Java Code Examples for org.apache.ignite.IgniteCache#query()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.ignite.IgniteCache#query() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From hibernate-ogm-ignite with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
public long getNumberOfAssociations(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
	int associationCount = 0;
	IgniteDatastoreProvider datastoreProvider = getProvider( sessionFactory );
	for ( CollectionPersister collectionPersister : ( (SessionFactoryImplementor) sessionFactory ).getCollectionPersisters().values() ) {
		AssociationKeyMetadata associationKeyMetadata = ( (OgmCollectionPersister) collectionPersister ).getAssociationKeyMetadata();
		if ( associationKeyMetadata.getAssociationKind() == AssociationKind.ASSOCIATION ) {
			IgniteCache<Object, BinaryObject> associationCache = getAssociationCache( sessionFactory, associationKeyMetadata );
			StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "SELECT " )
										.append( StringHelper.realColumnName( associationKeyMetadata.getColumnNames()[0] ) )
										.append( " FROM " ).append( associationKeyMetadata.getTable() );
			SqlFieldsQuery sqlQuery = datastoreProvider.createSqlFieldsQueryWithLog( query.toString(), null );
			Iterable<List<?>> queryResult = associationCache.query( sqlQuery );
			Set<Object> uniqs = new HashSet<>();
			for ( List<?> row : queryResult ) {
				Object value = row.get( 0 );
				if ( value != null ) {
					uniqs.add( value );
			associationCount += uniqs.size();
	return associationCount;
Example 2
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testMergeFromSubquery() {
    IgniteCache p = ignite(0).cache("S2P").withKeepBinary();

    p.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("merge into String (_key, _val) values ('s', ?), " +
        "('a', ?)").setArgs("Sergi", "Alex").setLocal(true));

    assertEquals("Sergi", p.get("s"));
    assertEquals("Alex", p.get("a"));

    p.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("merge into Person(_key, id, firstName) " +
        "(select substring(lower(_val), 0, 2), cast(length(_val) as int), _val from String)"));

    assertEquals(createPerson(5, "Sergi"), p.get("se"));

    assertEquals(createPerson(4, "Alex"), p.get("al"));
Example 3
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * @param cache Ignite cache.
 * @throws Exception If fail.
private void executeContinuousQuery(IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache) throws Exception {
    ContinuousQuery<Integer, String> qry = new ContinuousQuery<>();

        new CacheEntryUpdatedListener<Integer, String>() {
            @Override public void onUpdated(Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<? extends Integer, ? extends String>> events)
                throws CacheEntryListenerException {
                for (CacheEntryEvent<? extends Integer, ? extends String> event : events)
                    System.out.println("Key = " + event.getKey() + ", Value = " + event.getValue());

    Class<CacheEntryEventSerializableFilter> remoteFilterCls = (Class<CacheEntryEventSerializableFilter>)

    qry.setRemoteFilterFactory(new ClassFilterFactory(remoteFilterCls));


    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        cache.put(i, "Message " + i);
Example 4
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
/** Check that joins are working on keyFieldName, valueFieldName columns */
public void testJoinKeyValFields() throws Exception {
    IgniteEx client = grid(NODE_CLIENT);
    IgniteCache<Integer, Person> cache = client.cache(CACHE_PERSON);
    IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache2 = client.cache(CACHE_JOB);

    checkInsert(cache, "insert into Person (id, v) values (?, ?)", 1, new Person("Bob", 30));
    checkInsert(cache, "insert into Person (id, v) values (?, ?)", 2, new Person("David", 35));
    checkInsert(cache2, "insert into Integer (_key, _val) values (?, ?)", 100, 1);
    checkInsert(cache2, "insert into Integer (_key, _val) values (?, ?)", 200, 2);

    QueryCursor<List<?>> cursor = cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("select, j._key from Person p, \"" + CACHE_JOB + "\".Integer j where = j._val"));
    List<List<?>> results = cursor.getAll();
    assertEquals(2, results.size());
    assertEquals(1, results.get(0).get(0));
    assertEquals(100, results.get(0).get(1));
    assertEquals(2, results.get(1).get(0));
    assertEquals(200, results.get(1).get(1));
Example 5
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** */
public void testContinuousQuery() throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache = ignite0.createCache("cache-1");

    assertTrue(execute(ignite0, "SELECT * FROM SYS.CONTINUOUS_QUERIES").isEmpty());
    assertTrue(execute(ignite1, "SELECT * FROM SYS.CONTINUOUS_QUERIES").isEmpty());

    try (QueryCursor qry = cache.query(new ContinuousQuery<>()
        .setInitialQuery(new ScanQuery<>())
        .setLocalListener(evts -> {
            // No-op.
        .setRemoteFilterFactory(() -> evt -> true)
    )) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            cache.put(i, i);

        checkContinuouQueryView(ignite0, true);
        checkContinuouQueryView(ignite1, false);

    assertTrue(execute(ignite0, "SELECT * FROM SYS.CONTINUOUS_QUERIES").isEmpty());
    assertTrue(waitForCondition(() ->
        execute(ignite1, "SELECT * FROM SYS.CONTINUOUS_QUERIES").isEmpty(), getTestTimeout()));
Example 6
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Test that dropping a non-existent index does not yield an error with {@code IF EXISTS}.
public void testDropMissingIndexIfExists() {
    final IgniteCache<KeyClass, ValueClass> cache = cache();

    cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS \"" + IDX_NAME_1_ESCAPED + "\""));
Example 7
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testMergeWithDynamicKeyInstantiation() {
    IgniteCache<Key, Person> p = ignite(0).cache("K2P").withKeepBinary();

    p.query(new SqlFieldsQuery(
        "merge into Person (key, id, firstName) values (1, ?, ?), (2, 2, 'Alex')").setArgs(1, "Sergi"));

    assertEquals(createPerson(1, "Sergi"), p.get(new Key(1)));

    assertEquals(createPerson(2, "Alex"), p.get(new Key(2)));
Example 8
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @throws Exception If failed.
public void testSelectProducesTransaction() throws Exception {
    ccfg = cacheConfiguration(cacheMode(), FULL_SYNC, 2, DFLT_PARTITION_COUNT)
        .setIndexedTypes(Integer.class, MvccTestSqlIndexValue.class);


    Random rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();

    Ignite node = grid(rnd.nextInt(4));

    IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache = node.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);

    SqlFieldsQuery qry = new SqlFieldsQuery("INSERT INTO MvccTestSqlIndexValue (_key, idxVal1) values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3)");

    try (FieldsQueryCursor<List<?>> cur = cache.query(qry)) {
        assertEquals(3L, cur.iterator().next().get(0));

    SqlFieldsQueryEx qryEx = new SqlFieldsQueryEx("SELECT * FROM MvccTestSqlIndexValue", true);


    try (FieldsQueryCursor<List<?>> cur = cache.query(qryEx)) {
        assertEquals(3, cur.getAll().size());

    try (GridNearTxLocal tx = cache.unwrap(IgniteEx.class).context().cache().context().tm().userTx()) {
Example 9
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Start first, attribute-bearing, node, create new cache and launch continuous query on it.
 * @return Node.
 * @throws Exception if failed.
private Ignite startNodeWithCache() throws Exception {
    Ignite node1 = startGrid("node1", getConfiguration("node1", true, null));

    CacheConfiguration<Integer, Integer> ccfg = new CacheConfiguration<>(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
    ccfg.setNodeFilter(new IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode>() {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public boolean apply(ClusterNode node) {
            return "data".equals(node.attribute("node-type"));

    IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache = node1.createCache(ccfg);

    ContinuousQuery<Integer, Integer> qry = new ContinuousQuery<>();

    qry.setRemoteFilterFactory(new RemoteFilterFactory());
    qry.setLocalListener(new CacheEntryUpdatedListener<Integer, Integer>() {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public void onUpdated(Iterable<CacheEntryEvent<? extends Integer, ? extends Integer>> evts) {
            // No-op.

    RemoteFilterFactory.clsLdr = getExternalClassLoader();


    // Switch class loader before starting the second node.
    RemoteFilterFactory.clsLdr = getClass().getClassLoader();

    return node1;
Example 10
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @throws Exception If failed.
public void testInsertAndFastDeleteWithoutVersionConflict() throws Exception {
    ccfg = cacheConfiguration(cacheMode(), FULL_SYNC, 2, DFLT_PARTITION_COUNT)
        .setIndexedTypes(Integer.class, Integer.class);


    IgniteCache<?, ?> cache0 = grid(0).cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);

    try (Transaction tx1 = grid(0).transactions().txStart(PESSIMISTIC, REPEATABLE_READ)) {
        // obtain tx version
        cache0.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("select * from Integer where _key = 1"));

        runAsync(() -> {
            cache0.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("insert into Integer(_key, _val) values(?, ?)").setArgs(1, 1));

        cache0.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("delete from Integer where _key = ?").setArgs(1));

    catch (Exception e) {

        fail("Exception is not expected here");
Example 11
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Computes number of entries selected from the cache by the query.
 * @param cache Ignite cache with upstream data.
 * @param qry Cache query.
 * @param transformer Upstream transformer.
 * @param <K> Type of a key in {@code upstream} data.
 * @param <V> Type of a value in {@code upstream} data.
 * @return Number of entries supplied by the iterator.
private static <K, V> long computeCount(
    IgniteCache<K, V> cache,
    ScanQuery<K, V> qry,
    UpstreamTransformer transformer) {
    try (QueryCursor<UpstreamEntry<K, V>> cursor = cache.query(qry,
        e -> new UpstreamEntry<>(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))) {

        return computeCount(transformer.transform(Utils.asStream(cursor.iterator()).map(x -> (UpstreamEntry<K, V>)x)).iterator());
Example 12
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @throws Exception If failed.
public void testOrderByOnly() throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache = jcache(Integer.class, Integer.class);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        cache.put(i, i);

    QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, Integer>> q =
        cache.query(new SqlQuery<Integer, Integer>(Integer.class, "_key >= 0"));

    Collection<Cache.Entry<Integer, Integer>> res = q.getAll();

    assertEquals(10, res.size());

    if (cacheMode() != PARTITIONED) {
        Iterator<Cache.Entry<Integer, Integer>> it = res.iterator();

        for (Integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

            Cache.Entry<Integer, Integer> e =;

            assertEquals(i, e.getKey());
            assertEquals(i, e.getValue());
Example 13
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @throws Exception If failed.
public void testSimpleIndexingSpi() throws Exception {
    indexingSpi = new MyIndexingSpi();

    Ignite ignite = startGrid(0);

    CacheConfiguration<Integer, Integer> ccfg = cacheConfiguration(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);

    IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache = ignite.createCache(ccfg);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        cache.put(i, i);

    QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, Integer>> cursor = cache.query(new SpiQuery<Integer, Integer>().setArgs(2, 5));

    for (Cache.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : cursor)
Example 14
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @throws Exception If failed.
public void testQueryFastDeleteObjectStaticCache() throws Exception {
    ccfg = cacheConfiguration(cacheMode(), FULL_SYNC, 2, DFLT_PARTITION_COUNT)
        .setIndexedTypes(Integer.class, MvccTestSqlIndexValue.class);


    Random rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();

    Ignite checkNode = grid(rnd.nextInt(4));
    Ignite updateNode = grid(rnd.nextInt(4));

    IgniteCache cache = checkNode.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);

        1, new MvccTestSqlIndexValue(1),
        2, new MvccTestSqlIndexValue(2),
        3, new MvccTestSqlIndexValue(3)));

    assertEquals(new MvccTestSqlIndexValue(1), cache.get(1));
    assertEquals(new MvccTestSqlIndexValue(2), cache.get(2));
    assertEquals(new MvccTestSqlIndexValue(3), cache.get(3));

    try (Transaction tx = updateNode.transactions().txStart(PESSIMISTIC, REPEATABLE_READ)) {

        SqlFieldsQuery qry = new SqlFieldsQuery("DELETE FROM MvccTestSqlIndexValue WHERE _key = 1");

        IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache0 = updateNode.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);

        try (FieldsQueryCursor<List<?>> cur = cache0.query(qry)) {
            assertEquals(1L, cur.iterator().next().get(0));


    assertEquals(new MvccTestSqlIndexValue(2), cache.get(2));
    assertEquals(new MvccTestSqlIndexValue(3), cache.get(3));
Example 15
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Run example.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    System.out.println(">>> Random Forest regression algorithm over cached dataset usage example started.");
    // Start ignite grid.
    try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start("examples/config/example-ignite.xml")) {
        System.out.println(">>> Ignite grid started.");

        IgniteCache<Integer, Vector> dataCache = null;
        try {
            dataCache = new SandboxMLCache(ignite).fillCacheWith(MLSandboxDatasets.BOSTON_HOUSE_PRICES);

            AtomicInteger idx = new AtomicInteger(0);
            RandomForestRegressionTrainer trainer = new RandomForestRegressionTrainer(
                IntStream.range(0, dataCache.get(1).size() - 1).mapToObj(
                    x -> new FeatureMeta("", idx.getAndIncrement(), false)).collect(Collectors.toList())


            System.out.println(">>> Configured trainer: " + trainer.getClass().getSimpleName());

            Vectorizer<Integer, Vector, Integer, Double> vectorizer = new DummyVectorizer<Integer>()
            ModelsComposition randomForestMdl =, dataCache, vectorizer);

            System.out.println(">>> Trained model: " + randomForestMdl.toString(true));

            double mse = 0.0;
            double mae = 0.0;
            int totalAmount = 0;

            try (QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, Vector>> observations = dataCache.query(new ScanQuery<>())) {
                for (Cache.Entry<Integer, Vector> observation : observations) {
                    Vector val = observation.getValue();
                    Vector inputs = val.copyOfRange(1, val.size());
                    double groundTruth = val.get(0);

                    double prediction = randomForestMdl.predict(inputs);

                    mse += Math.pow(prediction - groundTruth, 2.0);
                    mae += Math.abs(prediction - groundTruth);


                System.out.println("\n>>> Evaluated model on " + totalAmount + " data points.");

                mse /= totalAmount;
                System.out.println("\n>>> Mean squared error (MSE) " + mse);

                mae /= totalAmount;
                System.out.println("\n>>> Mean absolute error (MAE) " + mae);

                System.out.println(">>> Random Forest regression algorithm over cached dataset usage example completed.");
        finally {
            if (dataCache != null)
    finally {
Example 16
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Run example.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IgniteCheckedException, IOException {
    System.out.println(">>> Decision tree classification trainer example started.");

    // Start ignite grid.
    try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start("examples/config/example-ignite.xml")) {
        System.out.println(">>> Ignite grid started.");

        // Dummy cache is required to perform SQL queries.
        CacheConfiguration<?, ?> cacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration<>(DUMMY_CACHE_NAME)

        IgniteCache<?, ?> cache = null;
        try {
            cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache(cacheCfg);

            System.out.println(">>> Creating table with training data...");
            cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("create table titanic_train (\n" +
                "    passengerid int primary key,\n" +
                "    pclass int,\n" +
                "    survived int,\n" +
                "    name varchar(255),\n" +
                "    sex varchar(255),\n" +
                "    age float,\n" +
                "    sibsp int,\n" +
                "    parch int,\n" +
                "    ticket varchar(255),\n" +
                "    fare float,\n" +
                "    cabin varchar(255),\n" +
                "    embarked varchar(255)\n" +
                ") with \"template=partitioned\";")).getAll();

            System.out.println(">>> Creating table with test data...");
            cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("create table titanic_test (\n" +
                "    passengerid int primary key,\n" +
                "    pclass int,\n" +
                "    survived int,\n" +
                "    name varchar(255),\n" +
                "    sex varchar(255),\n" +
                "    age float,\n" +
                "    sibsp int,\n" +
                "    parch int,\n" +
                "    ticket varchar(255),\n" +
                "    fare float,\n" +
                "    cabin varchar(255),\n" +
                "    embarked varchar(255)\n" +
                ") with \"template=partitioned\";")).getAll();

            loadTitanicDatasets(ignite, cache);

            System.out.println(">>> Prepare trainer...");
            DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer trainer = new DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer(4, 0);

            System.out.println(">>> Perform training...");
            DecisionTreeNode mdl =
                new SqlDatasetBuilder(ignite, "SQL_PUBLIC_TITANIC_TRAIN"),
                new BinaryObjectVectorizer<>("pclass", "age", "sibsp", "parch", "fare")
                    .withFeature("sex", BinaryObjectVectorizer.Mapping.create().map("male", 1.0).defaultValue(0.0))

            System.out.println("Tree is here: " + mdl.toString(true));

            System.out.println(">>> Perform inference...");
            try (QueryCursor<List<?>> cursor = cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("select " +
                "pclass, " +
                "sex, " +
                "age, " +
                "sibsp, " +
                "parch, " +
                "fare from titanic_test"))) {
                for (List<?> passenger : cursor) {
                    Vector input = VectorUtils.of(new Double[]{
                        "male".equals(passenger.get(1)) ? 1.0 : 0.0,

                    double prediction = mdl.predict(input);

                    System.out.printf("Passenger %s will %s.\n", passenger, prediction == 0 ? "die" : "survive");

            System.out.println(">>> Example completed.");
        } finally {
            cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("DROP TABLE titanic_train"));
            cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("DROP TABLE titanic_test"));
    } finally {
Example 17
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeleteSimple() {
    IgniteCache p = cache();

    QueryCursor<List<?>> c = p.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("delete from Person p where length(p._key) = 2 " +
        "or p.secondName like '%ite'"));


    c = p.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("select _key, _val, * from Person order by id"));

    List<List<?>> leftovers = c.getAll();

    assertEquals(2, leftovers.size());

    assertEqualsCollections(Arrays.asList("SecondKey", createPerson(2, "Joe", "Black"), 2, "Joe", "Black"),

    assertEqualsCollections(Arrays.asList("f0u4thk3y", createPerson(4, "Jane", "Silver"), 4, "Jane", "Silver"),
Example 18
Source File:    From tutorials with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
private void getUsingTheCache(Integer employeeId) {

        Ignite ignite = Ignition.ignite();

        IgniteCache<Integer, EmployeeDTO> cache = ignite.cache("baeldungCache");

        EmployeeDTO employeeDTO = cache.get(employeeId);


        SqlFieldsQuery sql = new SqlFieldsQuery(
                "select * from EmployeeDTO where isEmployed = 'true'");

        QueryCursor<List<?>> cursor = cache.query(sql);
Example 19
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * @param total Expected total entries.
 * @param cntrs Expected per-node entries count.
private void checkLocalScan(int total, Map<UUID, Integer> cntrs) {
    Set<DbKey> allKeys = new HashSet<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < gridCount(); i++) {
        Ignite ignite0 = grid(i);

        IgniteCache<DbKey, DbValue> cache0 = ignite0.cache("non-primitive");

        int cnt = 0;

        ScanQuery<DbKey, DbValue> qry = new ScanQuery<>();


        QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<DbKey, DbValue>> cur = cache0.query(qry);

        Map<Integer, Integer> partCntrs = new HashMap<>();

        Affinity<Object> aff = ignite0.affinity(cache0.getName());

        for (Cache.Entry<DbKey, DbValue> e : cur) {

            assertEquals(e.getKey().val, e.getValue().iVal);

            int part = aff.partition(e.getKey());

            Integer partCntr = partCntrs.get(part);

            if (partCntr == null)
                partCntr = 1;
                partCntr += 1;

            partCntrs.put(part, partCntr);

        assertEquals(cntrs.get(ignite0.cluster().localNode().id()), (Integer)cnt);

        checkScanPartition(ignite0, cache0, partCntrs, true);

    assertEquals(total, allKeys.size());
Example 20
Source File:    From ignite with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Queries the specified cache using the specified filter.
 * @param upstreamCache Ignite cache with {@code upstream} data.
 * @return Query cursor.
private QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<K, V>> query(IgniteCache<K, V> upstreamCache) {
    ScanQuery<K, V> qry = new ScanQuery<>();

    return upstreamCache.query(qry);