Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From s2g-zuul with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public List<FilterInfo> getAllCanaryFilters() throws Exception {
	List<FilterInfo> list = Lists.newArrayList();
	HttpGet method = new HttpGet(filterRepository.get()+"/canary/"+applicationName);
	CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(method);
	String body = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
	JSONArray jsonArray = JSON.parseArray(body);
	for(int i=0;i<jsonArray.size();i++){
		JSONObject json = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
		FilterInfo filter = JSON.toJavaObject(json, FilterInfo.class);
		filter.setFilterCode(new String(Base64.decodeBase64(filter.getFilterCode().getBytes("utf-8")),"utf-8"));
	return list;
Example 2
Source File:    From aliyun-tsdb-java-sdk with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public List<LastDataValue> queryLast(Collection<Timeline> timelines) throws HttpUnknowStatusException {
    Object timelinesJSON = JSON.toJSON(timelines);
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    obj.put("queries", timelinesJSON);
    String jsonString = obj.toJSONString();
    HttpResponse httpResponse =, jsonString);
    ResultResponse resultResponse = ResultResponse.simplify(httpResponse, this.httpCompress);
    HttpStatus httpStatus = resultResponse.getHttpStatus();
    switch (httpStatus) {
        case ServerSuccessNoContent:
            return null;
        case ServerSuccess:
            String content = resultResponse.getContent();
            List<LastDataValue> queryResultList = JSON.parseArray(content, LastDataValue.class);
            return queryResultList;
        case ServerNotSupport:
            throw new HttpServerNotSupportException(resultResponse);
        case ServerError:
            throw new HttpServerErrorException(resultResponse);
        case ServerUnauthorized:
            throw new HttpServerUnauthorizedException(resultResponse);
            throw new HttpUnknowStatusException(resultResponse);
Example 3
Source File:    From wechat4j with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * 获取客服聊天记录
 * @param starttime 查询开始时间,UNIX时间戳
 * @param endtime 查询结束时间,UNIX时间戳,每次查询不能跨日查询
 * @param pageindex 查询第几页,从1开始
 * @param pagesize 每页大小,每页最多拉取50条
 * @return
public List<Record> getRecord(long starttime,long endtime, int pageindex,int pagesize) {
	JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
	data.put("endtime", endtime);
	data.put("pageindex", pageindex);
	data.put("pagesize", pagesize);
	data.put("starttime", starttime);
	String resultStr =, data.toJSONString());
	try {
	} catch (WeChatException e) {
		return null;
	String recordlist = JSON.parseObject(resultStr).getString("recordlist");
	List<Record> records = JSON.parseArray(recordlist, Record.class);
	return records;
Example 4
Source File:    From OfficeAutomatic-System with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@RequestMapping(value = "/getHysList")
public JSONArray getHysList() {
    List<Hys> list = userService.hysList();
    String jsonStr = JsonUtil.serializeDate(list);
    return JSON.parseArray(jsonStr);
Example 5
Source File:    From springboot-learn with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public <T> List<T> getList(final String key, Class<T> clazz) {
    Jedis jedis = null;
    try {
        jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
        String value = jedis.get(key);
        return JSON.parseArray(value, clazz);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("[RedisClient] getList e,", e);
        return new ArrayList<>();
    } finally {
Example 6
Source File:    From hasor with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Object resolveParam(Invoker invoker, Class<?> paramClass, Annotation pAnno) {
    Object atData = null;
    if (pAnno instanceof AttributeParameter) {
        atData = this.getAttributeParam(invoker, (AttributeParameter) pAnno);
    } else if (pAnno instanceof CookieParameter) {
        atData = this.getCookieParam((CookieParameter) pAnno);
    } else if (pAnno instanceof HeaderParameter) {
        atData = this.getHeaderParam((HeaderParameter) pAnno);
    } else if (pAnno instanceof QueryParameter) {
        atData = this.getQueryParam((QueryParameter) pAnno);
    } else if (pAnno instanceof PathParameter) {
        atData = this.getPathParam((PathParameter) pAnno);
    } else if (pAnno instanceof RequestParameter) {
        atData = this.getRequestParam((RequestParameter) pAnno);
    } else if (pAnno instanceof RequestBody) {
        if (paramClass == String.class) {
            atData = invoker.getJsonBodyString();
        } else if (paramClass == Map.class) {
            atData = JSON.parseObject(invoker.getJsonBodyString());
        } else if (paramClass == List.class) {
            atData = JSON.parseArray(invoker.getJsonBodyString(), ArrayList.class);
        } else if (paramClass == Set.class) {
            atData = JSON.parseArray(invoker.getJsonBodyString(), HashSet.class);
        } else {
            atData = JSON.parseObject(invoker.getJsonBodyString(), paramClass);
    } else if (pAnno instanceof ParameterGroup) {
        try {
            atData = invoker.getAppContext().justInject(paramClass.newInstance());
            atData = this.getParamsParam(invoker, paramClass, atData);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            logger.error(paramClass.getName() + "newInstance error.", e.getMessage());
            atData = null;
    return atData;
Example 7
Source File:    From linden with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected Accountable createValue(final AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField)
    throws IOException {
  int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc();

  final long[][] matrix = new long[maxDoc][];
  BinaryDocValues valuesIn = reader.getBinaryDocValues(key.field);
  if (valuesIn == null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < maxDoc; ++i) {
      matrix[i] = new long[0];
    return new LongList(matrix);
  for (int i = 0; i < maxDoc; ++i) {
    String str = valuesIn.get(i).utf8ToString();
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
      matrix[i] = new long[0];
    JSONArray array = JSON.parseArray(str);
    matrix[i] = new long[array.size()];
    for (int j = 0; j < array.size(); ++j) {
      matrix[i][j] = array.getInteger(j);
  return new LongList(matrix);
Example 8
Source File:    From android-Stupid-Adapter with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 将给定的 JSON 字符串转换成JsonArray的类型对象。
 * @param <T>
 *            要转换的目标类型。
 * @param json
 *            给定的 JSON 字符串。
 * @return 给定的 JSON 字符串表示的指定的类型对象。
public static JSONArray fromJsonArray(String json) {
	if (StringUtils.isBlank(json)) {
		return null;
	JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
	try {
		array = JSON.parseArray(json);
	} catch (Exception ex) {
	return array;
Example 9
Source File:    From TvPlayer with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void initPlayInfo(String userName,String password) throws Exception{
    String playList = HttpUtils.getOfflinePlayList();
    JSONArray jsonArray = JSON.parseArray(playList);
    PlayListCache.groupInfoArray = new String[jsonArray.size() + 1];
    PlayListCache.groupInfoArray[0] = "我的频道";
    if (jsonArray != null && jsonArray.size() > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
            JSONObject jo = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
            String group = (String) jo.get("group");
            PlayListCache.groupInfoArray[i + 1] = group;
            JSONArray list = jo.getJSONArray("list");
            if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
                ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> hashMaps = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
                int no = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
                    JSONObject o = list.getJSONObject(j);
                    HashMap<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    for (String k : o.keySet()) {
                        String v = (String) o.get(k);
                        m.put("title", k);
                        m.put("no", String.valueOf(++no));
                        PlayListCache.playListMap.put(k, v);
                PlayListCache.groupInfo.put(group, hashMaps);
Example 10
Source File:    From ucar-weex-core with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void iniWXInfo() {
    String packageJson = preferences.getString("wx_res_info", "");
    try {
        packageInfos = JSON.parseArray(packageJson, WXPackageInfo.class);
        this.lastPackageInfo = !ArrayUtils.isEmpty(packageInfos) ? packageInfos.get(0) : null;
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        packageInfos = null;
        UWLog.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
Example 11
Source File:    From joyqueue with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<TopicPartitionGroup> findByTopic(String topic, String namespace) {
    PartitionGroupQuery query = new PartitionGroupQuery();

    String result = post(GETBYTOPIC_PARTITIONGROUP, query);
    List<PartitionGroup> partitionGroups = JSON.parseArray(result, PartitionGroup.class);
    return -> nsrPartitionGroupConverter.revert(partitionGroup)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Example 12
Source File:    From OfficeAutomatic-System with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 查看日志 - 列表
 * @return
@RequestMapping(value = "/rzList")
public JSONArray rzList(String rzTime) {

    List<Rz> list = rwService.rzList(rzTime);
    String jsonStr = JsonUtil.serializeDate(list);
    return JSON.parseArray(jsonStr);
Example 13
Source File:    From sophia_scaffolding with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@DeleteMapping(value = "/web/delBatch")
@ApiOperation(value = "批量删除日志管理-后端管理日志管理", notes = "批量删除日志管理-后端管理日志管理")
public ApiResponse deleteBatchApiLogger(@RequestBody String ids) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(ids)) {
        return fail("参数不能为空");
    List<String> idList = JSON.parseArray(((JSONArray) JSON.parseObject(ids).get("ids")).toJSONString(), String.class);
    if (apiLoggerService.deleteBatchApiLogger(idList)) {
        return success("批量删除成功");
    } else {
        return fail("批量删除失败");
Example 14
Source File:    From GOAi with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
    protected Klines transformKlines(List<String> results, ExchangeInfo info) {
        String result = results.get(0);
        if (useful(result)) {
            JSONArray array = JSON.parseArray(result);
            List<Kline> klines = new ArrayList<>(array.size());
            for (int i = array.size() - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
                JSONArray t = array.getJSONArray(i);
                 * 1499040000000,      // Open time
                 * "0.01634790",       // Open
                 * "0.80000000",       // High
                 * "0.01575800",       // Low
                 * "0.01577100",       // Close
                 * "148976.11427815",  // Volume
                 * 1499644799999,      // Close time
                 * "2434.19055334",    // Quote asset volume
                 * 308,                // Number of trades
                 * "1756.87402397",    // Taker buy base asset volume
                 * "28.46694368",      // Taker buy quote asset volume
                 * "17928899.62484339" // Ignore.
                Long time = t.getLong(0) / 1000;
                Kline kline = CommonUtil.parseKlineByIndex(array.getString(i), t, time, 1);
//                    if (size <= records.size()) break;
            return new Klines(klines);
        return null;
Example 15
Source File:    From sophia_scaffolding with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@DeleteMapping(value = "/web/delBatch")
@ApiOperation(value = "批量删除数据字典管理-后端管理数据字典管理", notes = "批量删除数据字典管理-后端管理数据字典管理")
public ApiResponse deleteBatchDict(@RequestBody String ids){
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(ids)) {
        return fail("参数不能为空");
    List<String> idList = JSON.parseArray(((JSONArray) JSON.parseObject(ids).get("ids")).toJSONString(), String.class);
    if (dictService.deleteBatchDict(idList)){
        return success("批量删除成功");
    }else {
        return fail("批量删除失败");
Example 16
Source File:    From SENS with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<PostSimpleDto> getPostRankingByPostView(Integer limit) {
    String value = redisUtil.get(RedisKeys.ALL_POST_RANKING_BY_VIEWS);
    // 先从缓存取,缓存没有从数据库取
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
        return JSON.parseArray(value, PostSimpleDto.class);
    List<PostSimpleDto> postList = postMapper.getPostRankingByPostView(limit);
    redisUtil.set(RedisKeys.ALL_POST_RANKING_BY_VIEWS, JSON.toJSONString(postList), RedisKeyExpire.ALL_POST_RANKING_BY_VIEWS);
    return postList;
Example 17
Source File:    From voj with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 更新网站编程语言选项.
 * @param languages - 包含编程语言设置的数组
 * @param request - HttpServletRequest对象
 * @return 编程语言选项的更新结果
@RequestMapping(value="/updateLanguageSettings.action", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> updateLanguageSettingsAction(
		@RequestParam(value="languages") String languages,
		HttpServletRequest request) {
	List<Language> languagesList = JSON.parseArray(languages, Language.class);
	Map<String, Object> result = languageService.updateLanguageSettings(languagesList);
	return result;
Example 18
Source File:    From Tbed with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void start(){
    Imgreview imgreview = schedulerTask.imgreviewService.selectByPrimaryKey(1);
        Date d = new Date();
        SimpleDateFormat df=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        String oldtime = df.format(new Date(d.getTime() - 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
        List<Images> imglist=  schedulerTask.imgService.gettimeimg(oldtime);
        for (Images images : imglist) {
            String imgurl = images.getImgurl();
            System.err.println("正在鉴定的图片:" + imgurl);
            JSONObject res = client.antiPorn(imgurl);
            res = client.imageCensorUserDefined(imgurl, EImgType.URL, null);
   jsonArray = JSON.parseArray("[" + res.toString() + "]");
            for (Object o : jsonArray) {
       jsonObject = ( o;
       data = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data");
                Integer conclusionType = jsonObject.getInteger("conclusionType");
                if (conclusionType == 2) {
                    for (Object datum : data) {
               imgdata = ( datum;
                        if (imgdata.getInteger("type") == 1) {
                            Integer ret = schedulerTask.imgService.deleimgname(images.getImgname()); //删除数据库图片信息
                            //Imgreview imgreview1  =imgreviewService.selectByPrimaryKey(1);
                            Imgreview imgreview1 = new Imgreview();
                            Integer count = imgreview.getCount();
                            System.out.println("违法图片总数:" + count);
                            imgreview1.setCount(count + 1);
                            Keys key =null;
                                key = keysService.selectKeys(images.getSource());
                                schedulerTask.imgService.delect(key, images.getImgname());
                            }else if (images.getSource()==2){
                                key = keysService.selectKeys(images.getSource());
                                schedulerTask.imgService.delectOSS(key, images.getImgname());
                            }else if(images.getSource()==3){
                                key = keysService.selectKeys(images.getSource());
                                schedulerTask.imgService.delectUSS(key, images.getImgname());
                            }else if(images.getSource()==4){
                                key = keysService.selectKeys(images.getSource());
                                schedulerTask.imgService.delectKODO(key, images.getImgname());
                            }else if(images.getSource()==5){
                            }else if(images.getSource()==6){
                                key = keysService.selectKeys(images.getSource());
                                schedulerTask.imgService.delectCOS(key, images.getImgname());
                            }else if(images.getSource()==7){
                                key = keysService.selectKeys(images.getSource());
                                schedulerTask.imgService.delectFTP(key, images.getImgname());
                            if (ret == 1) {
                            } else {
Example 19
Source File:    From neural with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static List parseList(String json) {
    return JSON.parseArray(json, List.class);
Example 20
Source File:    From jfinal-ext3 with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * json to array
 * @param <T>
 * @param json
 * @return
public static JSONArray jsonToJSONArray(String json) {
	return JSON.parseArray(json);