akka.util.Timeout Java Examples

The following examples show how to use akka.util.Timeout. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: ArticleParseClusterClient.java    From learning-akka with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Timeout timeout = new Timeout(Duration.create(5, "seconds"));

    ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("clientSystem");

    Set<ActorSelection> initialContacts = new HashSet<ActorSelection>();
    initialContacts.add(system.actorSelection("akka.tcp://[email protected]:2552/user/receptionist"));
    initialContacts.add(system.actorSelection("akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551/user/receptionist"));

    ActorRef receptionist = system.actorOf(ClusterClient.defaultProps(initialContacts));

    ClusterClient.Send msg = new ClusterClient.Send("/user/workers", articleToParse, false);

    Future f = Patterns.ask(receptionist, msg, timeout);
    String result = (String) Await.result(f, timeout.duration());
    System.out.println("result: " + result);
Example #2
Source File: AkkaTest.java    From java-specialagent with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testAsk(final MockTracer tracer) throws Exception {
  final ActorRef actorRef = system.actorOf(TestActor.props(tracer, false), "ask");
  final Timeout timeout = new Timeout(getDefaultDuration());

  final Future<Object> future = ask(actorRef, "ask", timeout);
  final Boolean isSpanNull = (Boolean)Await.result(future, getDefaultDuration());

  await().atMost(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(TestUtil.reportedSpansSize(tracer), equalTo(2));

  final List<MockSpan> spans = tracer.finishedSpans();
  assertEquals(2, spans.size());
  for (final MockSpan span : spans)
    assertEquals(AkkaAgentIntercept.COMPONENT_NAME, span.tags().get(Tags.COMPONENT.getKey()));
Example #3
Source File: KafkaSagaEventConsumer.java    From servicecomb-pack with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private CompletionStage<String> sendSagaActor(BaseEvent event) {
  try {
    long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Use the synchronous method call to ensure that Kafka's Offset is set after the delivery is successful.
    Timeout timeout = new Timeout(Duration.create(10, "seconds"));
    Future<Object> future = Patterns.ask(sagaShardRegionActor, event, timeout);
    Await.result(future, timeout.duration());
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    metricsService.metrics().doActorAvgTime(end - begin);
    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("OK");
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new CompletionException(ex);
Example #4
Source File: AkkaTest.java    From java-specialagent with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testForward(final MockTracer tracer) throws Exception {
  final ActorRef actorRef = system.actorOf(TestActor.props(tracer, true), "forward");
  final Timeout timeout = new Timeout(getDefaultDuration());

  final Future<Object> future = ask(actorRef, "forward", timeout);
  final Boolean isSpanNull = (Boolean)Await.result(future, getDefaultDuration());

  await().atMost(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(TestUtil.reportedSpansSize(tracer), equalTo(2));

  final List<MockSpan> spans = tracer.finishedSpans();
  assertEquals(2, spans.size());
  for (final MockSpan span : spans)
    assertEquals(AkkaAgentIntercept.COMPONENT_NAME, span.tags().get(Tags.COMPONENT.getKey()));
Example #5
Source File: SshClientActor.java    From java-11-examples with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void onReceive(Object message) throws Throwable {
    if (message instanceof ReceiveTimeout) {
        self().tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), self());
    } else if (message instanceof SessionCreateResponse) {
        SessionCreateResponse sessionCreateResponse = (SessionCreateResponse)message;
        LOG.info("looking for session actor: {}", sessionCreateResponse.getSessionActorAddress());
        Future<ActorRef> actorRefFuture = context().system()
                .actorSelection(sessionCreateResponse.getSessionActorAddress()).resolveOne(Timeout.apply(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        sshSessionActor = Await.result(actorRefFuture, Duration.apply(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        sshClientService.onSessionCreateReply(sessionCreateResponse.getClientId(), sessionCreateResponse.getSessionId(), sshSessionActor, sessionCreateResponse.getSessionActorAddress());
    } else if (message instanceof SessionDataResponse) {
        SessionDataResponse sessionDataResponse = (SessionDataResponse)message;
        sshClientService.onSessionDataReceived(clientId, sessionDataResponse);
    } else if (message instanceof SessionCloseResponse) {
        SessionCloseResponse sessionCloseResponse = (SessionCloseResponse)message;
        sshClientService.onCloseSessionResponse(clientId, sessionCloseResponse);
        self().tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), self());
    } else {
        LOG.info("onReceive: {}", message.getClass().getName());
Example #6
Source File: NoPolTask.java    From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) {
	if (ActorManager.runNopolLocally && !ActorManager.nopolIsRunning) {
	Timeout timeout = new Timeout(scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.fromNanos(20*1000000000));// nano = 10^9
	try {
		ConfigActor configActor = new ConfigActorImpl(nopolContext, Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(outputZip)));
		this.future = Patterns.ask(ActorManager.remoteActor, configActor, timeout);
		if (Plugin.enableFancyRobot) {
		this.response = Await.result(future, timeout.duration());
	} catch (Exception e) {
Example #7
Source File: UdpWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testUdpWorkerBadMsgTypeDefaultType() {
    logger.info("IN testUdpWorkerBadMsgTypeDefaultType");
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        // made a timeout
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(UdpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getUdpMetaSample(), LOCALHOST));
        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.CHECK_FUTURE_STATE,
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #8
Source File: PingWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testSlowAndPollProgress() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(PingWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getPingMetaSample(), "www.google.com"));

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));

        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #9
Source File: UdpWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testUdpWorkerBadMsgType() {
    logger.info("IN testUdpWorkerBadMsgType");
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        // made a timeout
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(UdpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getUdpMetaSample(), LOCALHOST));
        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, new Integer(0),
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #10
Source File: PingWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testTcpWorkerBadMsgType() {
    logger.info("IN testTcpWorkerBadMsgType");
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(PingWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getPingMetaSample(), "www.google.com"));

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, new Integer(0),
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #11
Source File: TcpWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testTcpWorkerBadMsgTypeDefaultType() {
    logger.info("IN testUdpWorkerBadMsgTypeDefaultType");
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        // made a timeout
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(TcpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getTcpMetaSample(), LOCALHOST));
        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.CHECK_FUTURE_STATE,
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #12
Source File: TcpWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testTcpWorkerBadMsgType() {
    logger.info("IN testTcpWorkerBadMsgType");
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        // made a timeout
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(TcpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getTcpMetaSample(), LOCALHOST));
        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, new Integer(0),
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #13
Source File: ExecutorTest.java    From Nickle-Scheduler with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testExecutor() {
    ActorRef server = system.actorOf(ServerActor.props());
    Timeout t = new Timeout(Duration.create(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
    try {
        Future<Object> ask = Patterns.ask(server, "123", t);
        ask.onComplete(new OnComplete<Object>() {
            public void onComplete(Throwable throwable, Object o) throws Throwable {
                if (throwable != null) {
                    System.out.println("some thing wrong.{}" + throwable);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("success:" + o);
        }, system.dispatcher());
    } catch (Exception e) {
Example #14
Source File: TcpWorkerIdleTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testTcpWorkerNormalCheckCompleteForIdle() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    logger.info("IN testTcpWorkerNormalCheckCompleteForIdle");
    try {
        // Start new job

        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(TcpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getTcpMetaSample(), LOCALHOST));

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));

        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #15
Source File: SshWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testSshWorkerDupAndCancel() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        // Start new job

        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(SshWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        SshProviderMockTest.sshMetaPassword, hostIpSample));

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));

        // test dup
        asyncWorker.tell(RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST, asyncWorker);

        // test cancel
        asyncWorker.tell(RequestWorkerMsgType.CANCEL, asyncWorker);

        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #16
Source File: SshWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testSshWorkerBadMsgType() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        // made a timeout
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem()

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));

        // test invalid type
        asyncWorker.tell(new Integer(0), asyncWorker);
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #17
Source File: BootStrapIndexingServiceImpl.java    From searchanalytics-bigdata with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void preparingIndexes() {
	logger.info("Starting index preparation for {}",
	setupIndexMasterActor.tell(IndexingMessage.REBUILD_ALL_INDICES, null);
	final Timeout timeout = new Timeout(Duration.create(10, "seconds"));
	final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
	Future<Object> future = Patterns.ask(setupIndexMasterActor,
			IndexingMessage.REBUILD_ALL_INDICES_DONE, timeout);
	try {
		// Allow only to run for max 5 min. and check every few sec usign
		// thread sleep.
		while (!(Boolean) Await.result(future, timeout.duration())
				&& stopWatch.getTotalTimeSeconds() < 5 * 60) {
			future = Patterns.ask(setupIndexMasterActor,
					IndexingMessage.REBUILD_ALL_INDICES_DONE, timeout);
			logger.debug("Index setup status check, Got back " + false);
			// TODO: use this, based on your time taken by ur env. here, 100
			// ms
		logger.debug("Index setup status check, Got back " + true);
	} catch (final Exception e) {
		logger.debug("Index setup status check, Failed getting result: "
				+ e.getMessage());
		throw new RuntimeException(
				"Error occured while setting up search index!", e);
	logger.debug("All indexing setup finished using Akka system, Enjoy!");
Example #18
Source File: ITActors.java    From akka-java-springfactory with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testActor() throws Exception {
	ActorRef dummyActor = actorSystem.actorOf(SpringProps.create(actorSystem, TestActor.class));
	dummyActor.tell(new TestActor.Increment(), null);
	dummyActor.tell(new TestActor.Increment(), null);
	dummyActor.tell(new TestActor.Increment(), null);

	FiniteDuration duration = FiniteDuration.create(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
	Future<Object> result = ask(dummyActor, new TestActor.Get(), Timeout.durationToTimeout(duration));
	assertEquals(3, Await.result(result, duration));
Example #19
Source File: SpringAkkaIntegrationTest.java    From tutorials with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void whenCallingGreetingActor_thenActorGreetsTheCaller() throws Exception {
    ActorRef greeter = system.actorOf(SPRING_EXTENSION_PROVIDER.get(system).props("greetingActor"), "greeter");

    FiniteDuration duration = FiniteDuration.create(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    Timeout timeout = Timeout.durationToTimeout(duration);

    Future<Object> result = ask(greeter, new Greet("John"), timeout);

    Assert.assertEquals("Hello, John", Await.result(result, duration));
Example #20
Source File: ActorSystemManagerImpl.java    From usergrid with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void waitForClientActor( ActorRef ra ) {

        logger.info( "Waiting on ClientActor [{}]...", ra.path() );

        started = false;

        int retries = 0;
        int maxRetries = 60;
        while (retries < maxRetries) {
            Timeout t = new Timeout( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS );

            Future<Object> fut = Patterns.ask( ra, new ClientActor.StatusRequest(), t );
            try {
                ClientActor.StatusMessage result = (ClientActor.StatusMessage) Await.result( fut, t.duration() );

                if (result.getStatus().equals( ClientActor.StatusMessage.Status.READY )) {
                    started = true;
                logger.info( "Waiting for ClientActor [{}] region [{}] for [{}s]", ra.path(), currentRegion, retries );
                Thread.sleep( 1000 );

            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error( "Error: Timeout waiting for ClientActor [{}]", ra.path() );

        if (started) {
            logger.info( "ClientActor [{}] has started", ra.path() );
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException( "ClientActor ["+ra.path()+"] did not start in time, validate that akka seeds are configured properly" );
Example #21
Source File: SshWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testSshWorkerTimeoutException() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        // Start new job
        // made a timeout
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 0;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem()

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #22
Source File: TcpWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * fake a NPE in bootStrapTcpClient
public void testBootStrapTcpClient() {
    logger.info("IN testTcpWorkerException");
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        // Start new job
        TcpMeta meta = getTcpMetaSample();
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(TcpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        meta, LOCALHOST));
        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);


        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
Example #23
Source File: TcpWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * fake a NPE of logger; do not forget to reset it or other tests will fail.
public void testTcpWorkerException() {
    logger.info("IN testTcpWorkerException");
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        // Start new job
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(TcpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getTcpMetaSample(), LOCALHOST));
        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.CANCEL,
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);


        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #24
Source File: TcpWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testTcpWorkerDupAndCancel() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    logger.info("IN testTcpWorkerDupAndCancel");
    try {
        // Start new job

        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(TcpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getTcpMetaSample(), LOCALHOST));

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));
        // test dup
        asyncWorker.tell(RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST, asyncWorker);

        // test cancel
        asyncWorker.tell(RequestWorkerMsgType.CANCEL, asyncWorker);
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #25
Source File: TcpWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testTcpWorkerNormalCheckComplete() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    logger.info("IN testTcpWorkerNormalCheckComplete");
    try {
        // Start new job

        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(TcpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getTcpMetaSample(), LOCALHOST));

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));

        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #26
Source File: PingWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * fake a NPE of logger; do not forget to reset it or other tests will fail.
public void testException() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    try {
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(PingWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getPingMetaSample(), "www.google.com"));

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.CANCEL,
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #27
Source File: PingWorkerTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDupAndCancel() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    logger.info("IN testTcpWorkerDupAndCancel");
    try {
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 15;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(PingWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getPingMetaSample(), "www.google.com"));

        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));
        // test dup
        asyncWorker.tell(RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST, asyncWorker);

        // test cancel
        asyncWorker.tell(RequestWorkerMsgType.CANCEL, asyncWorker);
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
        // Start new job
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);
Example #28
Source File: AkkaActorITest.java    From java-specialagent with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void testAsk(final ActorSystem system) throws Exception {
  final ActorRef actorRef = system.actorOf(TestActor.props(false), "ask");
  final CountDownLatch latch = TestUtil.initExpectedSpanLatch(2);

  final Future<Object> future = ask(actorRef, "ask", new Timeout(getDefaultDuration()));
  final Boolean isSpanNull = (Boolean)Await.result(future, getDefaultDuration());
  TestUtil.checkSpan(latch, new ComponentSpanCount("java-akka", 2, true));
Example #29
Source File: AkkaActorITest.java    From java-specialagent with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void testForward(final ActorSystem system) throws Exception {
  final ActorRef actorRef = system.actorOf(TestActor.props(true), "forward");
  final CountDownLatch latch = TestUtil.initExpectedSpanLatch(2);

  final Future<Object> future = ask(actorRef, "forward", new Timeout(getDefaultDuration()));
  final Boolean isSpanNull = (Boolean)Await.result(future, getDefaultDuration());

  TestUtil.checkSpan(latch, new ComponentSpanCount("java-akka", 2, true));
Example #30
Source File: TcpWorkerIdleTest.java    From parallec with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Timeout here: as if in the none idle one, will immediately return and not to timeout.
public void testTcpWorkerTimeoutException() {
    ActorRef asyncWorker = null;
    logger.info("IN testTcpWorkerTimeoutException in idle");
    try {
        // Start new job
        // made a timeout
        int actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec = 0;
        asyncWorker = ActorConfig.createAndGetActorSystem().actorOf(
                Props.create(TcpWorker.class, actorMaxOperationTimeoutSec,
                        getTcpMetaSample(), LOCALHOST));
        final FiniteDuration duration = Duration.create(20,
        Future<Object> future = Patterns
                .ask(asyncWorker, RequestWorkerMsgType.PROCESS_REQUEST,
                        new Timeout(duration));
        ResponseOnSingeRequest response = (ResponseOnSingeRequest) Await
                .result(future, duration);

        logger.info("\nWorker response:" + response.toString());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

        logger.error("Exception in test : " + ex);