Java Code Examples for java.time.LocalDate#isAfter()

The following examples show how to use java.time.LocalDate#isAfter() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Strata with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private double valuationCompositionFactor() {
  LocalDate currentFixing = nextFixing;
  LocalDate currentPublication = computation.calculatePublicationFromFixing(currentFixing);
  if (rates.getValuationDate().equals(currentPublication) &&
      !(currentFixing.isAfter(lastFixingNonCutoff))) { // If currentFixing > lastFixingNonCutoff, everything fixed
    OptionalDouble fixedRate = indexFixingDateSeries.get(currentFixing);
    if (fixedRate.isPresent()) {
      nextFixing = computation.getFixingCalendar().next(nextFixing);
      LocalDate effectiveDate = computation.calculateEffectiveFromFixing(currentFixing);
      LocalDate maturityDate = computation.calculateMaturityFromEffective(effectiveDate);
      double accrualFactor = dayCount.yearFraction(effectiveDate, maturityDate);
      if (currentFixing.isBefore(lastFixingNonCutoff)) {
        return 1.0d + accrualFactor * fixedRate.getAsDouble();
      double compositionFactor = 1.0d + accrualFactor * fixedRate.getAsDouble();
      for (int i = 0; i < cutoffOffset - 1; i++) {
        compositionFactor *= 1.0d + accrualFactorCutoff[i] * fixedRate.getAsDouble();
      return compositionFactor;
  return 1.0d;
Example 2
Source File:    From Strata with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Resolves the sequence to a list of steps.
 * @param existingSteps  the existing list of steps
 * @param rollConv  the roll convention
 * @return the steps
List<ValueStep> resolve(List<ValueStep> existingSteps, RollConvention rollConv) {
  ImmutableList.Builder<ValueStep> steps = ImmutableList.builder();
  LocalDate prev = firstStepDate;
  LocalDate date = firstStepDate;
  while (!date.isAfter(lastStepDate)) {
    steps.add(ValueStep.of(date, adjustment));
    prev = date;
    date =, frequency);
  if (!prev.equals(lastStepDate)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.format(
        "ValueStepSequence lastStepDate did not match frequency '{}' using roll convention '{}', {} != {}",
        frequency, rollConv, lastStepDate, prev));
Example 3
Source File:    From axelor-open-suite with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public LocalDate getMostOldDatePaymentScheduleLine(
    List<PaymentScheduleLine> paymentScheduleLineList) {
  LocalDate minPaymentScheduleLineDate =;

  if (paymentScheduleLineList != null && !paymentScheduleLineList.isEmpty()) {
    for (PaymentScheduleLine paymentScheduleLine : paymentScheduleLineList) {
      if (minPaymentScheduleLineDate.isAfter(paymentScheduleLine.getScheduleDate())) {
        minPaymentScheduleLineDate = paymentScheduleLine.getScheduleDate();
  } else {
    minPaymentScheduleLineDate = null;
  return minPaymentScheduleLineDate;
Example 4
Source File:    From rdf-delta with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void init(Path directory, String baseFilename) {
    List<Filename> filenames = FileMgr.scan(directory, baseFilename, patternFilenameDate);
    if ( filenames.isEmpty() )
        latestFilename = null;
    else {
        LocalDate dateLast = filenameToDate(Collections.max(filenames, cmpDate));
        LocalDate dateFirst = filenameToDate(Collections.min(filenames, cmpDate));
        int problems = 0;
        if ( dateLast.isAfter(current)) {
            FmtLog.warn(LOG, "Latest output file is dated after today: %s > %s", dateLast, current);
        if ( dateFirst.isAfter(current)) {
            FmtLog.warn(LOG, "First output file is dated after today: %s > %s", dateFirst, current);
        if ( problems > 0 )
            throw new FileRotateException("Existing files dated into the future");
        latestFilename = filename(dateLast);
Example 5
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void checkNotBefore(LocalDate notBeforeDate,
        LocalDate distrustDate, X509Certificate anchor)
        throws ValidatorException {
    if (notBeforeDate.isAfter(distrustDate)) {
        throw new ValidatorException
                ("TLS Server certificate issued after " + distrustDate +
                 " and anchored by a distrusted legacy Symantec root CA: "
                 + anchor.getSubjectX500Principal(),
                 ValidatorException.T_UNTRUSTED_CERT, anchor);
Example 6
Source File:    From coderadar with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @param range Date range to test for
 * @param rc RevCommit to check
 * @return True if the commit was made within the date range, false otherwise.
private boolean isInDateRange(DateRange range, RevCommit rc) {
  LocalDate commitTime =
  return (commitTime.isBefore(range.getEndDate()) || commitTime.isEqual(range.getEndDate()))
      && (commitTime.isAfter(range.getStartDate()) || commitTime.isEqual(range.getStartDate()));
Example 7
Source File:    From micronaut-microservices-poc with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean contains(LocalDate eventDate) {
    if (eventDate.isAfter(to))
        return false;

    if (eventDate.isBefore(from))
        return false;

    return true;
Example 8
Source File:    From finmath-lib with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getDaycountFraction(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycountFraction(endDate,startDate);

	int periodIndexEndDate = Collections.binarySearch(periods, new Period(endDate, endDate, endDate, endDate));
	int periodIndexStartDate = Collections.binarySearch(periods, new Period(startDate, startDate, startDate, startDate));

	if(periodIndexEndDate < 0) {
		periodIndexEndDate		= -periodIndexEndDate-1;
	if(periodIndexStartDate < 0) {
		periodIndexStartDate	= -periodIndexStartDate-1;
	} else {
		periodIndexStartDate	= periodIndexStartDate+1;

	final Period startDatePeriod = periods.get(periodIndexStartDate);
	final Period endDatePeriod = periods.get(periodIndexEndDate);

	final double periodFraction =
			getDaycount(startDate, startDatePeriod.getPeriodEnd()) / getDaycount(startDatePeriod.getPeriodStart(), startDatePeriod.getPeriodEnd())
			getDaycount(endDatePeriod.getPeriodStart(), endDate) / getDaycount(endDatePeriod.getPeriodStart(), endDatePeriod.getPeriodEnd())
			(periodIndexEndDate - periodIndexStartDate) - 1;

	return periodFraction / frequency;
Example 9
Source File:    From Strata with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Calculates the present value of the fixed coupon bond trade from the clean price of the underlying product.
 * <p>
 * The present value of the trade is the value on the valuation date.
 * The result is expressed using the payment currency of the bond.
 * <p>
 * Coupon payments of the underlying product are considered based on the settlement date of the trade.
 * @param trade  the trade
 * @param provider  the discounting provider
 * @param refData  the reference data used to calculate the settlement date
 * @param cleanPrice  the clean price
 * @return the present value of the fixed coupon bond trade
public CurrencyAmount presentValueFromCleanPrice(
    ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade trade,
    LegalEntityDiscountingProvider provider,
    ReferenceData refData,
    double cleanPrice) {

  ResolvedFixedCouponBond product = trade.getProduct();
  LocalDate standardSettlementDate = standardSettlementDate(product, provider, refData);
  LocalDate tradeSettlementDate = settlementDate(trade, provider.getValuationDate());
  Currency currency = product.getCurrency();
  RepoCurveDiscountFactors repoDf = DiscountingFixedCouponBondProductPricer.repoCurveDf(product, provider);
  double df = repoDf.discountFactor(standardSettlementDate);
  double pvStandard =
      (cleanPrice * product.getNotional() + productPricer.accruedInterest(product, standardSettlementDate)) * df;
  if (standardSettlementDate.isEqual(tradeSettlementDate)) {
    return presentValueFromProductPresentValue(trade, provider, CurrencyAmount.of(currency, pvStandard));
  // check coupon payment between two settlement dates
  IssuerCurveDiscountFactors issuerDf = DiscountingFixedCouponBondProductPricer.issuerCurveDf(product, provider);
  double pvDiff = 0d;
  if (standardSettlementDate.isAfter(tradeSettlementDate)) {
    pvDiff = productPricer.presentValueCoupon(product, issuerDf, tradeSettlementDate, standardSettlementDate);
  } else {
    pvDiff = -productPricer.presentValueCoupon(product, issuerDf, standardSettlementDate, tradeSettlementDate);
  return presentValueFromProductPresentValue(trade, provider, CurrencyAmount.of(currency, pvStandard + pvDiff));
Example 10
Source File:    From Strata with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static List<LocalDate> generateBackwards(
    PeriodicSchedule schedule,
    LocalDate start,
    LocalDate end,
    Frequency frequency,
    RollConvention rollConv,
    StubConvention stubConv,
    LocalDate explicitStartDate) {

  // validate
  if (rollConv.matches(end) == false) {
    throw new ScheduleException(
        schedule, "Date '{}' does not match roll convention '{}' when starting to roll backwards", end, rollConv);
  // generate
  BackwardsList dates = new BackwardsList(estimateNumberPeriods(start, end, frequency));
  LocalDate temp = rollConv.previous(end, frequency);
  while (temp.isAfter(start)) {
    temp = rollConv.previous(temp, frequency);
  // convert to long stub, but only if we actually have a stub
  boolean stub = temp.equals(start) == false;
  if (stub && dates.size() > 1 && stubConv.isStubLong(start, dates.get(0))) {
  return dates;
Example 11
Source File:    From finmath-lib with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getDaycountFraction(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycountFraction(endDate,startDate);

	 * Number of whole years between start and end, excluding start's year and excluding end's year.
	 * If start and end fall in the same year, this is -1 (there will be a double counting of 1 year below if start < end).
	 * If start and end fall in separate but consecutive years, this is 0 (for start and end the fractional parts are counted individually below).
	double daycountFraction = endDate.getYear() - startDate.getYear() - 1.0;

	 * Fraction from start to the end of start's year
	LocalDate startDateNextYear = LocalDate.of(startDate.getYear()+1,Month.JANUARY,1);

	if(isCountLastDayNotFirst) {
		startDateNextYear = startDateNextYear.minusDays(1);

	daycountFraction += getDaycount(startDate, startDateNextYear) / startDate.lengthOfYear();

	 * Fraction from beginning of end's year to end
	LocalDate endDateStartYear = LocalDate.of(endDate.getYear(), Month.JANUARY, 1);
	if (isCountLastDayNotFirst) {
		endDateStartYear = endDateStartYear.minusDays(1);

	daycountFraction += getDaycount(endDateStartYear, endDate) / endDate.lengthOfYear();

	return Math.max(daycountFraction,0.0);
Example 12
Source File:    From finmath-lib with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getDaycount(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycount(endDate,startDate);

	// Get actual number of days
	double daycount = DayCountConvention_ACT.daysBetween(startDate, endDate);

	 * Remove leap days, if any.
	for(int year = startDate.getYear() ; year <= endDate.getYear(); year++) {
		if (IsoChronology.INSTANCE.isLeapYear(year)) {
			final LocalDate leapDay = LocalDate.of(year,Month.FEBRUARY, 29);
			if(startDate.isBefore(leapDay) && !endDate.isBefore(leapDay)) {
				daycount -= 1.0;

	if(daycount < 0.0) {
		throw new AssertionError("Daycount is negative for startDate not after endDate.");

	return daycount;
Example 13
Source File:    From finmath-lib with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getDaycount(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycount(endDate,startDate);

	return daysBetween(startDate, endDate);
Example 14
Source File:    From keycloak-dropwizard-integration with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void shouldDrawOneAsMinimum() {
    LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse("2012-01-01");
    LocalDate maxDate = LocalDate.parse("2013-01-01");
    while (true) {
        Draw draw = DrawingService.drawNumbers(date);
        if (draw.getNumbers().contains(1)) {
        date = date.plusDays(1);
        if (date.isAfter(maxDate)) {
            fail("didn't find 1 in the draw");
Example 15
Source File:    From finmath-lib with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public double getDaycountFraction(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
	if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
		return -getDaycountFraction(endDate,startDate);

	final double daycountFraction = getDaycount(startDate, endDate) / 365.0;

	return daycountFraction;
Example 16
Source File:    From LGoodDatePicker with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public HighlightInformation getHighlightInformationOrNull(LocalDate someDate) {
    if (selectedDate == null) {
        return null;

    if ((someDate.isAfter( || someDate.isEqual(
            && (someDate.isBefore(selectedDate) || someDate.isEqual(selectedDate))) {
        return new HighlightInformation(Color.GREEN, Color.BLACK, "selected period");
    return null;
Example 17
Source File:    From axelor-open-suite with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String getPfpValidatorUserDomain(Invoice invoice) {

  User pfpValidatorUser = getPfpValidatorUser(invoice);
  if (pfpValidatorUser == null) {
    return " in (0)";
  List<SubstitutePfpValidator> substitutePfpValidatorList =
  List<User> validPfpValidatorUserList = new ArrayList<>();
  StringBuilder pfpValidatorUserDomain = new StringBuilder(" in ");
  LocalDate todayDate = Beans.get(AppBaseService.class).getTodayDate();


  for (SubstitutePfpValidator substitutePfpValidator : substitutePfpValidatorList) {
    LocalDate substituteStartDate = substitutePfpValidator.getSubstituteStartDate();
    LocalDate substituteEndDate = substitutePfpValidator.getSubstituteEndDate();

    if (substituteStartDate == null) {
      if (substituteEndDate == null || substituteEndDate.isAfter(todayDate)) {
    } else {
      if (substituteEndDate == null && substituteStartDate.isBefore(todayDate)) {
      } else if (substituteStartDate.isBefore(todayDate)
          && substituteEndDate.isAfter(todayDate)) {

              .map(pfpValidator -> pfpValidator.getId().toString())
  return pfpValidatorUserDomain.toString();
Example 18
Source File:    From Strata with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Computes the present value curve sensitivity by simple forward rate estimation.
 * @param cmsPeriod  the CMS 
 * @param provider  the rates provider
 * @return the present value sensitivity
public PointSensitivityBuilder presentValueSensitivity(
    CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
    RatesProvider provider) {

  Currency ccy = cmsPeriod.getCurrency();
  LocalDate valuationDate = provider.getValuationDate();
  if (valuationDate.isAfter(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate())) {
    return PointSensitivityBuilder.none();
  LocalDate fixingDate = cmsPeriod.getFixingDate();
  double dfPayment = provider.discountFactor(ccy, cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate());
  if (!fixingDate.isAfter(valuationDate)) { // Using fixing
    OptionalDouble fixedRate = provider.timeSeries(cmsPeriod.getIndex()).get(fixingDate);
    if (fixedRate.isPresent()) {
      double payoff = 0d;
      switch (cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType()) {
        case CAPLET:
          payoff = Math.max(fixedRate.getAsDouble() - cmsPeriod.getStrike(), 0d);
        case FLOORLET:
          payoff = Math.max(cmsPeriod.getStrike() - fixedRate.getAsDouble(), 0d);
        case COUPON:
          payoff = fixedRate.getAsDouble();
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported CMS type");
      return provider.discountFactors(ccy).zeroRatePointSensitivity(
          cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate()).multipliedBy(payoff * cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction());
    } else if (fixingDate.isBefore(valuationDate)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.format(
          "Unable to get fixing for {} on date {}, no time-series supplied", cmsPeriod.getIndex(), fixingDate));
  if (!cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType().equals(CmsPeriodType.COUPON)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to price cap or floor in this pricer");
  // Using forward
  ResolvedSwap swap = cmsPeriod.getUnderlyingSwap();
  ZeroRateSensitivity dfPaymentdr = provider.discountFactors(ccy).zeroRatePointSensitivity(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate());
  double forward = swapPricer.parRate(swap, provider);
  PointSensitivityBuilder forwardSensi = swapPricer.parRateSensitivity(swap, provider);
  return forwardSensi.multipliedBy(dfPayment).combinedWith(dfPaymentdr.multipliedBy(forward))
      .multipliedBy(cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction());
Example 19
Source File:    From shimmer with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ResponseEntity<ShimDataResponse> getData(
        OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate,
        ShimDataRequest shimDataRequest)
        throws ShimException {

    FitbitDataType fitbitDataType;

    try {
        fitbitDataType = FitbitDataType.valueOf(shimDataRequest.getDataTypeKey().trim().toUpperCase());
    catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException e) {

        throw new ShimException("Null or Invalid data type parameter: "
                + shimDataRequest.getDataTypeKey()
                + " in shimDataRequest, cannot retrieve data.", e);

    LocalDate today =;

    LocalDate startDate = shimDataRequest.getStartDateTime() == null
            ? today
            : shimDataRequest.getStartDateTime().toLocalDate();

    LocalDate endDate = shimDataRequest.getEndDateTime() == null
            ? today
            : shimDataRequest.getEndDateTime().toLocalDate();

    if (usesDateRangeQuery(fitbitDataType)) {

        return getDataForDateRange(
    else {
          Fitbit's API forces you to make a request for each given day of data for some endpoints. Thus we
          make a request for each day in the submitted time range and then aggregate the response based on the
          normalization parameter.
        List<ShimDataResponse> dayResponses = new ArrayList<>();
        LocalDate indexDate = startDate;

        while (!indexDate.isAfter(endDate)) {

            dayResponses.add(getDataForSingleDate(restTemplate, indexDate, fitbitDataType,

            indexDate = indexDate.plusDays(1);

        return shimDataRequest.getNormalize()
                ? ok(aggregateNormalized(dayResponses))
                : ok(aggregateIntoList(dayResponses));
Example 20
Source File:    From axelor-open-suite with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Computes the duration in days of a leave, according to the input planning.
 * @param leave
 * @param employee
 * @param fromDate
 * @param toDate
 * @param startOn
 * @param endOn
 * @return
 * @throws AxelorException
protected BigDecimal computeDurationInDays(
    LeaveRequest leave,
    Employee employee,
    LocalDate fromDate,
    LocalDate toDate,
    int startOn,
    int endOn)
    throws AxelorException {

  BigDecimal duration = BigDecimal.ZERO;
  WeeklyPlanning weeklyPlanning = getWeeklyPlanning(leave, employee);
  EventsPlanning holidayPlanning = getPublicHolidayEventsPlanning(leave, employee);

  // If the leave request is only for 1 day
  if (fromDate.isEqual(toDate)) {
    if (startOn == endOn) {
      if (startOn == LeaveRequestRepository.SELECT_MORNING) {
        duration =
                        weeklyPlanning, fromDate, true, false)));
      } else {
        duration =
                        weeklyPlanning, fromDate, false, true)));
    } else {
      duration =
                      weeklyPlanning, fromDate, true, true)));

    // Else if it's on several days
  } else {
    duration =
            BigDecimal.valueOf(computeStartDateWithSelect(fromDate, startOn, weeklyPlanning)));

    LocalDate itDate = fromDate.plusDays(1);
    while (!itDate.isEqual(toDate) && !itDate.isAfter(toDate)) {
      duration =
                  weeklyPlanningService.getWorkingDayValueInDays(weeklyPlanning, itDate)));
      itDate = itDate.plusDays(1);

    duration =
        duration.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(computeEndDateWithSelect(toDate, endOn, weeklyPlanning)));

  if (holidayPlanning != null) {
    duration =
                fromDate, toDate, weeklyPlanning, holidayPlanning));

  return duration;