Java Code Examples for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell#getRowArray()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell#getRowArray() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From geowave with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private boolean inBounds(final Cell cell) {
  final GeoWaveKeyImpl cellKey =
      new GeoWaveKeyImpl(

  final byte[] sortKey = cellKey.getSortKey();
  final byte[] partitionKey = cellKey.getPartitionKey();

  final MultiDimensionalCoordinates coordinates =
      indexStrategy.getCoordinatesPerDimension(partitionKey, sortKey);

  return rangeCache.inBounds(coordinates);
Example 2
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public ValueGetter createGetterFromKeyValues(final byte[] rowKey, Collection<? extends Cell> pendingUpdates) {
    final Map<ReferencingColumn, ImmutableBytesPtr> valueMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(pendingUpdates
    for (Cell kv : pendingUpdates) {
        // create new pointers to each part of the kv
        ImmutableBytesPtr family = new ImmutableBytesPtr(kv.getRowArray(),kv.getFamilyOffset(),kv.getFamilyLength());
        ImmutableBytesPtr qual = new ImmutableBytesPtr(kv.getRowArray(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength());
        ImmutableBytesPtr value = new ImmutableBytesPtr(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(), kv.getValueLength());
        valueMap.put(new ReferencingColumn(family, qual), value);
    return new ValueGetter() {
        public ImmutableBytesPtr getLatestValue(ColumnReference ref) {
            if(ref.equals(dataEmptyKeyValueRef)) return null;
            return valueMap.get(ReferencingColumn.wrap(ref));
        public byte[] getRowKey() {
        	return rowKey;
Example 3
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void mutatePutValue(Put somePut, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, byte[] newValue) {
    NavigableMap<byte[], List<Cell>> familyCellMap = somePut.getFamilyCellMap();
    List<Cell> cells = familyCellMap.get(family);
    List<Cell> newCells = Lists.newArrayList();
    if (cells != null) {
        for (Cell cell : cells) {
            if (Bytes.compareTo(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength(),
                qualifier, 0, qualifier.length) == 0) {
                Cell replacementCell = new KeyValue(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength(),
                    cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength(), cell.getQualifierArray(),
                    cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength(), cell.getTimestamp(),
                    KeyValue.Type.codeToType(cell.getType().getCode()), newValue, 0, newValue.length);
            } else {
        familyCellMap.put(family, newCells);
Example 4
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public ProjectedValueTuple projectResults(Tuple tuple, boolean useNewValueQualifier) {
    long maxTS = tuple.getValue(0).getTimestamp();
    int nCells = tuple.size();
    for (int i = 1; i < nCells; i++) {
        long ts = tuple.getValue(i).getTimestamp();
        if (ts > maxTS) {
            maxTS = ts;
    byte[] bytesValue = schema.toBytes(tuple, getExpressions(), valueSet, ptr);
    Cell base = tuple.getValue(0);
    if (useNewValueQualifier) {
        return new ProjectedValueTuple(base.getRowArray(), base.getRowOffset(), base.getRowLength(), maxTS, bytesValue, 0, bytesValue.length, valueSet.getEstimatedLength());
    } else {
        return new OldProjectedValueTuple(base.getRowArray(), base.getRowOffset(), base.getRowLength(), maxTS, bytesValue, 0, bytesValue.length, valueSet.getEstimatedLength());
Example 5
Source File:    From geowave with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected ReturnCode applyFilter(final Cell cell) {
  final GeoWaveKeyImpl rowKey =
      new GeoWaveKeyImpl(

  return applyFilter(rowKey);
Example 6
Source File:    From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns true if the specified KeyValue is contained by the specified range.
public static boolean isKeyValueInRange(Cell kv, Pair<byte[], byte[]> range) {
    byte[] kvBuffer = kv.getRowArray(); // TODO JL SAR
    int rowKeyOffset = kv.getRowOffset();
    short rowKeyLength = kv.getRowLength();
    byte[] start = range.getFirst();
    byte[] stop = range.getSecond();
    return (start.length == 0 || Bytes.compareTo(start, 0, start.length, kvBuffer, rowKeyOffset, rowKeyLength) <= 0) &&
            (stop.length == 0 || Bytes.compareTo(stop, 0, stop.length, kvBuffer, rowKeyOffset, rowKeyLength) >= 0);
Example 7
Source File:    From geowave with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Handle the entire row at one time */
public void filterRowCells(final List<Cell> rowCells) throws IOException {
  if (!rowCells.isEmpty()) {
    final Iterator<Cell> it = rowCells.iterator();

    GeoWaveKeyImpl rowKey = null;
    commonData = new MultiFieldPersistentDataset<>();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
      final Cell cell =;

      // Grab rowkey from first cell
      if (rowKey == null) {
        rowKey =
            new GeoWaveKeyImpl(

      unreadData = aggregateFieldData(cell, commonData);

    final ReturnCode code = applyFilter(rowKey);

    if (code == ReturnCode.SKIP) {
Example 8
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static KeyValue addSaltByte(Cell keyValue, int nSaltBuckets) {
    byte[] buf = keyValue.getRowArray();
    int length = keyValue.getRowLength();
    int offset = keyValue.getRowOffset();
    boolean isViewSeq = length > SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES.length && Bytes.compareTo(SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES, 0, SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES.length, buf, offset, SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES.length) == 0;
    if (!isViewSeq && nSaltBuckets == 0) {
        return null;
    byte[] newBuf;
    if (isViewSeq) { // We messed up the name for the sequences for view indexes so we'll take this opportunity to fix it
        if (buf[length-1] == 0) { // Global indexes on views have trailing null byte
        byte[][] rowKeyMetaData = new byte[3][];
        SchemaUtil.getVarChars(buf, offset, length, 0, rowKeyMetaData);
        byte[] schemaName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SCHEMA_NAME_INDEX];
        byte[] unprefixedSchemaName = new byte[schemaName.length - MetaDataUtil.VIEW_INDEX_SEQUENCE_PREFIX_BYTES.length];
        System.arraycopy(schemaName, MetaDataUtil.VIEW_INDEX_SEQUENCE_PREFIX_BYTES.length, unprefixedSchemaName, 0, unprefixedSchemaName.length);
        byte[] tableName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_NAME_INDEX];
        PName physicalName = PNameFactory.newName(unprefixedSchemaName);
        // Reformulate key based on correct data
        newBuf = MetaDataUtil.getViewIndexSequenceKey(tableName == null ? null : Bytes.toString(tableName),
                physicalName, nSaltBuckets, false).getKey();
    } else {
        newBuf = new byte[length + 1];
        System.arraycopy(buf, offset, newBuf, SaltingUtil.NUM_SALTING_BYTES, length);
        newBuf[0] = SaltingUtil.getSaltingByte(newBuf, SaltingUtil.NUM_SALTING_BYTES, length, nSaltBuckets);
    return new KeyValue(newBuf, 0, newBuf.length,
            buf, keyValue.getFamilyOffset(), keyValue.getFamilyLength(),
            buf, keyValue.getQualifierOffset(), keyValue.getQualifierLength(),
            keyValue.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.codeToType(keyValue.getTypeByte()),
            buf, keyValue.getValueOffset(), keyValue.getValueLength());
Example 9
Source File:    From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static Cell newTransactionTimeStampKeyValue(Cell element, byte[] value) {
    return new KeyValue(element.getRowArray(),
Example 10
Source File:    From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean containedInScan(Cell kv) {
    byte[] rowArray = kv.getRowArray();
    int rowOffset = kv.getRowOffset();
    int rowLength = kv.getRowLength();
    if(Bytes.compareTo(scan.getStartRow(),0,scan.getStartRow().length,rowArray,rowOffset,rowLength)>0) return false;
    if(Bytes.compareTo(scan.getStopRow(),0,scan.getStopRow().length,rowArray,rowOffset,rowLength)<=0) return false;
    byte[] family = CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv);
    Map<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> familyMap = scan.getFamilyMap();
    if(familyMap.size()<=0) return true;

    if(!familyMap.containsKey(family)) return false;
    NavigableSet<byte[]> qualifiersToFetch = familyMap.get(family);
    if(qualifiersToFetch.size()<=0) return true;
    return qualifiersToFetch.contains(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv));
Example 11
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Binary search for latest column value without allocating memory in the process
 * @param kvBuilder TODO
 * @param kvs
 * @param family
 * @param qualifier
public static Cell getColumnLatest(KeyValueBuilder kvBuilder, Cell[] kvs, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier) {
    if (kvs.length == 0) {
        return null;
    Cell kvForRow = kvs[0];
    Comparator<Cell> comp = new SearchComparator(kvBuilder, kvForRow.getRowArray(), 
      kvForRow.getRowOffset(), kvForRow.getRowLength(), family, qualifier);
    // pos === ( -(insertion point) - 1)
    int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(kvs, null, comp);
    // never will exact match
    if (pos < 0) {
      pos = (pos+1) * -1;
      // pos is now insertion point
    if (pos == kvs.length) {
      return null; // doesn't exist

    Cell kv = kvs[pos];
    if (Bytes.compareTo(kv.getFamilyArray(), kv.getFamilyOffset(), kv.getFamilyLength(),
            family, 0, family.length) != 0) {
        return null;
    if (Bytes.compareTo(kv.getQualifierArray(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength(),
            qualifier, 0, qualifier.length) != 0) {
        return null;
    return kv;
Example 12
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Binary search for latest column value without allocating memory in the process
 * @param kvBuilder TODO
 * @param kvs
 * @param family
 * @param qualifier
public static Cell getColumnLatest(KeyValueBuilder kvBuilder, List<Cell>kvs, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier) {
    if (kvs.size() == 0) {
    	return null;
    Cell row = kvs.get(0);
    Comparator<Cell> comp = new SearchComparator(kvBuilder, 
      row.getRowArray(), row.getRowOffset(), row.getRowLength(), family, qualifier);
    // pos === ( -(insertion point) - 1)
    int pos = Collections.binarySearch(kvs, null, comp);
    // never will exact match
    if (pos < 0) {
      pos = (pos+1) * -1;
      // pos is now insertion point
    if (pos == kvs.size()) {
      return null; // doesn't exist

    Cell kv = kvs.get(pos);
    if (Bytes.compareTo(kv.getFamilyArray(), kv.getFamilyOffset(), kv.getFamilyLength(),
            family, 0, family.length) != 0) {
        return null;
    if (Bytes.compareTo(kv.getQualifierArray(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength(),
            qualifier, 0, qualifier.length) != 0) {
        return null;
    return kv;
Example 13
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean isSatisfiedMidKeyCondition(Cell kv) {
    if (CellUtil.isDelete(kv) && kv.getValueLength() == 0) {
        // In case of a Delete type KV, let it be going to both the daughter regions.
        // No problems in doing so. In the correct daughter region where it belongs to, this delete
        // tomb will really delete a KV. In the other it will just hang around there with no actual
        // kv coming for which this is a delete tomb. :)
        return true;
    ImmutableBytesWritable rowKey =
            new ImmutableBytesWritable(kv.getRowArray(), kv.getRowOffset() + offset,
                    kv.getRowLength() - offset);
    Entry<ImmutableBytesWritable, IndexMaintainer> entry = indexMaintainers.entrySet().iterator().next();
    IndexMaintainer indexMaintainer = entry.getValue();
    byte[] viewIndexId = indexMaintainer.getViewIndexIdFromIndexRowKey(rowKey);
    IndexMaintainer actualIndexMaintainer = indexMaintainers.get(new ImmutableBytesWritable(viewIndexId));
    byte[] dataRowKey = actualIndexMaintainer.buildDataRowKey(rowKey, this.viewConstants);
    int compareResult = Bytes.compareTo(dataRowKey, splitRow);
    if (top) {
        if (compareResult >= 0) {
            return true;
    } else {
        if (compareResult < 0) {
            return true;
    return false;
Example 14
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean filterRowKey(Cell firstRowCell) {
  if (filterAllRemaining()) return true;

  // N.b. We can only do this after we're iterating over records. If we try to do
  // it before, the Scan (and this filter) may not yet be fully initialized. This is a
  // wart on Filter and something that'd be nice to clean up (like CP's in HBase2.0)
  if (!ranges.isInitialized()) {

  // If it is the first time of running, calculate the current range index for
  // the row key. If index is out of bound which happens when the start row
  // user sets is after the largest stop row of the ranges, stop the scan.
  // If row key is after the current range, find the next range and update index.
  byte[] rowArr = firstRowCell.getRowArray();
  int length = firstRowCell.getRowLength();
  int offset = firstRowCell.getRowOffset();
  if (!ranges.hasFoundFirstRange() || !range.contains(rowArr, offset, length)) {
    byte[] rowkey = CellUtil.cloneRow(firstRowCell);
    index = ranges.getNextRangeIndex(rowkey);
    if (ranges.isIterationComplete(index)) {
      done = true;
      currentReturnCode = ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW;
      return false;
    if(index != ROW_BEFORE_FIRST_RANGE) {
      range = ranges.get(index);
    } else {
      range = ranges.get(0);
    if (ranges.isExclusive()) {
      currentReturnCode = ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW;
      return false;
    if (!ranges.hasFoundFirstRange()) {
      if(index != ROW_BEFORE_FIRST_RANGE) {
        currentReturnCode = ReturnCode.INCLUDE;
      } else {
        currentReturnCode = ReturnCode.SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT;
    } else {
      if (range.contains(rowArr, offset, length)) {
        currentReturnCode = ReturnCode.INCLUDE;
      } else {
        currentReturnCode = ReturnCode.SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT;
  } else {
    currentReturnCode = ReturnCode.INCLUDE;
  return false;
Example 15
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private boolean isTenantRowCell(Cell cell) {
  ImmutableBytesWritable key =
      new ImmutableBytesWritable(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength());
  //rows in system.catalog that aren't tenant-owned will have a leading separator byte
  return key.get()[key.getOffset()] != QueryConstants.SEPARATOR_BYTE;
Example 16
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ProjectedValueTuple projectResults(Tuple tuple) {
	byte[] bytesValue = schema.toBytes(tuple, getExpressions(), valueSet, ptr);
	Cell base = tuple.getValue(0);
    return new ProjectedValueTuple(base.getRowArray(), base.getRowOffset(), base.getRowLength(), base.getTimestamp(), bytesValue, 0, bytesValue.length, valueSet.getEstimatedLength());
Example 17
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ProjectedValueTuple projectResults(Tuple tuple) {
	byte[] bytesValue = schema.toBytes(tuple, getExpressions(), valueSet, ptr);
	Cell base = tuple.getValue(0);
    return new ProjectedValueTuple(base.getRowArray(), base.getRowOffset(), base.getRowLength(), base.getTimestamp(), bytesValue, 0, bytesValue.length, valueSet.getEstimatedLength());
Example 18
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Update the current statistics based on the latest batch of key-values from the underlying scanner
 * @param results
 *            next batch of {@link KeyValue}s
 * @throws IOException 
public void collectStatistics(final List<Cell> results) {
    // A guide posts depth of zero disables the collection of stats
    if (guidePostDepth == 0 || results.size() == 0) {
    Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, Boolean> famMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    boolean incrementRow = false;
    Cell c = results.get(0);
    ImmutableBytesWritable row = new ImmutableBytesWritable(c.getRowArray(), c.getRowOffset(), c.getRowLength());
     * During compaction, it is possible that HBase will not return all the key values when
     * is called. So we need the below check to avoid counting a row more
     * than once.
    if (currentRow == null || !row.equals(currentRow)) {
        currentRow = row;
        incrementRow = true;
    for (Cell cell : results) {
        maxTimeStamp = Math.max(maxTimeStamp, cell.getTimestamp());
        Pair<Long, GuidePostsInfoBuilder> gps;
        if (cachedGuidePosts == null) {
            ImmutableBytesPtr cfKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(),
            gps = guidePostsInfoWriterMap.get(cfKey);
            if (gps == null) {
                gps = new Pair<Long, GuidePostsInfoBuilder>(0l,
                        new GuidePostsInfoBuilder());
                guidePostsInfoWriterMap.put(cfKey, gps);
            if (famMap.get(cfKey) == null) {
                famMap.put(cfKey, true);
        } else {
            gps = cachedGuidePosts;
            if (incrementRow) {
                incrementRow = false;
        int kvLength = KeyValueUtil.getSerializedSize(cell, true);
        long byteCount = gps.getFirst() + kvLength;
        if (byteCount >= guidePostDepth) {
            if (gps.getSecond().addGuidePostOnCollection(row, byteCount, gps.getSecond().getRowCount())) {
Example 19
Source File:    From geowave with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected Cell mergeList(final List<Cell> cells) {
  synchronized (MUTEX) {
    Mergeable currentMergeable = null;
    final Cell firstCell = cells.get(0);
    for (final Cell cell : cells) {
      final Mergeable mergeable =
              // TODO consider avoiding extra byte array
              // allocations (which would require
              // persistence utils to be able to use
              // bytebuffer instead of byte[])
      if (mergeable != null) {
        if (currentMergeable == null) {
          currentMergeable = mergeable;
        } else {
    final byte[] valueBinary = getBinary(currentMergeable);
    // this is basically a lengthy verbose form of cloning
    // in-place (without allocating new byte arrays) and
    // simply replacing the value with the new mergeable
    // value
    return new KeyValue(
Example 20
Source File:    From warp10-platform with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean filterRowKey(Cell cell) {
  byte[] row = cell.getRowArray();
  return filterRowKey(row, cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength());    