org.eclipse.aether.spi.localrepo.LocalRepositoryManagerFactory Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.aether.spi.localrepo.LocalRepositoryManagerFactory. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From takari-lifecycle with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private MavenSession newSession(MavenProject project, File localrepo, Properties properties) throws Exception {
  MavenExecutionRequest request = new DefaultMavenExecutionRequest();
  MavenExecutionResult result = new DefaultMavenExecutionResult();
  DefaultRepositorySystemSession repoSession = MavenRepositorySystemUtils.newSession();
  LocalRepository localRepo = new LocalRepository(localrepo);
  repoSession.setLocalRepositoryManager(mojos.getContainer().lookup(LocalRepositoryManagerFactory.class, "simple").newInstance(repoSession, localRepo));
  MavenSession session = new MavenSession(mojos.getContainer(), repoSession, request, result);
  List<MavenProject> projects = new ArrayList<>();
  for (String module : project.getModules()) {
    MavenProject moduleProject = readMavenProject(new File(project.getBasedir(), module), properties);

  return session;
Example #2
Source File:    From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
    public void configure(Binder binder) {
        binder.bind(Roles.componentKey(RepositoryConnectorFactory.class, "offline")).to(OfflineConnector.class);
        //#212214 the EnhancedLocalRepositoryManager will claim artifact is not locally present even if file is there but some metadata is missing
        //we just replace it with the simple variant that relies on file's presence only. 
        //I'm a bit afraid to remove the binding altogether, that's why we map simple to enhanced.
        binder.bind(Roles.componentKey(LocalRepositoryManagerFactory.class, "enhanced")).to(SimpleLocalRepositoryManagerFactory.class);
        //exxperimental only.
//        binder.bind(InheritanceAssembler.class).to(NbInheritanceAssembler.class);