Java Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From OpenPeripheral-Integration with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ScriptCallable(description = "Requests the specified item to get crafted.")
public void requestCrafting(IActionHost host,
		@Env(Constants.ARG_ACCESS) IArchitectureAccess access,
		@Env(Constants.ARG_CONVERTER) IConverter converter,
		@Arg(name = "fingerprint", description = "Details of the item you want to craft. Can be found with .getStackInSlot on inventory and .getAvailableItems on AE network") ItemFingerprint needle,
		@Optionals @Arg(name = "qty", description = "The quantity of items you want to craft") Long quantity,
		@Arg(name = "cpu", description = "The name of the CPU you want to use") String wantedCpuName) {
	ICraftingGrid craftingGrid = getCraftingGrid(host);
	if (quantity == null) quantity = 1L;

	ICraftingCPU wantedCpu = findCpu(craftingGrid, wantedCpuName);

	IStorageGrid storageGrid = getStorageGrid(host);
	IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> monitor = storageGrid.getItemInventory();

	IAEItemStack stack = findCraftableStack(storageGrid.getItemInventory().getStorageList(), needle);
	Preconditions.checkArgument(stack != null, "Can't find craftable item fingerprint %s", needle);

	final IAEItemStack toCraft = stack.copy();

	// Create a new CraftingCallback. This callback is called when
	// the network finished calculating the required items. It can do two things for us:
	// a) It sends an event when items are missing to complete the request
	// b) Otherwise it starts the crafting job, which itself is a CraftingRequester OSsending more events to the computer.
	final CraftingCallback craftingCallback = new CraftingCallback(access, converter, craftingGrid, monitor, host, wantedCpu, toCraft);

	// We will need access to the worldObj of the ME Interface -> cast to TileEntity
	final TileEntity tileEntity = (TileEntity)host;

	// Tell the craftingGrid to begin calculating and to report everything to the CraftingCallback
	craftingGrid.beginCraftingJob(tileEntity.getWorldObj(), getGrid(host), new MachineSource(host), toCraft, craftingCallback);

Example #2
Source File:    From OpenPeripheral-Integration with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public CraftingCallback(IArchitectureAccess access, IConverter converter, ICraftingGrid craftingGrid, IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> monitor, IActionHost actionHost, ICraftingCPU wantedCpu, IAEItemStack requestedStack) {
	this.access = access;
	this.converter = converter;
	this.monitor = monitor;
	this.source = new MachineSource(actionHost);
	this.actionHost = actionHost;
	this.craftingGrid = craftingGrid;
	this.wantedCpu = wantedCpu;
	this.requestedStack = converter.fromJava(requestedStack);
Example #3
Source File:    From OpenPeripheral-Integration with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
@ScriptCallable(description = "Exports the specified item into the target inventory.", returnTypes = ReturnType.TABLE)
public IAEItemStack exportItem(Object tileEntityInterface,
		@Arg(name = "fingerprint", description = "Details of the item you want to export (can be result of .getStackInSlot() or .getAvailableItems())") ItemFingerprint needle,
		@Arg(name = "direction", description = "Location of target inventory") ForgeDirection direction,
		@Optionals @Arg(name = "maxAmount", description = "The maximum amount of items you want to export") Integer maxAmount,
		@Arg(name = "intoSlot", description = "The slot in the other inventory that you want to export into") Index intoSlot) {

	final IActionHost host = (IActionHost)tileEntityInterface;
	final IInventory neighbor = getNeighborInventory(tileEntityInterface, direction);
	Preconditions.checkArgument(neighbor != null, "No neighbour attached");

	if (intoSlot == null) intoSlot = Index.fromJava(-1, 0);

	IStorageGrid storageGrid = getStorageGrid(host);
	IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> monitor = storageGrid.getItemInventory();

	IAEItemStack stack = findStack(monitor.getStorageList(), needle);
	Preconditions.checkArgument(stack != null, "Can't find item fingerprint %s", needle);

	IAEItemStack toExtract = stack.copy();
	if (maxAmount == null || maxAmount < 1 || maxAmount > toExtract.getItemStack().getMaxStackSize()) {
	} else {

	// Actually export the items from the ME system.
	MachineSource machineSource = new MachineSource(host);
	IAEItemStack extracted = monitor.extractItems(toExtract, Actionable.MODULATE, machineSource);
	if (extracted == null) return null;

	ItemStack toInsert = extracted.getItemStack().copy();

	// Put the item in the neighbor inventory
	if (ItemDistribution.insertItemIntoInventory(neighbor, toInsert, direction.getOpposite(), intoSlot.value)) {

	// If we've moved some items, but others are still remaining.
	// Insert them back into the ME system.
	if (toInsert.stackSize > 0) {
		final IAEItemStack toReturn = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack(toInsert);
		monitor.injectItems(toReturn, Actionable.MODULATE, machineSource);

	// Return what we've actually extracted
	return extracted;
Example #4
Source File:    From OpenPeripheral-Integration with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public CraftingRequester(IActionHost original, IArchitectureAccess access, Object requestedStack) {
	this.original = original;
	this.access = access;
	this.requestedStack = requestedStack;