Java Code Examples for java.awt.font.LineMetrics#getStrikethroughOffset()

The following examples show how to use java.awt.font.LineMetrics#getStrikethroughOffset() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Pixelitor with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Area createStrikeThroughShape(FontMetrics metrics, LineMetrics lineMetrics, float ascent) {
    float strikethroughOffset = lineMetrics.getStrikethroughOffset();
    float strikethroughThickness = lineMetrics.getStrikethroughThickness();
    Shape strikethroughShape = new Rectangle2D.Float(
        ascent + strikethroughOffset - strikethroughThickness / 2.0f,
    return new Area(strikethroughShape);
Example 2
Source File:    From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private synchronized void initStrikethrough(Graphics g) {
    LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics("aAyY", ((Graphics2D)g).getFontRenderContext()); // NOI18N
    strikethroughOffset = lm.getStrikethroughOffset();
    strikethroughThickness = lm.getStrikethroughThickness();
    inited |= ST_INITED;
Example 3
Source File:    From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
FontInfo(Font origFont, JTextComponent textComponent, FontRenderContext frc, float rowHeightCorrection, int textZoom) {
    renderFont = (textZoom != 0)
            ? new Font(origFont.getName(), origFont.getStyle(), Math.max(origFont.getSize() + textZoom, 1))
            : origFont;
    char defaultChar = 'A';
    String defaultCharText = String.valueOf(defaultChar);
    TextLayout defaultCharTextLayout = new TextLayout(defaultCharText, renderFont, frc); // NOI18N
    TextLayout rowHeightTextLayout = new TextLayout("A_|B", renderFont, frc);
    // Round the ascent to eliminate long mantissa without any visible effect on rendering.
    updateRowHeight(rowHeightTextLayout, rowHeightCorrection);
    /* We originally did Math.ceil() when setting charWidth, but this was the cause of NETBEANS-346,
    where the end-of-line marker (SimpleValueNames.TEXT_LIMIT_WIDTH) would appear in the wrong
    position due to rounding errors, and similar misalignments in tabs vs. spaces, on certain editor
    zoom levels. This was observed on Java 9 or above on both Windows and MacOS. Java 9 saw many
    changes in font metrics implementations, including a new font shaping engine (HarfBuzz) and
    fractional HiDPI support. Avoiding Math.ceil fixes the problem. The original Math.ceil was
    introduced by Miloslav Metelka on 2011-08-18, with a comment "Ceil fractions to whole numbers
    since this measure may be used for background rendering" in the commit titled "Improve
    AnnotationView performance" for the similarly titled BugZilla bug #201102. So the Math.ceil was
    intended to be an optimization rather than fixing a correctness bug, and it seems safe to remove
    it. */
    charWidth = defaultCharTextLayout.getAdvance();
    LineMetrics lineMetrics = renderFont.getLineMetrics(defaultCharText, frc);
    underlineAndStrike[0] = lineMetrics.getUnderlineOffset() * rowHeightCorrection;
    underlineAndStrike[1] = lineMetrics.getUnderlineThickness();
    underlineAndStrike[2] = lineMetrics.getStrikethroughOffset() * rowHeightCorrection;
    underlineAndStrike[3] = lineMetrics.getStrikethroughThickness();
    if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        FontMetrics fm = textComponent.getFontMetrics(origFont); // From original font
        LOG.fine("Orig Font=" + origFont + // NOI18N
                "\n  " + this + ", charWidth=" + charWidth + ", textZoom=" + textZoom + // NOI18N
                "\n  rowHeightCorrection=" + rowHeightCorrection + // NOI18N
                ", underlineO/T=" + underlineAndStrike[0] + "/" + underlineAndStrike[1] + // NOI18N
                ", strikethroughO/T=" + underlineAndStrike[2] + "/" + underlineAndStrike[3] + // NOI18N
                "\n  FontMetrics (for comparison; without-RHC): fm-line-height=" + fm.getHeight() + // NOI18N
                ", fm-ascent,descent,leading=" + fm.getAscent() + "," + fm.getDescent() + "," + fm.getLeading() + // NOI18N
                "\n"); // NOI18N
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "FontInfo creation stacktrace", new Exception()); // NOI18N