Java Code Examples for android.text.SpannableStringBuilder#toString()

The following examples show how to use android.text.SpannableStringBuilder#toString() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From react-native-text-gradient with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
protected RNSetGradientSpanOperation createSpan(
  SpannableStringBuilder builder,
  int start,
  int end,
  float maxWidth,
  float maxHeight,
  Layout layout
) {
  RNLinearTextGradientSpan span = new RNLinearTextGradientSpan(

  return new RNSetGradientSpanOperation(start, end, span);
Example 2
Source File:    From Dashchan with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
String getCopyReadyComment(CharSequence text, int start, int end) {
	if (text instanceof Spanned) {
		SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(text.subSequence(start, end));
		LinkSuffixSpan[] spans = builder.getSpans(0, builder.length(), LinkSuffixSpan.class);
		if (spans != null && spans.length > 0) {
			for (LinkSuffixSpan span : spans) {
				int spanStart = builder.getSpanStart(span);
				int spanEnd = builder.getSpanEnd(span);
				builder.delete(spanStart, spanEnd);
		return builder.toString();
	} else {
		return text.subSequence(start, end).toString();
Example 3
Source File:    From Learning-Resources with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public static SpannableStringBuilder trimSpannable(SpannableStringBuilder spannable) {
    int trimStart = 0;
    int trimEnd = 0;

    String text = spannable.toString();

    while (text.length() > 0 && text.startsWith("\n")) {
        text = text.substring(1);
        trimStart += 1;

    while (text.length() > 0 && text.endsWith("\n")) {
        text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1);
        trimEnd += 1;

    return spannable.delete(0, trimStart)
            .delete(spannable.length() - trimEnd, spannable.length());
Example 4
Source File:    From px-android with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
protected String getAccessibilityContentDescription(@NonNull final Context context) {
    final SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();
    final PayerCost currentInstallment = getCurrent();
    final String money = context.getResources().getString(R.string.px_money);
        .append(hasAmountDescriptor() ? currentInstallment.getTotalAmount().floatValue() + money : TextUtil.EMPTY)
        .append(hasInterestFree() ? interestFree.getInstallmentRow().getMessage() : TextUtil.EMPTY);

    updateCFTSpannable(builder, context);
    updateInstallmentsInfo(builder, context);

    return builder.toString();
Example 5
Source File:    From px-android with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
protected String getAccessibilityContentDescription() {
    final SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();

    return builder.toString();
Example 6
Source File:    From AndFChat with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void doReplacement(SpannableStringBuilder text) {
    if (key != null) {
        String textAsString = text.toString();

        int start = textAsString.indexOf(key);
        text.replace(start, start + key.length(), replacement);
Example 7
Source File:    From android-IconicFontEngine with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static CharSequence render(SpannableStringBuilder spannableStringBuilder, ArrayList<IconicFontEngine> engines) {
    int caret = 0;
    List<Pair<Integer, IconicFontEngine>> positions = new ArrayList<>();
    while (true) {
        StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(spannableStringBuilder.toString());
        int startBracketIndex = text.indexOf("{", caret);
        int endBracketIndex = text.indexOf("}", startBracketIndex + 1);
        if (startBracketIndex == -1 || endBracketIndex == -1) { break; }

        String iconString = text.substring(startBracketIndex + 1, endBracketIndex);
        boolean found = false;
        for (IconicFontEngine engine : engines) {
            Character fontChar = engine.getIconicFontMap().get(iconString);
            if (fontChar != null) {
                spannableStringBuilder.replace(startBracketIndex, endBracketIndex + 1, String.valueOf(fontChar));
                positions.add(new Pair<>(startBracketIndex, engine));
                caret = startBracketIndex + 1;
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
            Log.w(TAG, "{" + iconString + "} not fount in fontMaps");
            caret = endBracketIndex + 1;

    for (Pair<Integer, IconicFontEngine> pair : positions) {
        setSpan(pair.second.getTypeface(), spannableStringBuilder, pair.first);
    return spannableStringBuilder;
Example 8
Source File:    From talkback with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Retrieves the aggregate text from all {@link FeedbackFragment}s.
 * @return all text contained by this item, or {@code null} if no fragments exist.
public @Nullable CharSequence getAggregateText() {
  if (mFragments.size() == 0) {
    return null;
  } else if (mFragments.size() == 1) {
    return mFragments.get(0).getText();

  final SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder();
  for (FeedbackFragment fragment : mFragments) {
    StringBuilderUtils.appendWithSeparator(sb, fragment.getText());

  return sb.toString();
Example 9
Source File:    From chaoli-forum-for-android-2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 此操作是异步的,注意
 * @param builder 包含公式的文本,以SpannableStringBuilder身份传入
private void retrieveOnlineImg(final SpannableStringBuilder builder) {
    String text = builder.toString();

    mFormulaList = getAllFormulas(text);

    retrieveFormulaOnlineImg(builder, 0);
Example 10
Source File:    From px-android with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
protected String getAccessibilityContentDescription(@NonNull final Context context) {
    final SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();

    return builder.toString();
Example 11
Source File:    From FormatEditText with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private String getRealText(boolean saved) {
    if (saved && mMode == MODE_NONE) {
        return null;
    Editable editable = getText();
    if (editable == null || editable.length() == 0) {
        return "";
    SpannableStringBuilder value = new SpannableStringBuilder(editable);
    IPlaceholderSpan[] spans;
    if (mMode == MODE_NONE) {
        spans = EMPTY_SPANS;
    } else if (mMode < MODE_MASK) {
        spans =
                        Math.min(value.length(), mHolders[mHolders.length - 1].index),
    } else {
        spans =
                        Math.min(value.length(), mFormatStyle.length()),
        if (spans.length == mFormatStyle.length()) {
            return "";
    if (spans.length == 0) {
        if (saved) {
            return null;
    } else {
        clearNonEmptySpans(value, spans, false);
    final String realText = value.toString();
    return realText;
Example 12
Source File:    From revolution-irc with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static String getTextWithPasswords(CharSequence seq) {
    SpannableStringBuilder lstr = new SpannableStringBuilder(seq);
    for (PasswordSpan span : lstr.getSpans(0, lstr.length(), PasswordSpan.class)) {
        lstr.replace(lstr.getSpanStart(span), lstr.getSpanEnd(span), span.mPassword);
    return lstr.toString();
Example 13
Source File:    From BigApp_Discuz_Android with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
     * 处理超链接
     * @param context
     * @param ssb
     * @param urlColor
     * @return
    public static SpannableStringBuilder getURLSSB(final Context context, final SpannableStringBuilder ssb, int urlColor) {
        String[] urlTag = {"[url]", "[/url]"};

        String regex = "\\[url\\](.*?)\\[/url\\]";
        final String content = ssb.toString();

        Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(content);
        while (matcher.find()) {
            final int textStart = matcher.start() + urlTag[0].length();
            final int textEnd = matcher.end() - urlTag[1].length();

            ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() {
                public void onClick(View widget) {
                    String url = (content).subSequence(textStart, textEnd).toString();
                    JumpWebUtils.gotoWeb(context, "", url);

                public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) {
                    ds.bgColor = Color.TRANSPARENT;
            ssb.setSpan(clickableSpan, textStart, textEnd,

//            ForegroundColorSpan contentColorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(
//                    urlColor);
//            ssb.setSpan(contentColorSpan, textEnd,
//                    content.length(), Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);

//            ForegroundColorSpan typeColorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(context
//                    .getResources().getColor(
//                           R.color.text_azure));
//            ssb.setSpan(typeColorSpan, textStart, textEnd,
//                    Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);

//            ssb.replace(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), ssb.subSequence(matcher.start() + urlTag[0].length(), matcher.end() - urlTag[1].length()));
//            matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(ssb.toString());

        //去除[url]和[/url]标签 start
        String[] urlTagRegex = {"\\[url\\]", "\\[/url\\]"};

        Matcher matcherUrlTag0 = Pattern.compile(urlTagRegex[0]).matcher(content);
        while (matcherUrlTag0.find()) {
                    new ImageSpan(context, R.drawable.trans_1px), matcherUrlTag0.start(), matcherUrlTag0
                            .end(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

        Matcher matcherUrlTag1 = Pattern.compile(urlTagRegex[1]).matcher(content);
        while (matcherUrlTag1.find()) {
                    new ImageSpan(context, R.drawable.trans_1px), matcherUrlTag1.start(), matcherUrlTag1
                            .end(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
        //去除[url]和[/url]标签 end

        return ssb;
Example 14
Source File:    From iGap-Android with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static SpannableStringBuilder analaysAtSign(SpannableStringBuilder builder) {

        if (builder == null) return builder;

        String text = builder.toString();

        if (text.length() < 1) return builder;

        String s = "";
        String tmp = "";
        Boolean isAtSign = false;
        int start = 0;
        String enter = System.getProperty("line.separator");

        for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {

            s = text.substring(i, i + 1);
            if (s.equals("@")) {
                isAtSign = true;
                tmp = "";
                start = i;

            if (isAtSign) {
                if (!(s.matches("\\w") || s.equals("-"))) {
                    //if (s.equals("!") || s.equals("#") || s.equals("$") || s.equals("%") || s.equals("^") || s.equals("&") ||
                    //    s.equals("(") || s.equals(")") || s.equals("-") || s.equals("+") || s.equals("=") || s.equals("!") ||
                    //    s.equals("`") || s.equals("{") || s.equals("}") || s.equals("[") || s.equals("]") || s.equals(";") ||
                    //    s.equals(":") || s.equals("'") || s.equals("?") || s.equals("<") || s.equals(">") || s.equals(",") || s.equals(" ") ||
                    //    s.equals("\\") || s.equals("|") || s.equals("//") || s.codePointAt(0) == 8192 || s.equals(enter) || s.equals("")) {
                    if (tmp.length() > 0) {
                        insertAtSignLink(tmp, builder, start);

                    tmp = "";
                    isAtSign = false;
                } else {
                    tmp += s;

        if (isAtSign) {
            if (tmp.length() > 0) insertAtSignLink(tmp, builder, start);

        return builder;
Example 15
Source File:    From iGap-Android with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static SpannableStringBuilder analaysHash(SpannableStringBuilder builder, String messageID) {

        if (builder == null) return builder;

        String text = builder.toString();

        if (text.length() < 1) return builder;

        String s = "";
        String tmp = "";
        Boolean isHash = false;
        int start = 0;
        String enter = System.getProperty("line.separator");

        for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {

            s = text.substring(i, i + 1);
            if (s.equals("#")) {
                isHash = true;
                tmp = "";
                start = i;

            if (isHash) {
                if (!(s.matches("\\w") || s.equals("-"))) {
                    if (tmp.length() > 0) {
                        insertHashLink(tmp, builder, start, messageID);

                    tmp = "";
                    isHash = false;
                } else {
                    tmp += s;

        if (isHash) {
            if (tmp.length() > 0) insertHashLink(tmp, builder, start, messageID);

        return builder;
Example 16
Source File:    From Pix-Art-Messenger with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void displayRichLinkMessage(final ViewHolder viewHolder, final Message message, boolean darkBackground) {
    toggleWhisperInfo(viewHolder, message, true, darkBackground);
    final SpannableStringBuilder body = new SpannableStringBuilder(replaceYoutube(activity.getApplicationContext(), message.getMergedBody().toString()));
    final boolean dataSaverDisabled = activity.xmppConnectionService.isDataSaverDisabled();
    if (mShowLinksInside) {
        final double target = metrics.density * 200;
        final int scaledH;
        if (Math.max(100, 100) * metrics.density <= target) {
            scaledH = (int) (100 * metrics.density);
        } else if (Math.max(100, 100) <= target) {
            scaledH = 100;
        } else {
            scaledH = (int) (100 / ((double) 100 / target));
        LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, scaledH);
        layoutParams.setMargins(0, (int) (metrics.density * 4), 0, (int) (metrics.density * 4));
        final String url = body.toString();
        final String weburl;
        final String lcUrl = url.toLowerCase(Locale.US).trim();
        if (lcUrl.startsWith("http://") || lcUrl.startsWith("https://")) {
            weburl = removeTrailingBracket(url);
        } else {
            weburl = "http://" + removeTrailingBracket(url);
        viewHolder.richlinkview.setLink(weburl, message.getUuid(), dataSaverDisabled, activity.xmppConnectionService, new RichPreview.ViewListener() {

            public void onSuccess(boolean status) {

            public void onError(Exception e) {
    } else {
Example 17
Source File:    From grblcontroller with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static void recursivePrepareSpannableIndexes(
        Context context,
        String fullText,
        SpannableStringBuilder text,
        List<IconFontDescriptorWrapper> iconFontDescriptors,
        int start) {

    // Try to find a {...} in the string and extract expression from it
    String stringText = text.toString();
    int startIndex = stringText.indexOf("{", start);
    if (startIndex == -1) return;
    int endIndex = stringText.indexOf("}", startIndex) + 1;
    if (endIndex == -1) return;
    String expression = stringText.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex - 1);

    // Split the expression and retrieve the icon key
    String[] strokes = expression.split(" ");
    String key = strokes[0];

    // Loop through the descriptors to find a key match
    IconFontDescriptorWrapper iconFontDescriptor = null;
    Icon icon = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < iconFontDescriptors.size(); i++) {
        iconFontDescriptor = iconFontDescriptors.get(i);
        icon = iconFontDescriptor.getIcon(key);
        if (icon != null) break;

    // If no match, ignore and continue
    if (icon == null) {
        recursivePrepareSpannableIndexes(context, fullText, text, iconFontDescriptors, endIndex);

    // See if any more stroke within {} should be applied
    float iconSizePx = -1;
    int iconColor = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    float iconSizeRatio = -1;
    boolean spin = false;
    boolean baselineAligned = false;
    for (int i = 1; i < strokes.length; i++) {
        String stroke = strokes[i];

        // Look for "spin"
        if (stroke.equalsIgnoreCase("spin")) {
            spin = true;

        // Look for "baseline"
        else if (stroke.equalsIgnoreCase("baseline")) {
            baselineAligned = true;

        // Look for an icon size
        else if (stroke.matches("([0-9]*(\\.[0-9]*)?)dp")) {
            iconSizePx = dpToPx(context, Float.valueOf(stroke.substring(0, stroke.length() - 2)));
        } else if (stroke.matches("([0-9]*(\\.[0-9]*)?)sp")) {
            iconSizePx = spToPx(context, Float.valueOf(stroke.substring(0, stroke.length() - 2)));
        } else if (stroke.matches("([0-9]*)px")) {
            iconSizePx = Integer.valueOf(stroke.substring(0, stroke.length() - 2));
        } else if (stroke.matches("@dimen/(.*)")) {
            iconSizePx = getPxFromDimen(context, context.getPackageName(), stroke.substring(7));
            if (iconSizePx < 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown resource " + stroke + " in \"" + fullText + "\"");
        } else if (stroke.matches("@android:dimen/(.*)")) {
            iconSizePx = getPxFromDimen(context, ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME, stroke.substring(15));
            if (iconSizePx < 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown resource " + stroke + " in \"" + fullText + "\"");
        } else if (stroke.matches("([0-9]*(\\.[0-9]*)?)%")) {
            iconSizeRatio = Float.valueOf(stroke.substring(0, stroke.length() - 1)) / 100f;

        // Look for an icon color
        else if (stroke.matches("#([0-9A-Fa-f]{6}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})")) {
            iconColor = Color.parseColor(stroke);
        } else if (stroke.matches("@color/(.*)")) {
            iconColor = getColorFromResource(context, context.getPackageName(), stroke.substring(7));
            if (iconColor == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown resource " + stroke + " in \"" + fullText + "\"");
        } else if (stroke.matches("@android:color/(.*)")) {
            iconColor = getColorFromResource(context, ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME, stroke.substring(15));
            if (iconColor == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown resource " + stroke + " in \"" + fullText + "\"");
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown expression " + stroke + " in \"" + fullText + "\"");

    // Replace the character and apply the typeface
    text = text.replace(startIndex, endIndex, "" + icon.character());
    text.setSpan(new CustomTypefaceSpan(icon,
                    iconSizePx, iconSizeRatio, iconColor, spin, baselineAligned),
            startIndex, startIndex + 1,
    recursivePrepareSpannableIndexes(context, fullText, text, iconFontDescriptors, startIndex);