRewrite to use
 * @param getterExpression the expression to insert for read accesses or <code>null</code> if such an expression does not exist
 * @param variableType the type of the variable that the result will be assigned to
 * @param is50OrHigher <code>true</code> if a 5.0 or higher environment can be used
 * @return an expression that can be assigned to the type variableType with node being replaced by a equivalent expression using the getter
public static Expression getAssignedValue(ASTNode node, ASTRewrite astRewrite, Expression getterExpression, ITypeBinding variableType, boolean is50OrHigher) {
	InfixExpression.Operator op= null;
	AST ast= astRewrite.getAST();
	if (isNotInBlock(node))
		return null;
	if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.ASSIGNMENT) {
		Assignment assignment= ((Assignment) node);
		Expression rightHandSide= assignment.getRightHandSide();
		Expression copiedRightOp= (Expression) astRewrite.createCopyTarget(rightHandSide);
		if (assignment.getOperator() == Operator.ASSIGN) {
			ITypeBinding rightHandSideType= rightHandSide.resolveTypeBinding();
			copiedRightOp= createNarrowCastIfNessecary(copiedRightOp, rightHandSideType, ast, variableType, is50OrHigher);
			return copiedRightOp;
		if (getterExpression != null) {
			InfixExpression infix= ast.newInfixExpression();
			ITypeBinding infixType= infix.resolveTypeBinding();
			if (NecessaryParenthesesChecker.needsParenthesesForRightOperand(rightHandSide, infix, variableType)) {
				ParenthesizedExpression p= ast.newParenthesizedExpression();
				copiedRightOp= p;
			return createNarrowCastIfNessecary(infix, infixType, ast, variableType, is50OrHigher);
	} else if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.POSTFIX_EXPRESSION) {
		PostfixExpression po= (PostfixExpression) node;
		if (po.getOperator() == PostfixExpression.Operator.INCREMENT)
			op= InfixExpression.Operator.PLUS;
		if (po.getOperator() == PostfixExpression.Operator.DECREMENT)
			op= InfixExpression.Operator.MINUS;
	} else if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.PREFIX_EXPRESSION) {
		PrefixExpression pe= (PrefixExpression) node;
		if (pe.getOperator() == PrefixExpression.Operator.INCREMENT)
			op= InfixExpression.Operator.PLUS;
		if (pe.getOperator() == PrefixExpression.Operator.DECREMENT)
			op= InfixExpression.Operator.MINUS;
	if (op != null && getterExpression != null) {
		return createInfixInvocationFromPostPrefixExpression(op, getterExpression, ast, variableType, is50OrHigher);
	return null;
Example 16
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected ASTNode generateElementAST(ASTRewrite rewriter, ICompilationUnit cu) throws JavaModelException {
	ASTNode node = super.generateElementAST(rewriter, cu);
	if (node.getNodeType() != ASTNode.FIELD_DECLARATION)
		throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_CONTENTS));
	return node;
Example 17
Source File:    From with Eclipse Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static List<CUCorrectionProposal> getMoveRefactoringProposals(CodeActionParams params, IInvocationContext context) {
	String label = ActionMessages.MoveRefactoringAction_label;
	int relevance = IProposalRelevance.MOVE_REFACTORING;
	ASTNode node = context.getCoveredNode();
	if (node == null) {
		node = context.getCoveringNode();

	while (node != null && !(node instanceof BodyDeclaration)) {
		node = node.getParent();

	ICompilationUnit cu = context.getCompilationUnit();
	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(cu);
	if (cu != null && node != null) {
		try {
			if (node instanceof MethodDeclaration || node instanceof FieldDeclaration || node instanceof AbstractTypeDeclaration) {
				String displayName = getDisplayName(node);
				int memberType = node.getNodeType();
				String enclosingTypeName = getEnclosingType(node);
				String projectName = cu.getJavaProject().getProject().getName();
				if (node instanceof AbstractTypeDeclaration) {
					MoveTypeInfo moveTypeInfo = new MoveTypeInfo(displayName, enclosingTypeName, projectName);
					if (isMoveInnerAvailable((AbstractTypeDeclaration) node)) {

					if (isMoveStaticMemberAvailable(node)) {

					// move inner type.
					if (moveTypeInfo.isMoveAvaiable()) {
						return Collections.singletonList(
							new CUCorrectionCommandProposal(label, JavaCodeActionKind.REFACTOR_MOVE, cu, relevance, APPLY_REFACTORING_COMMAND_ID,
							Arrays.asList(MOVE_TYPE_COMMAND, params, moveTypeInfo)));

					// move ICompilationUnit.
					return Collections.singletonList((new CUCorrectionCommandProposal(label, JavaCodeActionKind.REFACTOR_MOVE, cu, relevance, RefactorProposalUtility.APPLY_REFACTORING_COMMAND_ID,
							Arrays.asList(MOVE_FILE_COMMAND, params, new MoveFileInfo(uri)))));
				} else if (JdtFlags.isStatic((BodyDeclaration) node)) {
					// move static member.
					if (isMoveStaticMemberAvailable(node)) {
						return Collections.singletonList(new CUCorrectionCommandProposal(label, JavaCodeActionKind.REFACTOR_MOVE, cu, relevance, APPLY_REFACTORING_COMMAND_ID,
								Arrays.asList(MOVE_STATIC_MEMBER_COMMAND, params, new MoveMemberInfo(displayName, memberType, enclosingTypeName, projectName))));
				} else if (node instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
					// move instance method.
					if (isMoveMethodAvailable((MethodDeclaration) node)) {
						return Collections.singletonList(new CUCorrectionCommandProposal(label, JavaCodeActionKind.REFACTOR_MOVE, cu, relevance, APPLY_REFACTORING_COMMAND_ID,
								Arrays.asList(MOVE_INSTANCE_METHOD_COMMAND, params, new MoveMemberInfo(displayName))));
		} catch (JavaModelException e) {
			// do nothing.

		return Collections.emptyList();

	return Collections.singletonList(
			(new CUCorrectionCommandProposal(label, JavaCodeActionKind.REFACTOR_MOVE, cu, relevance, RefactorProposalUtility.APPLY_REFACTORING_COMMAND_ID, Arrays.asList(MOVE_FILE_COMMAND, params, new MoveFileInfo(uri)))));
Example 18
Source File:    From tassal with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
protected FoldableNode getBestNode(final HashMap<FoldableNode, Option> options, final double budget,
		final boolean debug) {

	int maxScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
	FoldableNode bestNode = null;

	// For every *folded* FoldableNode
	for (final FoldableNode fn : options.keySet()) {

		if (!fn.isUnfolded()) {

			// Get cost
			final int cost = options.get(fn).cost;

			// Get parent node
			final ASTNode parentNode = fn.node.getParent();

			// Get score (2 - javadoc, 0 - method, 1 - o/w)
			int score = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
			if (cost <= budget) {
				if (fn.node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.JAVADOC)
					score = 2;
				else if (parentNode == null) // parent is root node
					score = 1;
				else if (parentNode.getNodeType() == ASTNode.METHOD_DECLARATION)
					score = 0;
					score = 1;

			// Set profit (for counting ties)
			// options.get(fn).profit = score;

			// Print node cost stats
			if (debug)
						"\n+++++ Node: " + fn + "Cost: " + cost + " Budget: " + budget + " score: " + score);

			// Set bestNode as node with max score
			if (score > maxScore) {
				maxScore = score;
				bestNode = fn;

	// countRandomlyBrokenTies(options, bestNode, maxScore);

	// Print out bestNode and stats
	if (debug && bestNode != null)
		System.out.println("\n+=+=+ bestNode " + bestNode.printRange() + ", cost: " + options.get(bestNode).cost
				+ " score: " + maxScore);

	return bestNode;
Example 19
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private boolean isControlStatement(ASTNode node) {
	int type= node.getNodeType();
	return type == ASTNode.IF_STATEMENT || type == ASTNode.FOR_STATEMENT || type == ASTNode.ENHANCED_FOR_STATEMENT ||
	        type == ASTNode.WHILE_STATEMENT || type == ASTNode.DO_STATEMENT;
Example 20
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the closest ancestor of <code>node</code> whose type is <code>nodeType</code>, or <code>null</code> if none.
 * <p>
 * <b>Warning:</b> This method does not stop at any boundaries like parentheses, statements, body declarations, etc.
 * The resulting node may be in a totally different scope than the given node.
 * Consider using one of the {@link ASTResolving}<code>.find(..)</code> methods instead.
 * </p>
 * @param node the node
 * @param nodeType the node type constant from {@link ASTNode}
 * @return the closest ancestor of <code>node</code> whose type is <code>nodeType</code>, or <code>null</code> if none
public static ASTNode getParent(ASTNode node, int nodeType) {
	do {
		node= node.getParent();
	} while (node != null && node.getNodeType() != nodeType);
	return node;