akka.stream.javadsl.Flow Java Examples

The following examples show how to use akka.stream.javadsl.Flow. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: AbstractGraphActor.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private SourceQueueWithComplete<T> getSourceQueue(final ActorMaterializer materializer) {
    // Log stream completion and failure at level ERROR because the stream is supposed to survive forever.
    final Attributes streamLogLevels =
            Attributes.logLevels(Attributes.logLevelDebug(), Attributes.logLevelError(),

    return Source.<T>queue(getBufferSize(), OverflowStrategy.dropNew())
            .log("graph-actor-stream-1-dequeued", logger)
            .log("graph-actor-stream-2-preprocessed", logger)
            .log("graph-actor-stream-3-processed", logger)
Example #2
Source File: ResumeSource.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Create a flow that delays its elements with exponential backoff and reset after no element passes through the
 * stream for a fixed period of time. Stream elements represent failures and are logged as errors.
 * <ul>
 * <li>Emits when: upstream emits.</li>
 * <li>Completes when: upstream completes.</li>
 * <li>Cancels when: never - this is a part of a feedback loop.</li>
 * <li>Fails when: {@code maxRestarts} elements pass through the stream.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param minBackoff Minimum backoff duration.
 * @param maxBackoff Maximum backoff duration.
 * @param maxRestarts Maximum number of tolerated failures. Tolerate no failure if 0. Tolerate arbitrarily many
 * failures if negative.
 * @param recovery The period after which backoff is reset to {@code minBackoff} if no failure occurred.
 * @param <E> Type of stream elements.
 * @return A delayed flow.
private static <E> Flow<E, E, NotUsed> backoff(final Duration minBackoff, final Duration maxBackoff,
        final int maxRestarts, final Duration recovery) {
    final Flow<E, E, NotUsed> neverCancelFlowWithErrorLogging = Flow.<E>create()
            .withAttributes(logLevels(logLevelInfo(), logLevelDebug(), logLevelInfo()))
            .via(new NeverCancelFlow<>());

    final Flow<E, E, NotUsed> upstream = maxRestarts < 0
            ? neverCancelFlowWithErrorLogging
            : maxRestarts == 0
            ? neverCancelFlowWithErrorLogging.flatMapConcat(ResumeSource::failWithLimitsReached)
            : neverCancelFlowWithErrorLogging.limit(maxRestarts);

    return upstream.statefulMapConcat(() -> new StatefulBackoffFunction<>(minBackoff, maxBackoff, recovery))
            .flatMapConcat(pair ->
                            .delay(pair.second(), OverflowStrategy.backpressure())
Example #3
Source File: EnforcementFlow.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Source<SudoRetrieveThingResponse, NotUsed> sudoRetrieveThing(final ThingId thingId) {
    final SudoRetrieveThing command =
            SudoRetrieveThing.withOriginalSchemaVersion(thingId, DittoHeaders.empty());
    final CompletionStage<Source<SudoRetrieveThingResponse, NotUsed>> responseFuture =
            // using default thread-pool for asking Things shard region
            Patterns.ask(thingsShardRegion, command, thingsTimeout)
                    .handle((response, error) -> {
                        if (response instanceof SudoRetrieveThingResponse) {
                            return Source.single((SudoRetrieveThingResponse) response);
                        } else {
                            if (error != null) {
                                log.error("Failed " + command, error);
                            } else if (!(response instanceof ThingNotAccessibleException)) {
                                log.error("Unexpected response for <{}>: <{}>", command, response);
                            return Source.empty();

    return Source.fromSourceCompletionStage(responseFuture)
            .viaMat(Flow.create(), Keep.none());
Example #4
Source File: EnforcementFlow.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Source<Entry<Enforcer>, NotUsed> readCachedEnforcer(final Metadata metadata,
        final EntityIdWithResourceType policyId, final int iteration) {

    final Source<Entry<Enforcer>, ?> lazySource = Source.lazily(() -> {
        final CompletionStage<Source<Entry<Enforcer>, NotUsed>> enforcerFuture = policyEnforcerCache.get(policyId)
                .thenApply(optionalEnforcerEntry -> {
                    if (shouldReloadCache(optionalEnforcerEntry.orElse(null), metadata, iteration)) {
                        // invalid entry; invalidate and retry after delay
                        return readCachedEnforcer(metadata, policyId, iteration + 1)
                    } else {
                        return optionalEnforcerEntry.map(Source::single)
                .exceptionally(error -> {
                    log.error("Failed to read policyEnforcerCache", error);
                    return ENFORCER_NONEXISTENT;

        return Source.fromSourceCompletionStage(enforcerFuture);

    return lazySource.viaMat(Flow.create(), Keep.none());
Example #5
Source File: ResumeSource.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Create a flow from seeds to either elements or failure with reason and the previous N elements that passed
 * through the stream before the failure. For maximum information, even elements emitted 2 or more failures ago
 * are kept in the look-behind queue.
 * <ul>
 * <li>Emits when: stream created by {@code resume} emits or fails.</li>
 * <li>Completes when: a stream created by {@code resume} completes.</li>
 * <li>Cancels when: downstream cancels.</li>
 * <li>Fails when: never.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param resume Creator of a stream of elements from a resumption seed.
 * @param lookBehind How many elements to keep in memory to create the next seed on failure.
 * @param <S> Type of seeds.
 * @param <E> Type of elements.
 * @return A never-failing flow.
private static <S, E> Flow<S, Either<FailureWithLookBehind<E>, E>, NotUsed> resumeWithFailuresAppended(
        final Function<S, Source<E, ?>> resume, final int lookBehind,
        final Function<Throwable, Optional<Throwable>> resumeOrMapError) {

    return Flow.<S>create()
            .flatMapConcat(seed -> resume.apply(seed)
                    .concat(Source.single(new EndOfStream<>()))
                            new PFBuilder<Throwable, Graph<SourceShape<Envelope<E>>, NotUsed>>()
                                    .matchAny(error -> resumeOrMapError.apply(error)
                                            .<Source<Envelope<E>, NotUsed>>map(Source::failed)
                                            .orElseGet(() -> Source.single(new Error<>(error)))
            .via(new EndStreamOnEOS<>())
            .buffer(1, OverflowStrategy.backpressure())
            .statefulMapConcat(() -> new StatefulLookBehindFunction<>(lookBehind));
Example #6
Source File: MongoSearchUpdaterFlow.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // java 8 can't handle graph DSL types
private static <A, B, C, D> Graph<FlowShape<A, C>, NotUsed> assembleFlows(
        final Flow<A, B, NotUsed> stage1Flow,
        final Flow<B, C, NotUsed> stage2Flow,
        final Flow<B, D, NotUsed> sideChannelFlow,
        final Flow<Pair<C, D>, C, NotUsed> resultProcessorFlow) {

    return GraphDSL.create(builder -> {
        final FlowShape<A, B> stage1 = builder.add(stage1Flow);
        final FlowShape<B, C> stage2 = builder.add(stage2Flow);
        final FlowShape<B, D> sideChannel = builder.add(sideChannelFlow);
        final FlowShape<Pair<C, D>, C> resultProcessor = builder.add(resultProcessorFlow);

        final UniformFanOutShape<B, B> broadcast = builder.add(Broadcast.create(2));
        final FanInShape2<C, D, Pair<C, D>> zip = builder.add(Zip.create());


        return FlowShape.of(stage1.in(), resultProcessor.out());
Example #7
Source File: HttpPushFactoryTest.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void newBinding() {
    requestQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
    responseQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();

    final Flow<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed> handler =
                    .mapAsync(1, request -> {
                        return responseQueue.take();
                    .mapMaterializedValue(killSwitch -> {
                                .thenAccept(_void -> killSwitch.shutdown());
                        return NotUsed.getInstance();
    binding = Http.get(actorSystem).bindAndHandle(handler, ConnectHttp.toHost("", 0), mat)
Example #8
Source File: HttpPushClientActorTest.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void createActorSystem() {
    // create actor system with deactivated hostname blacklist to connect to localhost
    actorSystem = ActorSystem.create(getClass().getSimpleName(),
    mat = ActorMaterializer.create(actorSystem);
    requestQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
    responseQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
    handler = Flow.fromFunction(request -> {
        return responseQueue.take();
    binding = Http.get(actorSystem)
            .bindAndHandle(handler, ConnectHttp.toHost("", 0), mat)
    connection = getHttpConnectionBuilderToLocalBinding(false, binding.localAddress().getPort()).build();
Example #9
Source File: DispatcherActor.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private DispatcherActor(final ActorRef enforcerActor,
        final ActorRef pubSubMediator,
        final Flow<ImmutableDispatch, ImmutableDispatch, NotUsed> handler) {


    enforcementConfig = DittoConciergeConfig.of(

    this.handler = handler;
    final Props props = ThingsAggregatorActor.props(enforcerActor);
    thingsAggregatorActor = getContext().actorOf(props, ThingsAggregatorActor.ACTOR_NAME);

    initActor(getSelf(), pubSubMediator);
Example #10
Source File: WebSocketDataCenterServer.java    From ts-reaktive with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private Flow<Message,Message,?> flow(ActorRef shardRegion) {
    return Flow.<Message>create()
        .map(msg -> {
            if (msg.isText()) {
                log.warn("Ignoring unexpected text-kind web socket message {}", msg);
                return Option.<Query.EventEnvelope>none();
            } else {
                return Option.<Query.EventEnvelope>some(Query.EventEnvelope.parseFrom(msg.asBinaryMessage().getStrictData().toArray()));
        .filter(o -> o.isDefined())
        .map(o -> o.get())
        .mapAsync(maxInFlight, e -> ask(shardRegion, e, timeout))
        .map(resp -> (Long) resp)
        .map(l -> BinaryMessage.create(ByteString.fromArray(EventsPersisted.newBuilder().setOffset(l).build().toByteArray())));
Example #11
Source File: WebSocketDataCenterClient.java    From ts-reaktive with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Flow<EventEnvelope,Long,?> uploadFlow() {
    ClientConnectionSettings settings = ClientConnectionSettings.create(system.settings().config());
    return Flow.<EventEnvelope>create()
        .map(e -> (Message) BinaryMessage.create(serialize(e)))
        .via(Http.get(system).webSocketClientFlow(WebSocketRequest.create(uri), connectionContext, Optional.empty(), settings, system.log()))
        .map(msg -> {
            if (msg.isText()) {
                log.warn("Ignoring unexpected text-type WS message {}", msg);
                return 0l;
            } else {
                EventsPersisted applied = EventsPersisted.parseFrom(
                return applied.hasOffset() ? applied.getOffset() : 0l;
        .filter(l -> l > 0);
Example #12
Source File: WebSocketRoute.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Flow<Message, String, NotUsed> getStrictifyFlow(final HttpRequest request,
        final CharSequence correlationId) {
    return Flow.<Message>create()
            .via(Flow.fromFunction(msg -> {
                return msg;
            .map(textMsg -> {
                if (textMsg.isStrict()) {
                    return Source.single(textMsg.getStrictText());
                } else {
                    return textMsg.getStreamedText();
            .flatMapConcat(textMsg -> textMsg.fold("", (str1, str2) -> str1 + str2))
            .via(Flow.fromFunction(result -> {
                LOGGER.withCorrelationId(correlationId).debug("Received incoming WebSocket message: {}", result);
                return result;
            .withAttributes(Attributes.createLogLevels(Logging.DebugLevel(), Logging.DebugLevel(),

Example #13
Source File: WebSocketRoute.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static <T> Flow<DittoRuntimeException, Message, NotUsed> joinOutgoingFlows(
        final Source<T, NotUsed> eventAndResponseSource,
        final Flow<DittoRuntimeException, T, NotUsed> errorFlow,
        final Flow<T, Message, NotUsed> messageFlow) {

    return Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create3(eventAndResponseSource, errorFlow, messageFlow,
            (notUsed1, notUsed2, notUsed3) -> notUsed1,
            (builder, eventsAndResponses, errors, messages) -> {
                final UniformFanInShape<T, T> merge = builder.add(Merge.create(2, true));


                return FlowShape.of(errors.in(), messages.out());
Example #14
Source File: JacksonWriter.java    From ts-reaktive with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a flow that buffers up to [maximumBatchSize] JSON events and writing them together.
 * Buffering is only done if upstream is faster than downstream. If there is demand from downstream,
 * also slower batches will be written.
public static Flow<JSONEvent,ByteString,NotUsed> flow(int maximumBatchSize) {
    return Flow.of(JSONEvent.class)
        .batch(maximumBatchSize, event -> {
            List<JSONEvent> l = new ArrayList<>();
            return l;
        }, (list, event) -> {
            return list;
        }).via(new JacksonWriter());
Example #15
Source File: StaxWriter.java    From ts-reaktive with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a flow that buffers up to [maximumBatchSize] XML events and writing them together.
 * Buffering is only done if upstream is faster than downstream. If there is demand from downstream,
 * also slower batches will be written.
public static Flow<XMLEvent,ByteString,NotUsed> flow(int maximumBatchSize) {
    return Flow.of(XMLEvent.class)
        .batch(maximumBatchSize, event -> {
            List<XMLEvent> l = new ArrayList<>();
            return l;
        }, (list, event) -> {
            return list;
        }).via(new StaxWriter());
Example #16
Source File: KafkaPublisherActorTest.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void setupMocks(final TestProbe probe) {
    connectionFactory = mock(KafkaConnectionFactory.class);
                    Flow.fromFunction(envelope -> {
                        final ProducerMessage.Message<String, String, Object> message =
                                (ProducerMessage.Message<String, String, Object>) envelope;
                        return createResult(message);
Example #17
Source File: ProtocolFilter.java    From ts-reaktive with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a flow that feeds each event into [selector], and:
 * - If the selector emits a result, that result, and further results that also match, are fed through [target], and then merged into the stream.
 * - If the selector emits {@link ReadProtocol#none()}, the event is passed downstream unchanged
 * - If the selector emits a failure, the stream is failed.
public static <E> Flow<E, E, NotUsed> filter(ReadProtocol<E,E> selector, Graph<FlowShape<E,E>, ?> target) {
    return Flow
        .flatMapConcat(t -> {
            // This is safe because all of the "tail" in "prefixAndTail" above comes from the original stream of E.
            Source<E, NotUsed> source = uncheckedCast(t.second());
            return isSelected(t.first().get(0)) ? source.via(target) : source;
Example #18
Source File: HttpFlow.java    From ts-reaktive with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private Flow<ByteString, ByteString, CompletionStage<HttpResponse>> createFlow(HttpMethod method, Uri uri, Option<ContentType> contentType, Predicate<HttpResponse> isSuccess, HttpHeader... headers) {
    Sink<ByteString, Publisher<ByteString>> in = Sink.asPublisher(AsPublisher.WITH_FANOUT); // akka internally recreates this twice, on some errors...
    Source<ByteString, Subscriber<ByteString>> out = Source.asSubscriber();
    return Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat(in, out, Keep.both()).mapMaterializedValue(pair -> {
        RequestEntity entity;
        if (contentType.isDefined()) {
            Source<ByteString, NotUsed> inReader = Source.fromPublisher(pair.first());
            entity = HttpEntities.createChunked(contentType.get(), inReader);
        } else {
            entity = HttpEntities.EMPTY;
        HttpRequest rq = HttpRequest.create().withMethod(method).withUri(uri).addHeaders(Arrays.asList(headers)).withEntity(entity);
        return http.singleRequest(rq).thenApply(resp -> {
            if (isSuccess.test(resp)) {
                    .runWith(Sink.fromSubscriber(pair.second()), materializer);
            } else {
                log.info("Http responded error: {} for request {}", resp, rq);
                pair.second().onError(new IllegalStateException("Unsuccessful HTTP response: " + resp + " for " + rq));
            return resp;
        }).exceptionally(x -> {
            Throwable cause = (x instanceof CompletionException) ? x.getCause() : x;
            if (!(cause instanceof IllegalStateException)) {
                log.info("Could not make http request " + rq, cause);
            throw (cause instanceof RuntimeException) ? (RuntimeException) x : new RuntimeException(cause);
Example #19
Source File: HomeController.java    From tutorials with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private CompletionStage<F.Either<Result, Flow<JsonNode, JsonNode, ?>>>
  createActorFlow2(Http.RequestHeader request) {
    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(
      .map(username ->
        F.Either.<Result, Flow<JsonNode, JsonNode, ?>>Right(
      .orElseGet(() -> F.Either.Left(forbidden())));
Example #20
Source File: DataImporter.java    From tutorials with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private Flow<Integer, Double, NotUsed> computeAverage() {
    return Flow.of(Integer.class).grouped(2).mapAsyncUnordered(8, integers ->
            CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> integers
                    .mapToDouble(v -> v)
Example #21
Source File: DataCenterForwarder.java    From ts-reaktive with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private Sink<EventEnvelope,NotUsed> filteredDataCenterSink() {
    return Flow.<EventEnvelope>create()
        .mapAsync(parallelism, e -> {
            return visibilityRepo.isVisibleTo(dataCenter, e.persistenceId()).thenApply(v -> {
                log.debug("Visibility of {}: {}", e, v);
                return Tuple.of(e,v);});
        .filter(t -> t._2)
        .map(t -> t._1)
        .to(Sink.actorRef(self(), new Failure(new IllegalStateException("Remote datacenter closed connection"))));
Example #22
Source File: MessageMappingProcessorActor.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Create a flow that splits 1 outbound signal into many as follows.
 * <ol>
 * <li>
 *   Targets with matching filtered topics without extra fields are grouped into 1 outbound signal, followed by
 * </li>
 * <li>one outbound signal for each target with a matching filtered topic with extra fields.</li>
 * </ol>
 * The matching filtered topic is attached in the latter case.
 * Consequently, for each outbound signal leaving this flow, if it has a filtered topic attached,
 * then it has 1 unique target with a matching topic with extra fields.
 * This satisfies the precondition of {@code this#enrichAndFilterSignal}.
 * @return the flow.
private static Flow<OutboundSignalWithId, Pair<OutboundSignalWithId, FilteredTopic>, NotUsed> splitByTargetExtraFieldsFlow() {
    return Flow.<OutboundSignalWithId>create()
            .mapConcat(outboundSignal -> {
                final Pair<List<Target>, List<Pair<Target, FilteredTopic>>> splitTargets =

                final boolean shouldSendSignalWithoutExtraFields =
                        !splitTargets.first().isEmpty() ||
                                isTwinCommandResponseWithReplyTarget(outboundSignal.getSource()) ||
                                outboundSignal.getTargets().isEmpty(); // no target - this is an error response
                final Stream<Pair<OutboundSignalWithId, FilteredTopic>> outboundSignalWithoutExtraFields =
                                ? Stream.of(Pair.create(outboundSignal.setTargets(splitTargets.first()), null))
                                : Stream.empty();

                final Stream<Pair<OutboundSignalWithId, FilteredTopic>> outboundSignalWithExtraFields =
                                .map(targetAndSelector -> Pair.create(

                return Stream.concat(outboundSignalWithoutExtraFields, outboundSignalWithExtraFields)
Example #23
Source File: MongoSearchUpdaterFlow.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static <T> Flow<Pair<T, StartedTimer>, T, NotUsed> createStopTimerFlow() {
    return Flow.fromFunction(pair -> {
        try {
        } catch (final IllegalStateException e) {
            // it is okay if the timer stopped already; simply return the result.
        return pair.first();
Example #24
Source File: MongoSearchUpdaterFlow.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Create a new flow through the search persistence.
 * No logging or recovery is attempted.
 * @param parallelism How many write operations may run in parallel for this sink.
 * @param maxBulkSize How many writes to perform in one bulk.
 * @param writeInterval Delay between bulk operation requests. MongoDB backpressure is insufficient.
 * @return the sink.
public Flow<Source<AbstractWriteModel, NotUsed>, WriteResultAndErrors, NotUsed> start(
        final int parallelism,
        final int maxBulkSize,
        final Duration writeInterval) {

    final Flow<List<AbstractWriteModel>, List<AbstractWriteModel>, NotUsed> throttleFlow;
    if (Duration.ZERO.minus(writeInterval).isNegative()) {
        throttleFlow = Flow.<List<AbstractWriteModel>>create()
                .delay(writeInterval, DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure());
    } else {
        throttleFlow = Flow.create();

    final Flow<Source<AbstractWriteModel, NotUsed>, List<AbstractWriteModel>, NotUsed> batchFlow =
            Flow.<Source<AbstractWriteModel, NotUsed>>create()
                    .flatMapConcat(source -> source.grouped(maxBulkSize))

    final Flow<List<AbstractWriteModel>, WriteResultAndErrors, NotUsed> writeFlow =
                    .flatMapMerge(parallelism, this::executeBulkWrite)
                    // never initiate more than "parallelism" writes against the persistence
                    .withAttributes(Attributes.inputBuffer(parallelism, parallelism));

    return Flow.fromGraph(assembleFlows(batchFlow, writeFlow, createStartTimerFlow(), createStopTimerFlow()));
Example #25
Source File: SearchUpdaterStream.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private <T> Flow<T, T, NotUsed> blockNamespaceFlow(final Function<T, String> namespaceExtractor) {
    return Flow.<T>create()
            .flatMapConcat(element -> {
                final String namespace = namespaceExtractor.apply(element);
                final CompletionStage<Boolean> shouldUpdate = blockedNamespaces.contains(namespace)
                        .handle((result, error) -> result == null || !result);
                return Source.fromCompletionStage(shouldUpdate)
                        .map(bool -> element);
Example #26
Source File: SearchUpdaterStream.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private <T> Flow<Map<ThingId, T>, Map<ThingId, T>, NotUsed> filterMapKeysByBlockedNamespaces() {
    return Flow.<Map<ThingId, T>>create()
            .flatMapConcat(map ->
                            .via(blockNamespaceFlow(entry -> entry.getKey().getNamespace()))
                            .fold(new HashMap<>(), (accumulator, entry) -> {
                                accumulator.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                                return accumulator;
Example #27
Source File: SearchActor.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private <T> Source<T, NotUsed> processSearchPersistenceResult(Source<T, NotUsed> source,
        final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders) {

    final Flow<T, T, NotUsed> logAndFinishPersistenceSegmentFlow =
            Flow.fromFunction(result -> {
                // we know that the source provides exactly one ResultList
                LogUtil.enhanceLogWithCorrelationId(log, dittoHeaders.getCorrelationId());
                log.debug("Persistence returned: {}", result);
                return result;

    return source.via(logAndFinishPersistenceSegmentFlow);
Example #28
Source File: SearchActor.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private <T> Flow<T, Object, NotUsed> stopTimerAndHandleError(final StartedTimer searchTimer,
        final WithDittoHeaders<?> command) {
    return Flow.<T, Object>fromFunction(
            element -> {
                return element;
            .recoverWithRetries(1, new PFBuilder<Throwable, Graph<SourceShape<Object>, NotUsed>>()
                    .matchAny(error -> {
                        return Source.single(asDittoRuntimeException(error, command));
Example #29
Source File: SearchActor.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private <T extends Command> void executeCount(final T countCommand,
        final Function<T, Query> queryParseFunction,
        final boolean isSudo) {
    final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders = countCommand.getDittoHeaders();
    final Optional<String> correlationIdOpt = dittoHeaders.getCorrelationId();
    LogUtil.enhanceLogWithCorrelationId(log, correlationIdOpt);
    log.info("Processing CountThings command: {}", countCommand);
    final JsonSchemaVersion version = countCommand.getImplementedSchemaVersion();

    final String queryType = "count";

    final StartedTimer countTimer = startNewTimer(version, queryType);

    final StartedTimer queryParsingTimer = countTimer.startNewSegment(QUERY_PARSING_SEGMENT_NAME);

    final ActorRef sender = getSender();

    final Source<Object, ?> replySource = createQuerySource(queryParseFunction, countCommand)
            .flatMapConcat(query -> {
                LogUtil.enhanceLogWithCorrelationId(log, correlationIdOpt);
                final StartedTimer databaseAccessTimer =

                final Source<Long, NotUsed> countResultSource = isSudo
                        ? searchPersistence.sudoCount(query)
                        : searchPersistence.count(query,

                return processSearchPersistenceResult(countResultSource, dittoHeaders)
                        .via(Flow.fromFunction(result -> {
                            return result;
                        .map(count -> CountThingsResponse.of(count, dittoHeaders));
            .via(stopTimerAndHandleError(countTimer, countCommand));

    Patterns.pipe(replySource.runWith(Sink.head(), materializer), getContext().dispatcher()).to(sender);
Example #30
Source File: EventSniffer.java    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Create an async flow for event sniffing.
 * @param request the HTTP request that started the event stream.
 * @return flow to pass events through with a wiretap attached over an async barrier to the sink for sniffed events.
default Flow<T, T, NotUsed> toAsyncFlow(final HttpRequest request) {
    return Flow.<T>create().wireTap(
                    .to(Sink.lazyInitAsync(() -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(