Java Code Examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#path()

The following examples show how to use com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#path() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From endpoints-java with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void writeError(int exceptionCode, int expectedCode, String reason, String message,
    boolean enableExceptionCompatibility) throws Exception {
  MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse();
  RestResponseResultWriter writer = new RestResponseResultWriter(
      response, null, true /* prettyPrint */,
      true /* addContentLength */, enableExceptionCompatibility);
  writer.writeError(new ServiceException(exceptionCode, message));
  ObjectMapper mapper = ObjectMapperUtil.createStandardObjectMapper();
  ObjectNode content = mapper.readValue(response.getContentAsString(), ObjectNode.class);
  JsonNode outerError = content.path("error");
  if (message == null) {
  } else {
  JsonNode innerError = outerError.path("errors").path(0);
  if (message == null) {
  } else {
Example 2
Source File:    From endpoints-java with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testEnumType() throws Exception {
  ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
  ObjectNode schemasConfig = mapper.createObjectNode();
  writer.addTypeToSchema(schemasConfig, TypeToken.of(Outcome.class), apiConfig, null);

  JsonNode outcome = schemasConfig.path("Outcome");
  assertEquals("Outcome", outcome.path("id").asText());
  assertEquals("string", outcome.path("type").asText());
  JsonNode enumConfig = outcome.path("enum");
  assertEquals(3, enumConfig.size());
  assertEquals(Outcome.WON.toString(), enumConfig.get(0).asText());
  assertEquals(Outcome.LOST.toString(), enumConfig.get(1).asText());
  assertEquals(Outcome.TIE.toString(), enumConfig.get(2).asText());
Example 3
Source File:    From java-hamcrest with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean matchesNode(ObjectNode node, Description mismatchDescription) {
  LinkedHashMap<String, Consumer<Description>> mismatchedKeys = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  for (Map.Entry<String, Matcher<? super JsonNode>> entryMatcher : entryMatchers.entrySet()) {
    final String key = entryMatcher.getKey();
    final Matcher<? super JsonNode> valueMatcher = entryMatcher.getValue();

    final JsonNode value = node.path(key);

    if (!valueMatcher.matches(value)) {
      mismatchedKeys.put(key, d -> valueMatcher.describeMismatch(value, d));

  if (!mismatchedKeys.isEmpty()) {
    return false;
  return true;
Example 4
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public boolean isValid() {
    for (JsonNode node : array) {
        ObjectNode routerNode = (ObjectNode) node;
        if (!hasOnlyFields(routerNode, INTERFACES, CP_CONNECT_POINT, OSPF_ENABLED, PIM_ENABLED)) {
            return false;

        JsonNode intfNode = routerNode.path(INTERFACES);
        if (!intfNode.isMissingNode() && !intfNode.isArray()) {
            return false;

        boolean valid = isConnectPoint(routerNode, CP_CONNECT_POINT, FieldPresence.MANDATORY) &&
                isBoolean(routerNode, OSPF_ENABLED, FieldPresence.OPTIONAL) &&
                isBoolean(routerNode, PIM_ENABLED, FieldPresence.OPTIONAL);

        if (!valid) {
            return false;

    return true;
Example 5
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Indicates whether a field in the node is present and of correct value or
 * not mandatory and absent.
 * @param objectNode         JSON object node containing field to validate
 * @param field              name of field to validate
 * @param presence           specified if field is optional or mandatory
 * @param validationFunction function which can be used to verify if the
 *                           node has the correct value
 * @return true if the field is as expected
 * @throws InvalidFieldException if the field is present but not valid
private boolean isValid(ObjectNode objectNode, String field, FieldPresence presence,
                        Function<JsonNode, Boolean> validationFunction) {
    JsonNode node = objectNode.path(field);
    boolean isMandatory = presence == FieldPresence.MANDATORY;
    if (isMandatory && node.isMissingNode()) {
        throw new InvalidFieldException(field, "Mandatory field not present");

    if (!isMandatory && (node.isNull() || node.isMissingNode())) {
        return true;

    try {
        if (validationFunction.apply(node)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new InvalidFieldException(field, "Validation error");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new InvalidFieldException(field, e);
Example 6
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Set<String> extractIds(ObjectNode payload) {
    ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) payload.path(IDS);
    if (array == null || array.size() == 0) {
        return Collections.emptySet();

    Set<String> ids = new HashSet<>();
    for (JsonNode node : array) {
    return ids;
Example 7
Source File:    From arctic-sea with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void saveSettingValue(SettingValue<?> value) {
    try {
        ObjectNode settings = getConfiguration().with(JSONSettingConstants.SETTINGS_KEY);
        JsonNode node = settings.path(value.getKey());
        ObjectNode settingNode = (ObjectNode) Optional.ofNullable(node.isObject() ? node : null)
                .orElseGet(() -> settings.putObject(value.getKey()));
        settingNode.put(JSONSettingConstants.TYPE_KEY, value.getType().toString());
        settingNode.set(JSONSettingConstants.VALUE_KEY, getSettingsEncoder().encodeValue(value));
    } finally {
Example 8
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public DefaultTunnel decode(ObjectNode json, CodecContext context) {

    String tid = json.path(TUNNEL_ID).asText();
    List<Integer> labels = new ArrayList<>();

    if (!json.path(LABEL_PATH).isMissingNode()) {
        ArrayNode labelArray = (ArrayNode) json.path(LABEL_PATH);
        for (JsonNode o : labelArray) {

    return new DefaultTunnel(tid, labels);
Example 9
Source File:    From endpoints-java with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testBeanPropertyDateType() throws Exception {
  ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
  ObjectNode schemasConfig = mapper.createObjectNode();
  writer.addTypeToSchema(schemasConfig, TypeToken.of(Bean.class), apiConfig, null);

  JsonNode beanConfig = schemasConfig.path("Bean");
  assertEquals("Bean", beanConfig.path("id").asText());
  assertEquals("object", beanConfig.path("type").asText());
  assertEquals("string", beanConfig.path("properties").path("date").path("type").asText());
  assertEquals("date-time", beanConfig.path("properties").path("date").path("format").asText());
Example 10
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Changes the administrative state of a port.
 * @onos.rsModel PortAdministrativeState
 * @param id device identifier
 * @param portId port number
 * @param stream input JSON
 * @return 200 OK if the port state was set to the given value
public Response setPortState(@PathParam("id") String id,
                             @PathParam("port_id") String portId,
                             InputStream stream) {
    try {
        DeviceId deviceId = deviceId(id);
        PortNumber portNumber = PortNumber.portNumber(portId);
                new ConnectPoint(deviceId, portNumber)), DEVICE_NOT_FOUND);

        ObjectNode root = readTreeFromStream(mapper(), stream);
        JsonNode node = root.path(ENABLED);

        if (!node.isMissingNode()) {
                    .changePortState(deviceId, portNumber, node.asBoolean());
            return Response.ok().build();

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_JSON);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(ioe);
Example 11
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Parse the input JSON object, looking for CPU-related
 * information. Upon success, construct and return a list
 * of CPU devices.
 * @param objNode input JSON node with CPU device information
 * @return list of CPU devices
private Collection<CpuDevice> parseCpuDevices(ObjectNode objNode) {
    Collection<CpuDevice> cpuSet = Sets.newHashSet();
    JsonNode cpuNode = objNode.path(PARAM_CPUS);

    // Construct CPU objects
    for (JsonNode cn : cpuNode) {
        ObjectNode cpuObjNode = (ObjectNode) cn;

        // All the CPU attributes
        int   physicalCpuId = cpuObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_ID_PHY).asInt();
        int    logicalCpuId = cpuObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_ID_LOG).asInt();
        int       cpuSocket = cpuObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_SOCKET).asInt();
        String cpuVendorStr = get(cn, PARAM_CPU_VENDOR);
        long   cpuFrequency = cpuObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_FREQUENCY).asLong();

        // Construct a CPU device and add it to the set
                .setCoreId(logicalCpuId, physicalCpuId)

    return cpuSet;
Example 12
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public PortPairGroup decode(ObjectNode json, CodecContext context) {
    if (json == null || !json.isObject()) {
        return null;

    PortPairGroup.Builder resultBuilder = new DefaultPortPairGroup.Builder();

    CoreService coreService = context.getService(CoreService.class);

    String id = nullIsIllegal(json.get(ID),
                              ID + MISSING_MEMBER_MESSAGE).asText();

    String tenantId = nullIsIllegal(json.get(TENANT_ID),
                                    TENANT_ID + MISSING_MEMBER_MESSAGE).asText();

    String name = nullIsIllegal(json.get(NAME),
                                NAME + MISSING_MEMBER_MESSAGE).asText();

    String description = nullIsIllegal(json.get(DESCRIPTION),
                                       DESCRIPTION + MISSING_MEMBER_MESSAGE).asText();

    List<PortPairId> list = Lists.newArrayList();
    ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) json.path(PORT_PAIRS);
    arrayNode.forEach(i -> list.add(PortPairId.of(i.asText())));

Example 13
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Parse the input JSON object, looking for CPU cache-related
 * information. Upon success, construct and return a CPU cache
 * hierarchy device.
 * @param objNode input JSON node with CPU cache device information
 * @return a CPU cache hierarchy devices
private CpuCacheHierarchyDevice parseCpuCacheHierarchyDevice(ObjectNode objNode) {
    JsonNode cacheHierarchyNode = objNode.path(PARAM_CPU_CACHE_HIERARCHY);
    ObjectNode cacheHierarchyObjNode = (ObjectNode) cacheHierarchyNode;
    if (cacheHierarchyObjNode == null) {
        return null;

    int socketsNb = cacheHierarchyObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_SOCKETS).asInt();
    int coresNb = cacheHierarchyObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_CORES).asInt();
    int levels = cacheHierarchyObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_CACHE_LEVELS).asInt();

    JsonNode cacheNode = cacheHierarchyObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_CACHES);

    DefaultCpuCacheHierarchyDevice.Builder cacheBuilder =

    // Construct CPU cache objects
    for (JsonNode cn : cacheNode) {
        ObjectNode cacheObjNode = (ObjectNode) cn;

        // CPU cache attributes
        String cpuVendorStr = get(cn, PARAM_CPU_VENDOR);
        String     levelStr = get(cn, PARAM_CPU_CACHE_LEVEL);
        String      typeStr = get(cn, PARAM_CPU_CACHE_TYPE);
        String    policyStr = get(cn, PARAM_CPU_CACHE_POLICY);
        long       capacity = cacheObjNode.path(PARAM_CAPACITY).asLong();
        int            sets = cacheObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_CACHE_SETS).asInt();
        int            ways = cacheObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_CACHE_WAYS).asInt();
        int         lineLen = cacheObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_CACHE_LINE_LEN).asInt();
        boolean      shared = cacheObjNode.path(PARAM_CPU_CACHE_SHARED).asInt() > 0;

        // Construct a basic CPU cache device and add it to the hierarchy
                .setCacheId(levelStr, typeStr)

Example 14
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public PcePath decode(ObjectNode json, CodecContext context) {
    if (json == null || !json.isObject()) {
        log.error("Empty json input");
        return null;

    // build pce-path
    PcePath.Builder resultBuilder = new DefaultPcePath.Builder();

    // retrieve source
    JsonNode jNode = json.get(SOURCE);
    if (jNode != null) {
        String src = jNode.asText();

    // retrieve destination
    jNode = json.get(DESTINATION);
    if (jNode != null) {
        String dst = jNode.asText();

    // retrieve lsp-type
    jNode = json.get(LSP_TYPE);
    if (jNode != null) {
        String lspType = jNode.asText();
        //Validating LSP type
        int type = Integer.parseInt(lspType);
        if ((type < 0) || (type > 2)) {
            return null;

    // retrieve symbolic-path-name
    jNode = json.get(SYMBOLIC_PATH_NAME);
    if (jNode != null) {
        String name = jNode.asText();;

    // retrieve constraint
    JsonNode constraintJNode = (JsonNode) json.path(CONSTRAINT);
    if ((constraintJNode != null) && (!constraintJNode.isMissingNode())) {
        // retrieve cost
        jNode = constraintJNode.get(COST);
        if (jNode != null) {
            String cost = jNode.asText();
            //Validating Cost type
            int costType = Integer.parseInt(cost);
            if ((costType < 1) || (costType > 2)) {
                return null;

        // retrieve bandwidth
        jNode = constraintJNode.get(BANDWIDTH);
        if (jNode != null) {
            String bandwidth = jNode.asText();
            double bw = Double.parseDouble(bandwidth);
            if (bw < 0) {
                return null;

    // Retrieve explicit path info
    JsonNode explicitPathInfo = json.get(EXPLICIT_PATH_INFO);
    if (explicitPathInfo != null) {
        List<ExplicitPathInfo> explicitPathInfoList =
        if (explicitPathInfoList != null) {

Example 15
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Parse the input JSON object, looking for NIC-related
 * information. Upon success, construct and return a list
 * of NIC devices.
 * @param mapper input JSON object mapper
 * @param objNode input JSON node with NIC device information
 * @param annotations device annotations
 * @return list of CPU devices
private Collection<NicDevice> parseNicDevices(
        ObjectMapper mapper, ObjectNode objNode, DefaultAnnotations.Builder annotations) {
    Collection<NicDevice> nicSet = Sets.newHashSet();
    JsonNode nicNode = objNode.path(PARAM_NICS);

    // Construct NIC objects
    for (JsonNode nn : nicNode) {
        ObjectNode nicObjNode = (ObjectNode) nn;

        // All the NIC attributes
        String nicName     = get(nn, PARAM_NAME);
        long nicIndex      = nicObjNode.path(PARAM_ID).asLong();
        long speed         = nicObjNode.path(PARAM_SPEED).asLong();
        String portTypeStr = get(nn, PARAM_NIC_PORT_TYPE);
        boolean status     = nicObjNode.path(PARAM_STATUS).asInt() > 0;
        String hwAddr      = get(nn, PARAM_NIC_HW_ADDR);
        JsonNode tagNode   = nicObjNode.path(PARAM_NIC_RX_FILTER);
        if (tagNode == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "The Rx filters of NIC " + nicName + " are not reported");

        // Convert the JSON list into an array of strings
        List<String> rxFilters = null;
        try {
            rxFilters = mapper.readValue(tagNode.traverse(),
                new TypeReference<ArrayList<String>>() { });
        } catch (IOException ioEx) {

        // Store NIC name to number mapping as an annotation
        annotations.set(nicName, Long.toString(nicIndex));

        // Construct a NIC device and add it to the set

    return nicSet;
Example 16
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Parse the input JSON object, looking for memory-related
 * information. Upon success, construct and return a memory
 * hierarchy device.
 * @param objNode input JSON node with memory device information
 * @return a memory hierarchy device
private MemoryHierarchyDevice parseMemoryHierarchyDevice(ObjectNode objNode) {
    JsonNode memHierarchyNode = objNode.path(PARAM_MEMORY_HIERARCHY);
    ObjectNode memoryHierarchyObjNode = (ObjectNode) memHierarchyNode;
    if (memoryHierarchyObjNode == null) {
        return null;

    JsonNode memoryNode = memoryHierarchyObjNode.path(PARAM_MEMORY_MODULES);

    DefaultMemoryHierarchyDevice.Builder memoryBuilder =

    // Construct memory modules
    for (JsonNode mn : memoryNode) {
        ObjectNode memoryObjNode = (ObjectNode) mn;

        String typeStr = get(mn, PARAM_TYPE);
        String manufacturerStr = get(mn, PARAM_MANUFACTURER);
        String serialStr = get(mn, PARAM_SERIAL);
        int dataWidth = memoryObjNode.path(PARAM_MEMORY_WIDTH_DATA).asInt();
        int totalWidth = memoryObjNode.path(PARAM_MEMORY_WIDTH_TOTAL).asInt();
        long capacity = memoryObjNode.path(PARAM_CAPACITY).asLong();
        long speed = memoryObjNode.path(PARAM_SPEED).asLong();
        long configuredSpeed = memoryObjNode.path(PARAM_SPEED_CONF).asLong();

        // Construct a memory module and add it to the hierarchy

Example 17
Source File:    From jasperreports with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private boolean isValid(ObjectNode objectNode, String objectName, String currentPath, SchemaNode parent) {
	String nodeTypeValue = null;
	JsonNode typeNode = objectNode.path("_type");

	if (typeNode.isMissingNode()) {
		nodeTypeValue = "object";
	} else if (!typeNode.isTextual()) {
		return false;

	if (nodeTypeValue == null) {
		nodeTypeValue = typeNode.asText();

	NodeTypeEnum nodeType = NodeTypeEnum.getByName(nodeTypeValue);

	// enforce type "object" or "array" with "_children"
	if (!(NodeTypeEnum.OBJECT.equals(nodeType) || (NodeTypeEnum.ARRAY.equals(nodeType) && objectNode.has("_children")))) {
		return false;

	// enforce "_children" of type Object when typeNode is "array"
	if (NodeTypeEnum.ARRAY.equals(nodeType) && !objectNode.path("_children").isObject()) {
		return false;

	boolean result = true;
	String availablePath = currentPath;
	SchemaNode schemaNode;

	availablePath = availablePath.length() > 0 ? (availablePath.endsWith(".") ? availablePath : availablePath + ".") + objectName : objectName;

	// _children properties are passed to the parent array
	if (parent != null) {
		schemaNode = parent;
	} else {

		int level;

		if (JSON_SCHEMA_ROOT_NAME.equals(objectName)) {
			level = 0;
		} else if (availablePath.length() > 0 && availablePath.indexOf(".") > 0) {
			level = availablePath.split("\\.").length - 1;
		} else {
			level = 1;

		schemaNode = new SchemaNode(level, objectName, nodeType, currentPath.endsWith(".") ? currentPath.substring(0, currentPath.length() - 2) : currentPath);
		pathToObjectNode.put(availablePath, schemaNode);

	Iterator<String> it = objectNode.fieldNames();
	while (it.hasNext()) {
		String field =;
		JsonNode node = objectNode.path(field);
		String localPath = availablePath;

		if (!field.startsWith("_")) {
			if (node.isTextual() && node.asText().equals("value")) {
				localPath = localPath.length() > 0 ? (localPath.endsWith(".") ? localPath : localPath + ".") + field : field;
				pathToValueNode.put(localPath, schemaNode);
			} else if ((node.isObject() && !isValid((ObjectNode) node, field, availablePath, null)) || !node.isObject()) {
				result = false;
		} else if (field.equals("_children") && !isValid((ObjectNode) node, "", availablePath, schemaNode)) {
			result = false;

	if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
		log.debug("object is valid: " + objectNode);
		log.debug("objectName: " + objectName);
		log.debug("currentPath: " + currentPath);

	return result;
Example 18
Source File:    From gcp-ingestion with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
/** Tries to extract glean-style client_info object from payload. */
private static JsonNode getGleanClientInfo(ObjectNode json) {
  return json.path("client_info");
Example 19
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets a child Object Node from a parent by name. If the child is not found
 * or does nor represent an object, null is returned.
 * @param parent parent object
 * @param childName name of child to query
 * @return child object if found, null if not found or if not an object
protected static ObjectNode get(ObjectNode parent, String childName) {
    JsonNode node = parent.path(childName);
    return node.isObject() && !node.isNull() ? (ObjectNode) node : null;
Example 20
Source File:    From onos with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the payload from the specified event.
 * @param event message event
 * @return extracted payload object
public static ObjectNode payload(ObjectNode event) {
    return (ObjectNode) event.path("payload");