com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions Java Examples

The following examples show how to use com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From immutables with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected final FluentFuture<Integer> doUpdateFirst(
        final Constraints.ConstraintHost criteria,
        final Constraints.Constraint update,
        final FindOneAndUpdateOptions options
) {
  checkNotNull(criteria, "criteria");
  checkNotNull(update, "update");
  checkNotNull(options, "options");

  return submit(new Callable<Integer>() {
    public Integer call() {
      T result = collection().findOneAndUpdate(

      return result == null ? 0 : 1;
Example #2
Source File:    From immutables with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected final FluentFuture<Optional<T>> doModify(
        final Constraints.ConstraintHost criteria,
        final Constraints.Constraint update,
        final FindOneAndUpdateOptions options) {

  checkNotNull(criteria, "criteria");
  checkNotNull(update, "update");

  return submit(new Callable<Optional<T>>() {
    public Optional<T> call() throws Exception {
      @Nullable T result = collection().findOneAndUpdate(

      return Optional.fromNullable(result);
Example #3
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
void findAndUpdate() {
    ReactiveMongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(DATABASE);
    ReactiveMongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("test");

                    .insertOne(new Document("id", 1).append("name", "superman").append("type", "heroes")
                            .append("stars", 5))
                    new Document("id", 2).append("name", "batman").append("type", "heroes").append("stars", 4))
                    .insertOne(new Document("id", 3).append("name", "frogman").append("type", "villain")
                            .append("stars", 1))
                    new Document("id", 4).append("name", "joker").append("type", "villain").append("stars", 5))

    Document frogman = collection.findOneAndUpdate(new Document("id", 3), inc("stars", 3),
            new FindOneAndUpdateOptions().returnDocument(ReturnDocument.AFTER)).await().indefinitely();
    Document batman = collection.findOneAndUpdate(new Document("id", 2), inc("stars", -1)).await().indefinitely();

    assertThat(frogman).contains(entry("stars", 4), entry("name", "frogman")); // Returned after update
    assertThat(batman).contains(entry("stars", 4), entry("name", "batman")); // Returned the before update

Example #4
Source File:    From DBus with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public long nextSequence(String name) {
    MongoDatabase mdb = mongoClient.getDatabase("dbus");
    MongoCollection mongoCollection = mdb.getCollection("dbus_sequence");
    Document filter = new Document("_id", name);
    Document update = new Document("$inc", new Document("value", 1L));
    FindOneAndUpdateOptions options = new FindOneAndUpdateOptions();
    Document doc = (Document) mongoCollection.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options);
    return doc.getLong("value");
Example #5
Source File:    From ByteTCC with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void initializeClusterInstanceVersion() {
	String databaseName = CommonUtils.getApplication(this.endpoint).replaceAll("\\W", "_");
	MongoDatabase database = this.mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName);
	MongoCollection<Document> instances = database.getCollection(CONSTANTS_TB_INSTS);

	Bson condition = Filters.eq("_id", this.endpoint);

	Document increases = new Document();
	increases.append("version", 1L);

	Document document = new Document();
	document.append("$inc", increases);

	Document target = instances.findOneAndUpdate(condition, document, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions().upsert(true));
	this.instanceVersion = (target == null) ? 1 : (target.getLong("version") + 1);
Example #6
Source File:    From openbd-core with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
@SuppressWarnings( "rawtypes" )
public cfData execute(cfSession _session, cfArgStructData argStruct ) throws cfmRunTimeException {
	MongoDatabase	db	= getMongoDatabase( _session, argStruct );
	String collection	= getNamedStringParam(argStruct, "collection", null);
	if ( collection == null )
		throwException(_session, "please specify a collection");
	cfData	update	= getNamedParam(argStruct, "update", null );
	if ( update == null )
		throwException(_session, "please specify update");
	cfData	query	= getNamedParam(argStruct, "query", null );
	if ( query == null )
		throwException(_session, "please specify query to update");

		MongoCollection<Document> col = db.getCollection(collection);
		FindOneAndUpdateOptions	findOneAndUpdateOptions	= new FindOneAndUpdateOptions();
		if ( getNamedParam(argStruct, "fields", null ) != null )
			findOneAndUpdateOptions.projection( getDocument( getNamedParam(argStruct, "fields", null ) ) );

		if ( getNamedParam(argStruct, "sort", null ) != null )
			findOneAndUpdateOptions.sort( getDocument( getNamedParam(argStruct, "sort", null ) ) );

		findOneAndUpdateOptions.upsert( getNamedBooleanParam(argStruct, "upsert", false ) );
		if ( getNamedBooleanParam(argStruct, "returnnew", false ) )
			findOneAndUpdateOptions.returnDocument( ReturnDocument.AFTER );
		Document qry = getDocument(query);
		long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
		Document result = col.findOneAndUpdate( qry, getDocument(update), findOneAndUpdateOptions );
		_session.getDebugRecorder().execMongo(col, "findandmodify", qry, System.currentTimeMillis()-start);
		return tagUtils.convertToCfData( (Map)result );

	} catch (MongoException me){
		throwException(_session, me.getMessage());
		return null;
Example #7
Source File:    From ShedLock with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Optional<SimpleLock> lock(@NonNull LockConfiguration lockConfiguration) {
    Instant now = now();
    Bson update = combine(
        set(LOCK_UNTIL, lockConfiguration.getLockAtMostUntil()),
        set(LOCKED_AT, now),
        set(LOCKED_BY, hostname)
    try {
        // There are three possible situations:
        // 1. The lock document does not exist yet - it is inserted - we have the lock
        // 2. The lock document exists and lockUtil <= now - it is updated - we have the lock
        // 3. The lock document exists and lockUtil > now - Duplicate key exception is thrown
            and(eq(ID, lockConfiguration.getName()), lte(LOCK_UNTIL, now)),
            new FindOneAndUpdateOptions().upsert(true)
        return Optional.of(new ReactiveMongoLock(lockConfiguration, this));
    } catch (MongoServerException e) {
        if (e.getCode() == 11000) { // duplicate key
            //Upsert attempts to insert when there were no filter matches.
            //This means there was a lock with matching ID with lockUntil > now.
            return Optional.empty();
        } else {
            throw e;
Example #8
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final Bson filter, final List<? extends Bson> update,
                                             final FindOneAndUpdateOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<TDocument>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<TDocument>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback) {
                    wrapped.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options, callback);
Example #9
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter, final Bson update,
                                             final FindOneAndUpdateOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<TDocument>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<TDocument>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback) {
                    wrapped.findOneAndUpdate(clientSession.getWrapped(), filter, update, options, callback);
Example #10
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final Bson filter, final Bson update, final FindOneAndUpdateOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<TDocument>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<TDocument>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback) {
                    wrapped.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options, callback);
Example #11
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter,
                                             final List<? extends Bson> update, final FindOneAndUpdateOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<TDocument>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<TDocument>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback) {
                    wrapped.findOneAndUpdate(clientSession.getWrapped(), filter, update, options, callback);
Example #12
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-rx with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Observable<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final Bson filter, final Bson update, final FindOneAndUpdateOptions options) {
    return RxObservables.create(Observables.observe(new Block<SingleResultCallback<TDocument>>() {
        public void apply(final SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback) {
            wrapped.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options, callback);
    }), observableAdapter);
Example #13
Source File:    From mongodb-orm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private <T> T findAndModify(String statement, Object parameter, ResultHandler handler, boolean upsert) {
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("Execute 'findAndModify' mongodb command. Statement '" + statement + "'.");

  UpdateConfig config = (UpdateConfig) configuration.getStatement(statement);
  if (config == null) {
    throw new MongoDaoException(statement, "FindAndModify statement id '" + statement + "' not found.");

  String collection = config.getCollection();
  NodeEntry query = config.getQuery();
  NodeEntry action = config.getAction();
  NodeEntry field = config.getField();

  MongoDatabase db = getDatabase();
  MongoCollection<Document> coll = db.getCollection(collection);

  Map<String, Object> q = (Map<String, Object>) query.executorNode(config.getNamespace(), configuration, parameter);
  Map<String, Object> a = (Map<String, Object>) action.executorNode(config.getNamespace(), configuration, parameter);
  Map<String, Object> f = (Map<String, Object>) field.executorNode(config.getNamespace(), configuration, parameter);

  Document filter = new Document(q);
  Document update = (a == null) ? null : new Document(a);
  Document fieldDbo = (f == null) ? null : new Document(f);

  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("Execute 'findAndModify' mongodb command. Query '" + filter + "'.");
    logger.debug("Execute 'findAndModify' mongodb command. Action '" + update + "'.");
    logger.debug("Execute 'findAndModify' mongodb command. Field '" + fieldDbo + "'.");

  Document document = coll.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions().upsert(upsert));
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("Execute 'findAndModify' mongodb command. Result is '" + document + "'.");

  if (handler != null) {
    handler.handleResult(new ResultContext() {
      public Object getResultObject() {
        return document;

      public int getResultCount() {
        if (document == null) {
          return 0;
        return 1;
    return null;
  return (T) helper.toResult(config.getNamespace(), field, document);
Example #14
Source File:    From ShedLock with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Optional<SimpleLock> lock(@NonNull LockConfiguration lockConfiguration) {
    Instant now = now();
    Bson update = combine(
        set(LOCK_UNTIL, lockConfiguration.getLockAtMostUntil()),
        set(LOCKED_AT, now),
        set(LOCKED_BY, hostname)
    try {
        // There are three possible situations:
        // 1. The lock document does not exist yet - it is inserted - we have the lock
        // 2. The lock document exists and lockUtil <= now - it is updated - we have the lock
        // 3. The lock document exists and lockUtil > now - Duplicate key exception is thrown
            and(eq(ID, lockConfiguration.getName()), lte(LOCK_UNTIL, now)),
            new FindOneAndUpdateOptions().upsert(true)
        return Optional.of(new MongoLock(lockConfiguration, this));
    } catch (MongoServerException e) {
        if (e.getCode() == 11000) { // duplicate key
            //Upsert attempts to insert when there were no filter matches.
            //This means there was a lock with matching ID with lockUntil > now.
            return Optional.empty();
        } else {
            throw e;
Example #15
Source File:    From ByteTCC with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean reExitTransactionInMongoDB(TransactionXid transactionXid, String identifier) {
	byte[] global = transactionXid.getGlobalTransactionId();
	String instanceId = ByteUtils.byteArrayToString(global);

	try {
		String application = CommonUtils.getApplication(this.endpoint);
		String databaseName = application.replaceAll("\\W", "_");
		MongoDatabase mdb = this.mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName);
		MongoCollection<Document> collection = mdb.getCollection(CONSTANTS_TB_LOCKS);

		Bson condition = Filters.eq(CONSTANTS_FD_GLOBAL, instanceId);

		Document increases = new Document();
		increases.append("times", -1);

		Document document = new Document();
		document.append("$inc", increases);

		Document target = collection.findOneAndUpdate(condition, document, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions().upsert(true));
		Integer times = target == null ? null : target.getInteger("times");

		return times == null ? true : times <= 0;
	} catch (com.mongodb.MongoWriteException error) {
		logger.error("Error occurred while locking transaction(gxid= {}).", instanceId, error);
		return true;
	} catch (RuntimeException rex) {
		logger.error("Error occurred while locking transaction(gxid= {}).", instanceId, rex);
		return true;
Example #16
Source File:    From ByteTCC with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean relockTransactionInMongoDB(TransactionXid transactionXid, String identifier) {
	byte[] global = transactionXid.getGlobalTransactionId();
	String instanceId = ByteUtils.byteArrayToString(global);

	try {
		String application = CommonUtils.getApplication(this.endpoint);
		String databaseName = application.replaceAll("\\W", "_");
		MongoDatabase mdb = this.mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName);
		MongoCollection<Document> collection = mdb.getCollection(CONSTANTS_TB_LOCKS);

		Bson condition = Filters.eq(CONSTANTS_FD_GLOBAL, instanceId);

		Document increases = new Document();
		increases.append("times", 1);

		Document document = new Document();
		document.append("$inc", increases);

		collection.findOneAndUpdate(condition, document, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions().upsert(true));

		return true;
	} catch (com.mongodb.MongoWriteException error) {
		logger.error("Error occurred while locking transaction(gxid= {}).", instanceId, error);
		return false;
	} catch (RuntimeException rex) {
		logger.error("Error occurred while locking transaction(gxid= {}).", instanceId, rex);
		return false;
Example #17
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter, final Bson update) {
    return findOneAndUpdate(clientSession, filter, update, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions());
Example #18
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter,
                                             final List<? extends Bson> update) {
    return findOneAndUpdate(clientSession, filter, update, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions());
Example #19
Source File:    From morphia with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void findAndModifyOptions() {
    scan(FindOneAndUpdateOptions.class, ModifyOptions.class, true, List.of(WriteConcern.class));
Example #20
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final Bson filter, final List<? extends Bson> update) {
    return findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions());
Example #21
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final Bson filter, final Bson update) {
    return findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions());
Example #22
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-rx with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Observable<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(final Bson filter, final Bson update) {
    return findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions());
Example #23
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Uni<T> findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, Bson update,
        FindOneAndUpdateOptions options) {
    return Wrappers.toUni(collection.findOneAndUpdate(clientSession, filter, update, options));
Example #24
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Uni<T> findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter, Bson update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options) {
    return Wrappers.toUni(collection.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options));
Example #25
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Atomically find a document and update it.
 * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
 * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update
 *        operators.
 * @param options the options to apply to the operation
 * @return a {@link Uni} completed with the document that was updated. Depending on the value of the
 *         {@code returnOriginal}
 *         property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no
 *         documents matched the
 *         query filter, then the uni is completed with {@code null}.
Uni<T> findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter, Bson update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options);
Example #26
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Atomically find a document and update it.
 * @param filter  a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
 * @param update  a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators.
 * @param options the options to apply to the operation
 * @return a publisher with a single element the document that was updated.  Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal}
 * property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update.  If no documents matched the
 * query filter, then null will be returned
Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter, Bson update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options);
Example #27
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Atomically find a document and update it.
 * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation
 * @param filter  a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
 * @param update  a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators.
 * @param options the options to apply to the operation
 * @return a publisher with a single element the document that was updated.  Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal}
 * property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update.  If no documents matched the
 * query filter, then null will be returned
 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6
 * @since 1.7
Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, Bson update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options);
Example #28
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Atomically find a document and update it.
 * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p>
 * @param filter  a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
 * @param update  a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
 * @param options the options to apply to the operation
 * @return a publisher with a single element the document that was updated.  Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal}
 * property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update.  If no documents matched the
 * query filter, then null will be returned
 * @since 1.12
 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2
Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options);
Example #29
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Atomically find a document and update it.
 * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p>
 * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation
 * @param filter  a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
 * @param update  a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
 * @param options the options to apply to the operation
 * @return a publisher with a single element the document that was updated.  Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal}
 * property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update.  If no documents matched the
 * query filter, then null will be returned
 * @since 1.12
 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2
Publisher<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update,
                                       FindOneAndUpdateOptions options);
Example #30
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-rx with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Atomically find a document and update it.
 * @param filter  a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
 * @param update  a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators.
 * @param options the options to apply to the operation
 * @return an Observable with a single element the document that was updated.  Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal}
 * property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update.
 * If no documents matched the query filter, then the observer will complete without emitting any items
Observable<TDocument> findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter, Bson update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options);